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    truth111 @ 7/23/2014 9:05 PM EST
 There are no "civilians" in Mogadishu or Somalia.  The only answer is eradication of that useless wasteland.
    kudeikulov @ 4/6/2007 3:53 AM EST
 aniga aratideyda markaan cabiray waxaa ii soo baxday ineeysan soomaalida fahan saneyn waxa wadan layiraahdo iyo wadaninimada waayo marka saan dhacdo waxaa la arki jiray dad inta kala aragti duwanaashaha, waayo maanta waxa soomaliya kajira waa ka duwan tahay loolan siyaasadeed waa arin loola dan leeyahay in marka hore lagu baabiyo qaabiilda waaweyn kadibna inta kale hadhow madiidin loogu yeelsiiyo maanta wadankeena waxaa qabsaday axmaaro waxaan xal ah dagaal iyo iyadoo layska ilaabo naf jecleysi, soomali mawaxeey ka fiican tahay vietnam inta laba loo qeeybshay ayay hadana xoog ku midoobeen loogagana taqlusay gumaysiga dadban iyo inta hoosta ku wadato oo dhuuni qaad ah oo hadana aan awoodin wax ka qabashada xaalada cakiran ee soomaaliya iyo soomaalinimada
    Ahmed I. Hassan @ 4/5/2007 1:59 AM EST
 Hooray, HOL, for speaking up on the genocide that is taking place in Mogadishu. This has parallels with the one that was perpetuated in Hargeisa and other Somaliland cities in the 1980's. It is utterly disgusting and incomprehensible that so-called governments whose first duty is to protect the very people they are massacring carried out both atrocities.

However, just speaking out about these crimes against humanity is not enough. HOL, responsible Somali organizations and individuals have to do more. In this regard, I would suggest the following:
• Urge, facilitate and promote contributions by Somali Diaspora and other good-hearted people of other nations towards relief for the unfortunate victims of these atrocities through your website. These contributions should be channeled through reputable charity organizations like the Red Cross/Cresent and other reliable local and international relief organizations.
• Document these crimes citing regimes, names, ranks, dates, places etc and then lobby international human rights organizations judicial authorities to initiate crimes against humanity charges against people who are responsible for these crimes.

After Hargeisa, I hoped that such crimes should never befall on Somalis again. Unlike Hargeisa, when most Somalis just looked on the sidelines, we should be neither mute about nor be unchallenging in deeds about the perpetuation of these and similar crimes wherever they take place.
    iila.tali @ 4/4/2007 4:31 PM EST
 Thanks, HOL

better late then never,

History is in the making, Ehtoipian troops
commit mass genocide using TFG persmision
to enter Somalia and commit this crime,
Any one keeps his or her mouth shut
is not with us..  period.

    caraweelo @ 4/4/2007 2:39 PM EST
 kucadaye, I concur you. I have listened the tape provided by some websites and the original tape, exactly it was cut and paste. As you said some anarchist loosers are getting desparate and since they are getting defeated, one last resources that they are pressing is "Hawiyooy Hogaayeey". It is not gonna work, cause a lot of Hawiye have spoken and are fed up with their never ending games.
    kucadaye @ 4/4/2007 1:57 PM EST

It seems the protectors of anarchy in Mogadishu and
their propaganda machine will do anything to twist
the truth.  I thought they have Wadaads among them.

Here is how shabelle.net and HornAfrik doctored a speech
given in 1999 by President Yusuf, then a Puntland boss,
reflecting on the situation in Mogadishu and how the
people see AbdiQasim Arta project.  They did digital cut and
paste and made it as though he is addressing today's situation
in our national capital.  Click here for the truth:


BeenAbuur is a sign of desperation.

    sahalsiidi @ 4/4/2007 9:27 AM EST
Is it your wishful thinking that Puntland Militia kills Mogadishu residents, so that you loose the collective guilt that you carrying around 17 years.
    Yosra @ 4/3/2007 9:03 PM EST
 Heedhe Sahalsiidii

Inay aarsasho tahay waxaa caddeeyey dhiig ya cab Abdilahi
Yosof oo yiri "dadka Xamar xeryaha qaxootiga Kenya ayaan
galin doonaa sida ay noo galeen 1992."

