21 comment(s)
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    haawiya @ 8/9/2007 9:51 AM EST
 What else you expect from a Haawiye editorial team?

they deem appropriate?

I have seen with my naked eyes a young "Haaawiya" woman washing her clothes next to three dead bodies. What you expect from them? Inferiors  
    sadre @ 8/1/2007 5:10 AM EST
 well .well.this website (hiiraan.com) it used to be one of my favourite somali websites, however since the begining of ethiopian invasion in somalia, something dramatically has changed with it .it become the most uterrly biased website somali people have ever seen .and it quite clear people who ere editing are supporter of Zanawi and his slaves .the are misleading their viewers
what a shame  
    Jawiil @ 7/31/2007 2:16 PM EST
 Caraweelo.. the funny thing is .. you excately say what Zanawi and his warlord reps in Mogadishu say... the question is what relates you with those warlords and their master? it is either you are a daughter of one of those warlords, or a business Partner...  
    asaguun123 @ 7/30/2007 3:27 PM EST
 Hiiraanonline is not like the Koran which is the only error-free book in the world and then the Sahiheyn. but to evaluate today's  somali newspapper and domastic websites Hiiraan is in no doubt NO 1.to accuse Hiiraanonline bias and partiality is exageration. i think all somalis agree with me if i say Hiiraanonline is one of the most visitfull website in  the somalispeaking pple..even those who bleive their websites they must after hand visit Hiiraanonline , so that shows that HiiraanOnline is relaible ...
viva Hiiraanonline...
    qig504 @ 7/30/2007 1:16 AM EST
 To be honest this article seems one of the Hiiraan online people has witten to shrugg off the unwellcome feeling from anti Zenawi and the company commentators
    caraweelo @ 7/29/2007 5:26 PM EST
 Ethiopia are in Somalia, cause some of you had threatened to invade not only their country, but the whole Horn of Africa, so this is the reality and live with it. What you call resistance blowing Somalis in every corner, but not one Ethiopian is harmed., it is pathetic to hear certain arguments.
    cxasan @ 7/29/2007 5:48 AM EST
 Had Somalia invaded Ethiopia, I don't think we would have any Ethiopian collabrators, so I would like to remind the author of this article that the warlord government led by Col. Yusuf and its surogate Ethiopians will be ressisted as long as it takes.
    caraweelo @ 7/28/2007 6:40 PM EST
 I am concerned when HOL posts and concentrates on a daily basis articles which contain selectively bombs going off in Mogadishu, but at the same time ignoring any other positive news items. I can't say HOL is anti TFG 100%, but I somewhat believe the editorial is very biased after reading the postings they made over the last couple of years. For gods sake, HOL made the man of the year "Sheikh Sharif" who stands for simple of anarchy and destruction. But at the same time HOL is one of the best Somali websites and to be fair their slight errors are tolerable. Bravo!! HOL.
    Iftiinka-raac @ 7/28/2007 8:16 AM EST
 Media-Media, anyone who educted to the meia 21 frist
Centuary will dring lies, so does not matter who feeds you
wether HOL or BBC SNN. but artical had a focus which's to ell us
to suport Invation of Somali.
    qazi @ 7/27/2007 10:09 PM EST
 I truly agree with the premise of the article. In order for HOL to prove its a transparent and independent
agency, free from bias, it must publish the list of its editorial board members, much like many of the reputable news corporation.
    Jawiil @ 7/27/2007 9:04 PM EST
 Is this a Joke!!! How can they ( the TFG supporters) accuse HOL being against the TFG?? while everyone knows that HOL stands tall among the few Pro TFG websites. C'mon !!
    kucadaye @ 7/27/2007 12:16 PM EST
 Hiiraan, you stated:

"Hiiraan Online has the privilege of having on
its editorial board a very skilled and intellectuals
who hail from different backgrounds with the right
credentials and qualifications. These members of
the editorial board censors and only publish articles
they deem appropriate."

