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    Dr Ali @ 9/23/2007 4:46 AM EST
 I am staunch supporter both ICU and alshabaab. I want to caution like adamjama not to jump a conclusion. overall, since I know a lot I'm moot here.
    kucadaye @ 9/15/2007 3:03 PM EST
 SamantarSoomaal writes?
"Legend1,I'm talking about the contribution of your Islam to human civilization in modern times
....Name a single achievement worthy of mention."

Brother the foundation of what you refer to as 'civilization' was laid down by Muslims,
including the arabic numerals. It seems the Gaal has no concept of
counting let alone coming up with symbols.  I was told by a Gaal friend of mine that
the Gaal of the past use count as follows:


    samantarsoomaal @ 9/15/2007 10:20 AM EST
 Legend1,I'm talking about the contribution of your Islam to human civilization in modern times in all aspects of human endevours,say since 1800 upto today.Name a single achievement worthy of mention.Fardo ayaan kun sano ka hor lahaan jiray waxaa ka fiican dameerro baan leeyahay iminka!
    qig504 @ 9/14/2007 11:40 PM EST
 Hogwash not but not that far from it unless some characters/Identities are to be thrown out of it
    sanaagian. @ 9/14/2007 1:49 PM EST
 Now many people have realized that this conference was a
hogwash. How many prominent members of its early campaign
have broke ranks with them.

Hiiran reported that Ayro broke ranks with this group
and called them phantom group led by hypocrites.

    wadaad yare @ 9/14/2007 11:48 AM EST
 Hore ayaan qoraal ugu sheegey hadii la hor istaago is badalka dabiicigaa ee bulshada, iney ka dhalan karto musiibo weyn.Qabqablayaashii Hawiye oo inta dadkii magaaladu hubka uqaateen cayriyeen iyadoon qabiil loo eegin waxey aheyd is badal bulsho oo taariikhi ah. Is badalkaas waxey aheyd qalad kasta ha lahaadee in loo daayo inuu hore usocdo. Laakiin nasiib daro xoogag waaweyn oo mareykanku horboodayo iyo gaalo yar yar oo gobolkaa ayaa isku kaashadey iney taariikhda dib uceliyaan. Iney soomaalida ku jujuubaan iney qafaal ugu jiraan qabiil iyo qabyaalad, ayna hor joogayaal u ahaadaan qabqablayaashii la nacey!

Dherigii faro bataa wuu fuud xaraareeyaa, ee meeshii waxaa kasoo baxey jawi cakiran oo ku xiriirsan jawiga caalamka islaamkoo cakiran. Sidii looga bixi lahaa waxey ubaahantahay nasiib, xikmad iyo isku duubnaan. Itoobiya in la taageero loogama bixi karo oo waa hubaal iyo Bush meelihii ay lugta geliyeena waad la socotaan halaaga ka socda. Waxaa looga bixi karaa inaan ku mitidno hogaanka cusub ee Asmara laga sameeyey. Waa shacabka dulman oo la gumaadey gumeysigana la geliyey u keenaa wax aan ka aheyn labada doorasho oo ah iney usacbiyaan gumeysigii gumaadkaas u geystey iyo kabihiisa, iyo iney taageeraan xag jiriin halis ah oon dheg la qabto laheyn.  
    hamdi @ 9/14/2007 10:18 AM EST
 Shalom yaa Shabaab kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
kuye islaam baan ahey hal American Yahuuda waa hor
boodayaa war naga daaya dhibka kuligayaan Islam ah
haddaad rabtaan amxaarku inuu baxo runta aan isu
sheegno, nabad dhaliya isagaa doofaarka yari iska
socon doonee... lakiin dad baan qarqarxininaa anagoo
daba socona American taas ma soconeyso, Ilaahey baa
kitaabkiisa ku yiri beenta waa iska dhamataa xaqiiqada
waa daba socotaa. Umada dhibka ka dhaafa waryaada
    D.Africa @ 9/14/2007 9:43 AM EST
  qabdiid: your are right
    Legend1 @ 9/14/2007 8:44 AM EST
 Some people do really need some proper education about Islam, specially the feller samantarsoomaal, all of the civilised world made long journeys to get to Baghdad so that they can learn more about medics, architecture and etc.  It was then the first human operation took place but is so dissapointing that your ignorance about islam is blinding you even on a day light or have they brainwashed you somewhere in the west, you probably know nothing about Islam values you just another wasted westernised wana be loser.
    qabdiid @ 9/14/2007 12:38 AM EST
 Hi Guys,

