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    abdi yare @ 1/28/2007 10:21 PM EST
 This was a very good article, it is true that Bush and the Neo-consevertives who are currently making the U.S foreign policy are mainly interested in killing and slaughtering muslims every where. It's a fact that the Americans at this moment in time are figting Muslims from each and every angle. this fact could be clarified by their insistence that only moderate Muslims have a future in any somali government in the near future! My question is, Who are moderate Muslims? Who are the radicle Muslims ans Who are the Traditional Muslims? To be honset I can't, for a moment differentiate between those tree terms, but the Americans do know what they mean. It is simple, that if you are a Muslim who can dance to the tune of the West and can at the same time fulfill their interest without considering your religion, then for that matter you are moderate Muslim.Apart from this, America claiming to propagate democracy in the Muslim world cannot and should not decide for the people what they want? I do understand that the current transitional government has no support of the somali public, then what is the poin of U.S and the Ethiopians with the blessing and the military financial help of America supporting it? One has to understand that, the main aim of Ethiopia is to occupy Somalia and the other goal of the U.S is to make Somalia a islamic state that is in the shape of Iraq and Afghanistan, in other words a fallen state. This is so becuase it is in the interest of the American foreign policy but not in the interest of the larger somali people!
    @ 1/27/2007 2:09 PM EST
 i agree with the three wise men who realy knows what they talking about
first Mr Eric,,, he is white man,with honest report and show us his humanity
secondly Mr Nomadic1 very wise man whos his word are well balanced and cure to all Somalis
and finally Mr Adamjama,,another excellent speaker who knows very well history and could be example to al of us
and let me say something to those who have no knowlage what they talking about plz stay away and dont mix with healthy young somalis
who care about their poor fellow Somalis they said a fool never learns his mistake so come on leave alone those poor people if
your bread is ready and sleep evry night peacefully plz sont say nothing and leave them alone,,,khayr ilaahay haydin siiyee
i will finally say my bit,,, the only way we survive and our future children will excist is to end this radiculas long abtirsi habit wich based only
qabiil,,, and replace family name like the rest of the succesful nations use so in that case we wont have anymore tribal desease,
am sure we will be succesful nation like the rest of the world finally thanks for your time
and lets hope the best and new Somali generation,,,we should be example and teach what we learn our adopted countries how they become succesful and pass it to our poor inocent
somalis who have no opportunity to travel and see the other side of the world,, thnx
and be positve,,, lets work hard,,, with the help of almight Allah,,,  
    adamjama @ 1/25/2007 12:37 PM EST
 Somalis should learn from the mistakes of yesterday.
To change Siyad Barre's dictatorship they put the entire country tru civil war and total anarchy.now that the country is divided and under occupation by Ethiopian forces and USA air strikes,you are still talking about Darood,Hawiye,and Isaaq etc. I am wondering when are we going to wake up and smell the coffee.
Let me give you some suggestions for solving some of your problems.Two countries that were facing discontent and division Isreal and Egypt took care of their problems different manner.
Anwar Sadat was assasinated infront of million Egyptions in Ciaro in a national parade by few soldiers,one man down,an entire country saved.
Yitzak Rabin was assasinated infront of the might of Isreali security and hundreds of thousands of Isreals in a parade in Tel-Aviv,one man down,an entire nation saved from civil war and humility.
Since our original strategy since 1991 of tribal fighting did not worked,let us grow up and use different tactics.
Let us just eliminate the traitors,warlords,and stooges one by one at any opportunity we get without draging the entire nation into another civil war,and even If we have to let us give his tribe some blood money,believe me that is a lot cheaper and more humane than hundreds of thousands dead and millions fleeing the fire.
Just a suggestion to my nomadic people......

