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4/15/2007 2:52 AM EST
Well you are correct, but I won't curse their fathers. The point that we peace loving Somalis need to stress is the fact that sometimes force is necessary to root out an evil force. We put the flag of Somalia ahead of the tribal flag.
4/15/2007 2:23 AM EST
Indeed a very sad day... twice this number of refugees are in Kenya
165,000 still in remain in Kenya Dhadhaab Refugee camps
Root cause of our nation misery has always been exported from Mogadishu
and We all know it is the Mooryaans who put the our in this hopeless situatio
and still they are fighting for anarchy in Mogadishu
Ilaahay hanaga qabto xaaraanta xaaraantu dhashay ee dakeena iyo dalkeenaba saaqidiyay
4/15/2007 12:49 AM EST
The TFG must provide immidiate assistance to these people and the Yemeni government must also provide counseling services to these distraught families. A sad day for all Somalis,
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