Leave you short-sighted views or comments in your homes and comment or critically review the article in front of your screens. Here, we have highly opinionated article from Somali intellectual, you are criticising each other for nothing. That is the most unfortunate aspect of Somali culture.
    shanta @ 9/14/2007 12:04 AM EST
 Sam-somal. Ought to be ignored! What a deranged person?
    adamjama @ 9/13/2007 10:40 PM EST
You wrote "Islam contributed human civilization nothing except miseries"! what, are you playing Ayan Hirsi with us? She said in her book, when she was five & in Quranic school, the other kids use to call her 'Kinterleey", because she wasn't circumcised & that is Islam's fault. I wonder what they use to call you in Quranic school that made you hate Islam?
    samantarsoomaal @ 9/13/2007 10:05 PM EST
 The war on terror will continue against Islamic fanatics and their idiotic Somalis.All of you who write in this forum live a life of comfort in western countries.Islam contributed human civilization nothing except miseries!
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/13/2007 6:01 PM EST
 Waddani, my faith is none of your business, just take care of yours. Jowhar was always ant"i union and never liked the south to have any kind of Government, so that he can fulfill his Secessionist dream. Yourself where do you fit in between those sentiments he has. Al-shabaab's unislamic declarations of Jihad against our government and civilians, is nothing new and they will never succeed.  
    waddani10 @ 9/13/2007 11:53 AM EST
 What a mesleading and selective opinion. Where is the original translated document as the author claims in order to verify its authenticity? there are many doubtful sentences that are made by the author. Furthermore, the author presents only one citation in this opinionated piece, a well known story about the Muslim hypocrites during the prophet Pbuh, that is the story about Masjid dirar. Please stop propogating false statement to the readers to get a token recognition and western acknowledgement. But what surprised me the most is the comments posted by Araweello, since when did you start having faith, or is it because his anti union agenda collides with your uncle yusuf's presidency.    
    waddani10 @ 9/13/2007 11:51 AM EST
 What a mesleading and selective opinion. Where is the original translated document as the author claims to verify its authenticity? there are many doubtful sentences that are made by the author. Furthermore, the author presents only one citation in this opinionated piece, a well known story about the Muslim hypocrites during the prophet Pbuh, that is the story about Masjid dirar. Please stop propogating false statement to the readers in order to get a token recognition and western acknowledgement. But what surprised me the most is the comments posted by Araweello, since when did you start having faith, or is it because his anti union agenda collides with your uncle Yusuf's presidency.    
    waddani10 @ 9/13/2007 11:50 AM EST
 What a mesleading and selective opinion. Where is the original translated document as the author claims to verify its authenticity? there are many doubtful sentences that are made by the author. Furthermore, the author presents only one citation in this opinionated piece, a well known story about the Muslim hypocrites during the prophet Pbuh, that is the story about Masjid dirar. Please stop propogating false statement to the readers in order to get a token recognition and western acknowledgement. But what surprised me the most is the comments posted by Araweello, since when did you start having faith, or is it because his anti union agenda collides with your uncle Yusuf's presidency.    
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/13/2007 10:52 AM EST
 I wonder why Abdishakur had chosen to present this document to us, it seems like he is rejoicing and reinforcing how the Southern Somalia is divided and cutting their throats. This is the most extreme doucment that I have ever read and it is dangerous to our faith and culture. If the likes Awees and the other guys in Asmara had joined the list of infedels, Al-shababs is very forieng to our tolerant and peaceful faith.
    shanta @ 9/13/2007 10:07 AM EST
 This is a powerful statement dealing with the inner works of ICU, and its clear indication of betrayal among the leadership. Is Dahir Aweys included in the list of Non Believers, and therefore is a persona non grata among the Shabab Movement?  I was wondering as to why the Asmara Group never once contemplated in calling a truce? Now I know they yield no power in Somalia, but only empty rhetoric’s, as they are now referred as Non-Believers!  We used to simple people who cared for one another, and now we’ve become far more too complex, divided and arrogant in solving our simple issue-among the three groups battling for our lives, who should we choose?
    samiir @ 9/13/2007 9:50 AM EST
 First of all, the author should have provided source references to authenticate this declaration.

But if it’s a true declaration, Somalia must be doomed. Religious extremists thinking they’re fulfilling God’s
will are rampaging the country after the warlords had they turn.