Well, for the sake of transparency (and that is what
all credible publication do) would you publish the names
and credentials of your EDITORIAL BOARD?

Thank you,
Ku Cadaye
    Muhsin @ 7/27/2007 11:48 AM EST
 As much as the western media tarnishes the image of the African continent and Somalia in particular, I would be happy to see the independent and motivating articles from the HOL editorial board.A balanced opinion is fair but when the iron rod is too hot we oftenly see the CNN and BBC turning the truth into rubbishes as per regarding the unjustly attacked weak muslim nation.Kindly let HOL take bold steps by initailising measures to encourage its potential leaders to be true nation builders rather than Tyrant regime supporters.
    anti-traitors @ 7/27/2007 10:58 AM EST
 I dont have problem with those articles, but I have problem when HOL pasting westren media news like reuters, AP, washington post. We can  visit  all those media if we want. Hol supose to report their own news. I dont care if Hol paste 100 pro TFG articles each day because they all same and they are trying to convience us those war criminals are good leaders.
    shanta @ 7/27/2007 10:33 AM EST
 HOL is fair & balanced. Therefore you can't always get what you want, you get what you need.
    george bush @ 7/27/2007 9:51 AM EST
 A BBC reporter once said”when I am criticised from both sides then I know I am doing something right” I think the same goes for Hiiraan online. At times they seem to be a bunch of pro-Ethiopian lackeys while at times somewhat sensible. In comparison to other Somali sites they are a shinning example.
    adamjama @ 7/27/2007 9:21 AM EST
It is a mockery and a joke for anyone to criticize HOL for being against TFG, all you need to do is take the top 10 Articles posted here & figure out how many percent is pro-TFG. But my question to the skilled & intellectuals sitting on the editorial board is why did you respond to this guy only, when almost everybody who posts opinion on this site complained about being censored one time or another & nobody responded to them? I personally asked you on different occasions, Why do you block opinions that are not insulting & are thought provoking remarks?, & I seen many others do the same with frustration, it all went into deaf ears. Now you found the time to respond to someone who is accusing you of everything that you are not(Opposition supporter), that raises some eyebraws. Perhaps, your remark "though subjectively every publisher or writer is always and will alway have biases in his/her writing" summs up your difinition of professional journalism.
Let me see if you respond to my constructive criticism not bunch of shenanigans & windowdressing disguised as criticism & tell this  guy some of us submitted Articles four months ago & never seen it published and I never got any love you note from anybody & I am still happy.
    hillac @ 7/27/2007 9:01 AM EST
 Everyting somali can be bought or sold so why would hirranonline be different?You can buy clan leaders, government leaders and members of parliament so a website is no different from anyting somali.
    aligaagaale @ 7/27/2007 8:10 AM EST
 The opinion articles are mixed.  Some support the invasion and some oppose and condemn the invasion.

    aligaagaale @ 7/27/2007 8:06 AM EST
 I assume the editors of Hiiraan Online operate from western country and they know how media effects people and shapes their thoughts.  100% of the news Hiiraan Online publishes daily, whether the source is Reuters, AP, or other international news agencies or whether it is original Hiiraan Online news from Mogadishu or other parts of Somalia, is a propaganda news that supports the Ethiopian invasion and their presence in Somalia and TFG and its reconciliation conference.  I am not sure the reason behind it but it could either be media ignorance from Hiiraan part or Hiiraan is paid to publish these news?  Hiiraan is not alone on this.  Lately, Mogadishu Media like Shabelle became the voice of the enemy by publishing their propaganda.  
    shati-aqonyahan @ 7/27/2007 7:29 AM EST
I can't believe any one is accusing Hiiraanonline of being independent or supporting the opposition to the worthless Tigre bootlickers(TFG).
Hiiraanonline has become a dabadhilif website.You are playing with our brains by publishing this low life trash.
We complained numerous times to your editorial about your bias to the occupier and his puppets.You chose to publish the nonsense above instead.
You are trying to be clever.

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