Marka ina adeer waxba ha u marmarsiimo raadin xasuuqa ka dhacay
Moqdisho ee Itoobiyaanka iyo mooryaan Puntland gaysteen.
    sahalsiidi @ 4/3/2007 7:08 PM EST
 Horta HOL way ku saxan yihiin in ay ka hadlaan dadka rayidka ah oo ku dhex dhiNtay bambooyinka labada dhinac ba laga soo tuuraayo. Laakiin mid macqull maaha, waxaan ka dhigayaa in ay tan arsasho tahay, waa wax aan la idinka yeeli doonin. Ka hadLa nimanka bambooyinka ka soo tuuraaya guryaha dumarka, caruurta iyo waayeelka ay ku nool yihiin kana dhigtay gabood, weliba leh waan sii wadeenaa leh dagaalka. Waxa kaliya ay dowlada ka rabto ay tahay hub ka dhigis, nimanka dowlad diidka ah oo wadanka ka fariisan la'ayahay baad u xaglinaysaan sow maaha. SHAME ON YOU HOL.  
    guhad123 @ 4/3/2007 6:02 PM EST
 As the number one Somali portal news, I am very disappointed that Hiiraan took so long to; at least, report the carnages and massacres being subjected to the innocent civilians of Muqdisho. This is not your Dayniile or Allpuntland website; this is an internationally acknowledged website that draws many readers around the world. You let us down Hiiraan Walaahay.
    lula @ 4/3/2007 4:54 PM EST
 Are you Somali or Axmaro? the question about hiiraan
is own by zanawe? but best news is Kismay news.Somalinews
Somali woman fighting is great, that picture is worhted
million dollar.There is no government in Somalia but ocupation.
What part some people don't understand? We know, amxaro will live whether
thery like or not.Yusuf like to have civil war. is not going to happen.He said
hawiye are aganist me? All Somali people are united.  
    hamdi @ 4/3/2007 4:25 PM EST
 the more I read the Somalis and their views the more
I know that a nation once upon time call somali
a proud nation is dead.

Thank you HOL for killing the little hope we had
for siding the anarchist, rapist and separetist.
Somalis you reap what you saw.
disguested Nomad, no nation no country no people
no hope no nothing.
Aan oyee albaabka ii xir!
bye HOL you barbaric supporters
    abu muhammad @ 4/3/2007 4:02 PM EST
 HIIRAAN ONLINE this was long over due, I'm afraid to say too late, but thank you better never. When it comes the existence of Somalia and our people there is no need for balance your must report the facts without fearing anybody's objection, we need heroes like aljazeera who uncovered the un-told story in middle east, though the most powerful country in world was calling for its closure,

so let me ask you HIIRAAN ONLINE who are you afraid for speaking the voiceless Somali people, is it Zanawi, or YUSU, Gedi or BUSH,? I can assure you 98% of Somalis against what is happening in Somalia. Time will tell, and We Somalis will reward for those who defended us and our country, those who stay focus and patriotic in times of difficulties.

Many thanks to the many Somalia media who were never hesitate to speak out against the atrocity committed by Zanwi, Bush, YUSU and Gedi.

We will certainly hold them accountable for their crimes against the Somali People.

For the sake of everyone the issue is far beyond tribalism and please allow me to tell you I'm not hawiye but I truly care and aggravated by what is happening is Somalia  

    @ 4/3/2007 2:34 PM EST
 A well intentioned Editorial but unbalanced one! You should
have published an editorial when the insurgents were hiding
behind women and children, and attacking Peace Keepers.

You shauld have published an Editorial when the insurgents
were dragging dead bodies in the street: an act of savagery
which is against basic Islamic ethics.

