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10/11/2006 9:09 PM EST
Qaydiid i agree with you 100% with your comments.
What we need to understand is that there are people
that don't want to see us (Somalis) to unite and live
peace, therefore, their dicisions are to divide us, so
the only way we (Somalis) can win is to uinte and stand
as one, however, one has to remember, it will not be
easy process, but it is doable process. We (Somalis)
must be patient and persevere all abstacles, and then
we win as one.
Ilaahay hanaga qabto gaalo iyo wixii dabadhilif u ah.
10/9/2006 11:35 PM EST
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
The recent AFP’s news in this site (last week) clearly shows (for any Somalian with functioning brain) that our sufferings are great benefit to Ethiopians and Kenyans. The United States said that it would now give six powerful armoured speedboats to Kenya to boost patrols along its Indian Ocean coast because of the fear of our unrest. What unrest? Is cleaning warlord’s problems unrest? Is organising ourselves (in a way Allah has prescribed us) unrest? Wake up brothers and sisters in Islam! Wake up Somalians! Until we prove that we are capable to organise ourselves in a way we want, they (the enemy of our development) will treat us like monkeys.
Your Digital friend,
10/9/2006 5:07 AM EST
I take off my hat for you Mr! you made it crystal clear that the best way to unite our nation is to gain their hearts and minds by constructive dialogue and not by intimidation and extortion.And for the UIC;You need to confess the nation that your motives are genuine and for the interest of all somalians not for tribal or personal gains.
10/6/2006 10:07 PM EST
If I speak as court respecter to you who represent them, I will say, what is the solution, you sound great, would you advise us, and more easy with us, We are appologzing Mr amin arts, but let him not lie on any human, I will say, you are talking abou case, and you sounded more brother, what do you them us to do, please advise us,, Lol, I sounded like them in this term, every muslim is representive for the courts, and we should advise them, you said you want them us to support well learned somalis who are spread on the globe and those in here, how dear you acted in the last stage we are bad goverment and rigme, hey guys let us support them, I have many ears for them, insha allah, sool, sanaag, howd toogdheer, iyo dhulbadan OO ku hareeraysan in aay rabaan Qukun islami ah oo aay naaftoda iyo malkoooda UU hudhitoona ,insha allah illa waxaanu keeni doona, mashaa aa ka soo waramayo, insha allah shareecadu waay soocan ha na ka yabiiina iftiinka suu in uu dumayo, wuu sii waynan, oo wuu sii itiimi muqaalka loo yaqaan nuur ama shine, (will shine over them, and we were talking about the Jewish) walaalayaan, iftiin ayaa, ifi doona, kutumka alle wuu soo noqonaya isagoo, nuuraya, aan nina ku xaad gudbi kariin, insha allah!
10/6/2006 7:29 PM EST
I am impressed the way to touched the point. “Hargaysa and Boosaaso are not like
Mogadisho in terms of stability,” as Abdirahman stressed. The COURTS have come
upideas to attract or get the support of the inhabitants of those areas. The courts
also have to come clean (very clean) when it comes to the issues of the Sh/Hoose
ahmed sheikh os
10/6/2006 4:13 PM EST
Well done Abdull, I loved your objective article and tahnk you
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