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    raage @ 5/11/2007 6:46 PM EST
 Erigavo @ 5/7/2007 12:03 AM EST

waryaa nacass horta ninkan reer kenya ee ugaalida ka dhargay ee
simad lagu dhex ilaaliyo waxba kama oga somalia iyo waxa
isku hayaa waa nin aan three years ka bixin simad dhexdiisa

any how ervigavo hawiye is the most strongest and dominating clan in somalia
and they will be when it cames to habargidir and other hawiye clans
whom u think they have got properties of darood they dont have
darood left mugadishu houses mostly and they sold becouse of gaajo darteed
so i dont think all darood people used to have houses in mugadishu just mareexaan
and they sold am telling you the truth. any way those majerteen from
dhagaxyada boosaaso oo gajadu dishay they can came and stay mugadisho without is qaad qaad
iyo kibir unless they will be given hard lucture like the ethopians
let us come to the reality and bild back our country hadii kale
you will remain under the coleny of ethopia anagana hadey naga
tageysaa oo maxaakimtii ayaa noo soo labanaaya mida kale adeer hadii ay diidaayaan
inay guryo celiyaan habargidir maxaakimtii ayay la dagaali lahaayeen soo mahan
so take care man jareerta soorta ku caqliga ah ha ku dayan.
    coldspring @ 5/7/2007 7:37 AM EST
 a very well balanced article i must say. glad to hear the facts presented without the usual cloud of hypocrasy.
    Erigavo @ 5/7/2007 12:03 AM EST
 The Guardian's highlight:
"The other problem is that the President comes from
the Darood clan and the Hawiye, especially the
Habargidir sub-clan are afraid that he might facilitate
the return of properties belonging to the Darood that
they expropriated when the Siad Barre regime collapsed.
Thus, the struggle is not only for power, but also for the control of resources."

That is the problem in Somalia, not the victor takes all.
Every clan is represented very well in the TFG.

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