Q. Who sat the stage and encouraged the Ethiopians to come?
A. The UIC who swore that they will conquer Addis and sit up an Islamic State in the Horn;

Q. Who in spite of the tragic loss of more than 1,000 Somali youth in December 2006
  once again is intent on engaging in another suicidal misadventure against
  a well-armed state military?
A. The UIC and former UIC members who are now trying to hide behind clan
  cover and cause death and destruction of innoncent Somalis.

oo aad iyo aad uga xunn dhibaatada haysata dadd weynaha
rayidka ah oo hubays nayn oo Moqdisho degan

    hanixin1 @ 4/3/2007 12:29 PM EST
 A tape has recently surfaced and it reveals the true colours of warlord Abdulahi Yusuf. He was taling to a congregation of a very close relatives and he informed them that " Hawiye clan is 90% opposed to our illegitimate government, and they are collecting their weapons and manpower to defend Mogadishu. We will see he wins Mogadishu battle.Clan infighting and revenge will take place."  It is what is expected of someone who is claiming to be president? He rather sounds like a vengeful clan elder.
    shanta @ 4/3/2007 12:03 PM EST
 So what is next? Now that what we all have talked about has taken place in Mogadishu; TFG & the anarchist engulfed in an urban warfare with mounting civilian casualties and no end to the cycle of violence which catapulted our nation into an abyss. How many of us must die before we realize the causes, which we are fighting for are not relevant to our future, but meaningful to our past? Avenging the death shall not be our cause, protecting the living should be our national priority.
    amina_samajecel @ 4/3/2007 11:50 AM EST
 Well done HOL. It is the responsibility of the media
to speak out. I agree with Botaan that you should have
called for the immediate pull out of Ethiopian troops.

No peace while Ethiopian troops occupy our country.

Wardiye, it is obvious that Abdullahi Yusuf is revenging
from the Somali people. First, humiliating them by bringing
Ethiopians into their Country, including the presidential palace
And the ministry of Defence. Then asking them to kill those
who said no to the occupation.

Are you a Somali and do you have feelings? I am
disgusted since the day Ethiopians reached our capital.
I feel like vomiting whenever I think about it.

Insha Allah, we will unite and kick out Ethiopians from
our Country soon. God is Great. God defeated  many tyrants
and Insha Allah will defeat Meles and his companions soon.

    bootaan @ 4/3/2007 10:44 AM EST
 I can't help but wonder why you are not calling for the Ethiopian troops to withdrew and respect the national and territorial integrity of Somalia. I am sure it is not an oversight but your board chose to be silent on the most crucial element of this tragedy.
    SOMSTAR @ 4/3/2007 10:33 AM EST
 The are many casulties of this genocide in Mogadisho, the most significant of it all is the Somali nationhood. I do not beleive I can ever forget how individual and communities calling themselves Somalis can commit and justify what the Ethiopians are doing in Mogadisho. What is worst for this so called goverment - to have a dialogue with fellow Somalis or rain bombs on the heads of innocent people they claim to govern. The Ethiopians will soon realise they are been sucked into a clan warfare and leave Somalia faster they enterd it. where Mr. Jelle and the rest of the traitors will hide.  
    Yosra @ 4/3/2007 10:12 AM EST
 Bold, timely, telling and well-written editorial from HOL.
I was wondering why they are silent about the genocide in the
making. I'm glad that HOL, being well-respected site, has
taken the high road to condemn the TFG's attacks.
    hanixin1 @ 4/3/2007 6:32 AM EST
 Very good editorial, it is important that everyone talks about the massive artocities committed against Somali people in Mogadishu by Ethiopian troops and some milita of their stooges. Ergiopian troops continuesly shelles civilian areas without any provocation. Human rights groups recorded that more than 400 civilians were killed by the criminal bombing and shelling while more than 600 people were wounded all of them civilians. It is also important to hold those Ethiopian and Somali officials who are responsible for this wr crimeto be jailed.
    Waardiye @ 4/2/2007 10:44 PM EST
 “The recent bombardments that convulsed the densely populated neighborhoods of Mogadishu have the hallmarks of vitriol and vengeance.” What vengeance are they talking about” who is revenging from whom?

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