    Dont_worry @ 1/16/2007 2:19 PM EST
 this a White men that understand what is goin on and you dare him his article garbage your the garbage you starving Ethiopian, Americans dont care about you or me nether does any other countries that my fellow people have seek refuge to, this is the best article i ever read.
    @ 1/16/2007 12:23 PM EST
 Mr. Margolis

If you are a real professional journalist, why you wrote this crab:

"Once again, the administration is recklessly charging into a thicket of tribal politics in a remote nation it knows nothing about. U.S. policy in Somalia is being driven by rabid neocons seeking jihad against the entire Muslim world, by gung-ho, know-nothing generals, and self-serving advice from ally Ethiopia. Eritrea's 1993 secession took away Ethiopia's natural access to the sea, leaving it landlocked. Ethiopia's prime goal in Somalia is seizing one or more deep-water ports, turning Somalia into a protectorate, and crushing any Islamic movements that might inflame its own voiceless Muslims."

Only someone who has been paid or a jackass would write something like this.
    galgalato2 @ 1/16/2007 6:05 AM EST
Thank you for your good article. There are certain Somali people who are blinded by clan loyalty and support of the criminal warlords who belong to their clan. The fact is that Ethiopia illegally invaded Somalia. The warlords who are now dominating are all war criminals who  have blood between on their hands.
    mercano @ 1/16/2007 4:57 AM EST
 Nomadic1. Somalis may well be 100% Muslims, are they 100% Mu'mins?  Are they 100% Muxsins? Washington may have been the tools, but the curse came from heavens. No warlord has attacked the mosque of Allah's pious servants, like that of Shaykh Nuraani in Brava.  The Un Islamic Umbrella, IUC, did.  Alaah SWT, says, 'My Awliyas are under my dome(taxta kibriya'ii), whomsoever comes against them, I shall wage war on them.  So Allah SWT sent his servants, regardless of their faith, actions, etc. however. The pollition from cars do not only affect the car drivers but the bike riders as well. In such manner I clarify divine wisdom for you so you may reflect. The aadaan may one day be called in the White House, May you be honoured to be that one that does so. Amin.
    kayse @ 1/15/2007 11:48 PM EST
    abdik @ 1/15/2007 10:19 PM EST
 Looooooooooooooooooooooool, this is the funiest thing I have read in a long time. Thank you Nuune, I can sleep with a big smile knowing that there are so many idiots like you on the "other" side.

Nuune, few months ago you said I was Abdullahi Yusus's chief Financial officer here in United States. Now I am a college student who goes to University of Minnesota named Abdiwali. Not only that according to you Abdisamad is me and Caraweelo, who by the lives in Canada in case you were wondering, is my cousin named Safiya.

By the way Nuune, do you go to bed every night trying to figure out who Abdik is? Swear, and others in this forum will agree, you have called me everything and you have said I was very much everyone you can name. Nuune, if you are obbsessed with me and want to meet me in person please just tell me where and what and I will send you an invitation. I am really not that special, seriously. I am grey haired, forty plus year old poor farmer from Baraawe. But I do tell few jokes from time to time and I promise you I wont bore you.
    nuune @ 1/15/2007 9:00 PM EST
 Abdisamad, Abdik is a flight13 guy from Gaalkacyo who lives in Minneapolis public housing project. His real name is Abdiweli and he goes to U of MN. He is bigtime reer baadiye and every one knows his narrow-mindedness. I know the guy and see him on school on daily basis. He is always on Hiiraan.
Caraweelo is his cousin and lives in Roseville and goes to U of MN. Her real name is Safiya. She is another flight 13 from Gaalkacyo. She is blinded by tribal hatred
    Somaliunit7 @ 1/15/2007 8:00 PM EST
 As the saying goes There is no Blinder person than
those who refuse to see. It amazes me how a white
journalist from canada has a better grasp of what is
is going on  than some folks here who claim to be somali
and yet cheering up the occupation of their homeland by
 Your type was there even in the early days of Islam
 and they were dealt with swiftly and So You will be too.
    mohammed @ 1/15/2007 6:53 PM EST
 Good take mr margolis only shows how after the
failure of the US-Backed Warlords became in-effective
they had to use other means such as air attacs and such.