Here’s the danger in extremism thinking; they think enforcing faith matters is their duty, and take upon
themselves to conduct a Jihad to force people into belief. Isn’t that a clear contradiction to God’s will as
clearly stated in the Quran “Had GOD willed, He could have guided them (humans), unanimously”.
For them this statement is not enough but search for other statements in the least likely interpretation to kill others.

In Islam or in other religions, coercion into faith negates the basic reason for the creation of the human
being. God doesn’t want humans to be robotically forced into belief but they should by themselves submit willingly and
for their own good without anyone forcing them. That’s why the Quran says “Laa ikraah fil diin” meaning; there
shouldn’t be any coercion in religion because that’s a clear contradiction to God’s will.

Watch out for extremism, they are very short sighted and devil’s warriors. Because they kill the life God has made  
Sacred in vain!
    samiir @ 9/13/2007 9:46 AM EST
 First of all, the author should have provided source references to authenticate this declaration.

But if it’s a true declaration, Somalia must be doomed. Religious extremists thinking they’re fulfilling God’s
will are rampaging the country after the warlords had they turn.

Here’s the danger in extremism thinking; they think enforcing faith matters is their duty, and take upon
themselves to conduct a Jihad to force people into belief. Isn’t that a clear contradiction to God’s will as
clearly stated in the Quran “Had GOD willed, He could have guided them (humans), unanimously”.
For them this statement is not enough but search for other statements in the least likely interpretation to kill others.

In Islam or in other religions, coercion into faith negates the basic reason for the creation of the human
being. God doesn’t want humans to be robotically forced into belief but they should by themselves submit willingly and
for their own good without anyone forcing them. That’s why the Quran says “Laa ikraah fil diin” meaning; there
shouldn’t be any coercion in religion because that’s a clear contradiction to God’s will.

Watch out for extremism, they are very short sighted and devil’s warriors. Because they kill the life God has made  
Sacred in vain!
    adamjama @ 9/13/2007 8:52 AM EST
If we don't unite in our struggle to free our nation & afterwards, we will be just like Afghanistan.They fought against the Soviets for many years & when they won, they turned their guns on each other for many more years.
Finally, before the Us invaded they had the Taliban in most major cities, Northern Alliance in the country side & Al-Qacida & dozen other freelance groups running around everywhere. Is that a solution? There is a hadith from the prophet(SAW) that says "Man Tafaraqa_al jamaa'ata, faqtululuuhu," He who divides the society,must be killed".
There is also a verse in the Quran that says "Al amru baynakum shura, fa'in cazamtum, fa tawakaluu cala Allah".
"Wixii idin dhex mara ka showra(ka wada hadla), markii aad xal isku raacdaan(majority), Ilaahay tala saarta".
It didn't say anything about follow Cayro or Aweys, or Abdullahi Yusuf, it said follow the majority. I sometimes wonder if the Democracy the West is bragging about was stolen from the Quran (2,500 years ago, we were told follow the majority). It is none of your business if they are diasporo, Intellectuals, Politicians, or women.... as long as they are Muslim you have no choice but to follow the majority opinion, otherwise, you should be killed like the above Hadith says. Let us not venture into a parameters that is too complicated for our nomadic people to understand, let us lower the par & unite our people in any language they understand.
    D.Africa @ 9/13/2007 5:42 AM EST
  sorry i mean...the people IN Asmara are the freedom fighters.
    D.Africa @ 9/13/2007 4:12 AM EST
  What a probaganda...
so you want us to believe this?
well, the people is Asmara are the Freedom fighters....

    sanaagian. @ 9/13/2007 3:07 AM EST
 Here we go again insulting the Dr. Please refrain from
malicious defamation and treating scholarly articles
as if they are trivial.
    lula @ 9/12/2007 11:51 PM EST
 Somalia will be free from Teegrs whether you like or not
we will see were you end up.Somalii diidow silac u dhimoo.
Viva la Somalia.Shirka Asmara ka-naxoo nafta waa.
Dhoolada intay-jooktaa??
    lula @ 9/12/2007 11:42 PM EST
 You are full of garbage,you need to examin your head by a doctor.this is not about
islam or religion.You missing the point.Teegree troops are occupying Somalia.
and killing inocent people.1991 those that Cyideed throw them out from Somali
this Eithipian lovers they are the one wearing xiijab,for 16 years the flight were wearing xiijaab.
We should support our freedom fighters, free Somalia from teegrs we should thank them.
The leaders in Asmara are very patrioric,and has nothing to do with your
obsession with the religion.TFg and there supports are in the black history of Somalia.Good night.

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