8 comment(s)
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    Genuine_Somali @ 7/16/2007 9:28 AM EST
 Mr. Ghalib does not have the moral standing to criticize anyone on the Somali plight. The likes of Mr. Ghalib are directly responsible the mess Somali is in. As a Siad Barreh’s cabinet member, he oversaw the mutilation of Somali fabric [and being] by playing one tribe against another and sowing mistrust and animosity among the Somali tribes/Clans. Today's Somali quandary is the direct consequence of his making. It's immoral for a man in his standing to criticize others who are trying repair the damages caused by him.
    jabhad1 @ 7/15/2007 12:29 PM EST
 Mr. Galib seem to be becoming desparte thus losing his focus. This is a man who respected most of somali people because of service to somali people during 60's and 70's when he was among the best educated police officers in the country. He wrote books talking to Somali history and he details in some of those books or articles, the best way out of this mishap. However, for him to talk about international delegates are coming to Mogadishu airport with bags of us dollar so they can bride those who are attendng somali conference is unbelievable and was not expected from him to said. But we all know that when a person reached certain level of disparation, anything is possible and I am vey concern about him that we lose such a man to this type of propaganda.
    someone @ 7/14/2007 10:34 PM EST
 Dear writer,
We will wait until you calm down and come up with a Somali centered ideas rather than mouthing the international community. We need to see and solve inside, not outside.
    shanta @ 7/14/2007 12:19 PM EST
 The general seems upset?
    hamdi @ 7/13/2007 7:13 PM EST
inuunan warkuba micno laheyn waxaa kugu filaa
ciwaanka BBC baa tiri ah, wax BBC laga yiri
waa inaad iska garataa inuu wax macno ah leyahen
qof soomaliyeed, wixii warka ka soo koobiya
waxay sheegaan kaba sii daran.

baroorta orgiga ka wayne lol
bal dad ka qaracansan maxaa loo heshiinayaa xagaad
gayn? marba geed ha isku qaadaa, marba meel aan
jirin ha ka cawdaan. Soomali insha Allah waa
hashiin, waxii dhib maanta joogana barri waa
iska dhamaan, lakiin dadka qaarkii bad
dhaqdaa in loo wayaan ka baqi lol
    Libertarian @ 7/13/2007 6:18 PM EST
 Good article.

When people with seemingly functioning faculties, advocate the subordination of the National interest of the Somali nation to the whims of a two bit, banana republic dictator, i get angry. When i realize the reason for this monumental treachery is really no more than blind loyalty to a particular Qabil...i get sad. Now i admit some in the resistance aren't exactly nice people, and to be fair some of the "bearded boys" blowing things up are down right lunatics. But, i just can't stomach the alternative; A proxy rule by Zenawi. Why is our only two choices between a Vichy, non representative Government and a Klashnikov wielding jihadi lunatics.

Somaliyey, we've met the enemy...AND HE IS US!
    caraweelo @ 7/13/2007 5:12 PM EST
 Waxaan damcay in aan dhuuxo warkaaga oo aan ku deg degin inaan go'aansado qoraalkaaga inuusan micno lahayn, baanse ka yaabay markaad ka hadashay Suuqa Bakaaraha oo aad leedahay waa la dhacayaa iwm, ayadoo runtii aan wada og nahay Suuqaas uu yahay meesha sarta ay ka quruntay ama Magaalada Xamar iyo meelo badan oo Somaaliya ah hubka looga dhoofiyo ama qalqalkooda laga soo abaabulo.
    cxasan @ 7/13/2007 3:46 PM EST
 Thank you for revealing the sinister agenda of the so called Contact Group.
I wish many Somalis are like you

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