I wasn't expecting this from a democratic country such
as the US
    adamjama @ 1/15/2007 6:27 PM EST
 Careful guys what you say about Caraweelo;
Legend has it that Caraweelo use to castrate all men becouse she was the mother of feminism.
Everytime I hear the name Caraweelo,I hold on to everything I got with both hands,so watch it guys this girls can cause some damage.
Also,legend has it that she saved one guy from her policy and he was chianed to her bed for reasons she only knew.(ask Abdisamad if he is chained)?
About the fighting in Mogadisho,fari kama qodna faanoole.

    nomadic1 @ 1/15/2007 5:51 PM EST
 MERCANO says"The war was not called by Washington, but the result of the injustice and hypocritic actions of UIC,
a curse from heavens".

Why not seek justice in the 16 years preceeding the UIC. when these warlords were unleashing untold
and unheard havoc on the defenceless somalis. Where was America and Ethiopia at that time.
MERCANO, you and the  infidels have just surfaced. That is
the benifits of this episode. somalis are 100% good muslims, BLA BLA!!!!
not anymore. Infact, it is a blessing in disguise for sincer somalis because it allowed them
to identify the enemy within. unblievable!!!!!!!!!!

ERIC MARGOLIS had a cleaner heart than many somalis.

    wiliwiliq @ 1/15/2007 5:04 PM EST
 Even if the whole world can see the injustice done to us some people blinded by ignorance and bigotry would say yes bring it, burn them all except me and my family. Alle mahaddii majority can see that we are headed the wrong direction with the leadership of the TFG puppets. Thanks Mr Margolis you have summarised what we have saying all along, we want nothing from neocons but to stay away from us, they massacred innocent nomads and slaughtered their livestock in the name of fighting ter**r perhaps their satellite techs up in the sky saw camels and cows as future ter**sts.

    wariahe @ 1/15/2007 4:33 PM EST
 well said..........keep it up mr margolis........
    mercano @ 1/15/2007 4:26 PM EST
 Mr. Margolis, bush's war is business. But for you to refer to those Un Islamic Courts as..."The conservative Islamic Courts were sympathetic to pan-Muslim causes. But they were not involved in anti-American jihadist movements and had no identifiable links, as Washington loudly claimed", shows how naive you are. The war was not called by Washington, but the result of the injustice and hypocritic actions of UIC, a curse from heavens.
    nomadic1 @ 1/15/2007 2:29 PM EST
 Shukuman cade and yusuf2, fair enough to your comments.
But dont forget there is more to this planet than Somalia and
this comments section.

Go to any international media site, CNN, AP, Reuters, anyone of your chice.
Look at any news regarding Somalis and check the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I promise, you will be horified. That is where we stand
in the eyes of rest of the world. I tell you there is no much joy there so will
not be surprised seeing you here eluding yourselves.
    nomadic1 @ 1/15/2007 2:15 PM EST
 It is one thing getting behind the clueless warlord TFG
but another to come to terms with the reality facing we Somalis.

If America ran out of firewood, Somalis would have been
the first substitute. That is how much we are worth to them. We are just
a cheap land and cheap blood.America is not only an enemy of Islam but
an obstacle to global peace through their arrogance and military supramacy.

Somalis are always the sucrifial lambs.  
    skinny @ 1/15/2007 1:34 PM EST
 Good article.but there are couple of somalis who are still in the dark .but let the sheep remain in the dark as the saying goes .or probably they are getting some food stamps and cash assistance.islam will prevail no matter the cost.but the munafiqiins and the west wannabes we know your ultimate destination is hell.
    deeman15 @ 1/15/2007 1:13 PM EST
 Excellant article summarizing the basic idea of what is going on in the world today. For most people this is common knowledge but for people like Yousef2, who are misguided and ignorant,if not a non-Muslim posing as a Somali, it would be in their best interests to read it before posting their own garbage in this forum.
    shukuman cade @ 1/15/2007 12:20 PM EST
 Good article. Bush needs to mention Somali's success in his fairwell speech.
    Bootaan @ 1/15/2007 11:14 AM EST
 Like father, like son. Somalia came in handy for Bush the elder, after he was defeated in the election, he needed some' jolly' good news, so, he sent his troops to help Somalia. We know how much help they have been. Now, the son needs some jolly good news, so he is sending his troops and ships to help Somalis. Not so jolly news news for Somalis
    Yousef2 @ 1/15/2007 11:14 AM EST
 Mr. Margolis,

What you wrote is garbage. SHUT UP!

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