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    hawd @ 8/28/2009 11:11 AM EST

Imaka ayaad marba jar isku qaadaysaa sidii naag la furay oo waraadeedii la siiyey. Ma anigaa ku idhi markii hore ii jawaaba? Raganimadii markii hore aad ku hadley xagay gashay nadal yahaw.

"Ciyaalku hadii ay dabka ku ciyaaraan farahay ka gubtaan", edeb yeelo oo suuqaaga koone ka raac, hana la sheekaysan cid aadan aqoon.
    simbe @ 8/27/2009 2:59 PM EST
 HOL baa ii diiday inaan wax qoro, waliba hadal xun ku ma jirin
    SomaliMan12 @ 8/27/2009 12:19 PM EST
dadka gobtaan la hadlaa gunta sidaa doo kale waqti iskagama lumiyo...waligaa gun baad ahaan...Dadka Somaliland waa dad sharaf ku leh ummada Soomaaliyeed...Adigu laakin nin xanuunsanayaad tahay oo anaaba kaa waalan hadaan mar kale kuu jawaabo...Salaama Calaykum yaa jaahil...
    Hawd @ 8/27/2009 6:47 AM EST

"Teeda kale miyaadan ogayn iney kaa sharaf badan tahay killinka 5aad...Killinka 6aad qofkii kuugu yeeraa wuu sharfay"

Kililka aad sheegeysaa muxuu igaga sharaf badan yahay? Bal shay keliya sheeg oo dadka u soo qor nadal yahaw oo aad ku faanayso!

Hadii aad ka xuntahay runta aan kuu sheegayna, Wallee waxba iskama ogin, maanta iyo berriba waxaa tahay Faqash, haad geed waayey.
Taas ayay caruurtaaduna kaa dhaxleysaa oo ah cidhib la'aan aad ku dambeyseen.
Sidaa adigu aad qaxoontiga Canada ugu tahay ayaad ku dhimaneysaa, calooshaadana murugo iyo ugu jirayaa, aniga ayaana ku baday taas waa mid
ay caruurtaadu kaa dhaxli doonto yaa ximaar waaxid fooqal dameer. You are a dead man walking!
    Hawd @ 8/27/2009 5:53 AM EST

I respect your points and views but the truth hurts and is unavoidable, united Somalia is dead for good and the legacy of it is present Somalia today.
It is up to you then if you are going to mislead your to mirage of united Somalia, I thought you were more intelligent than this as Marooryo man. Its a Somali saying
" to make you do not have what you cannot get and forget". As a Somalilander, I created the union of Somalia myself and then destroyed it when realised was viable for success.

So, stop crying with these hopeless assholes of no hopers who get used to crying for normality!

Queen Saba,

Do not worry sister, I can stand up to 100 men and beat them so easily and at the same time get beaten by only one man.
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/27/2009 2:45 AM EST

Our argument was about what last time? I think our positions
are close and we don;t differ that much. The only thing
i want to say is, we are missing 2 parts of Somalia(NFD
& Ogaden) Djibouti is different case as there are non-
Somalis to consider. And I don't want to reignite our argument but
Somali republic is one, no Shankaroonland and no Puntland.

Somali republic and in search of missing two. Djibouti, needs
some consideration...good job..we are teammates ..for now ;-)
    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 6:34 PM EST
 interesting...Soonkii faradh nalooga dhigay maa hadana caafimaadka u fiican...Ilaahayoow adaa raxmad badan...

ciao Somalisis, Saba
    saba @ 8/26/2009 6:29 PM EST
 Correction, I have non beleiver ACQUINTANCES, who fast.

The one with the Cancer , did it for 40 days, he didn't eat
much of IFTAR as well.

Just LOTS of WATER, dates and natural HONEY.

    saba @ 8/26/2009 6:26 PM EST
 Ha,ha, waa iskaga qanac, waa yahay ,ma caynayo.

Yes human body can cope to it, even MORE, it NEEDS to fast.

I have non beleivers who fast for health reasons, one fasted
his cancer away.

Somalida waxaa lagu tiryaa shucuubta gaajada u adadag.

Over eating has not corrupted the Somali living in somali ways.

And those other nationalities who  eat well culturally, beleif makes
them enjoy the hunger.

It is good at times to feel hungry, in a world that is full of food and
spoiled ,chemically enhanced foods.

You know what they are revealing now, that chemicals and hormones used in foods
are ADDICTIVE, they are attributing to it the Over eating phenominan in the west particularly.

Ciao Somaliman.

    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 6:19 PM EST
 Ramadan in summer is not that bad...human body can cope with harder things...N.A. ha naga caayn, dagaal aan ka xigaa hadaad Canada wax ka sheegtid...Abaalkeeda yaa gudi kara :-)
    saba @ 8/26/2009 6:10 PM EST
 I am not in U.S.A, thank GOD, i was in that Ramadan.
Meel lagu noolaado ma aha North America, i don't know how paople
live there and Scandanavian countries.
    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 6:07 PM EST
 North of you...Canada...
    saba @ 8/26/2009 6:04 PM EST
Kk,halkee joogtaa hadda, i remember a time when i fasted untill 10.pm in U.S.A.

It is cleansing though, of the Spirit and physical.

    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 5:55 PM EST
 kkkk...Ramadaanka summerka ma sahlana...next year meelaan u baxsado waa inaan so raadsado...
    saba @ 8/26/2009 5:43 PM EST
 sOMALIMAN,Ha,ha, Ramadan in summer, NO, ma aha saas, maadan fahmin ulajeedadayda,waanay iga ahayd, Yes,somaaloo dhan aa isticmaar ku jirta.
    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 5:34 PM EST
waxaad tirid:
"ogowna, kuwa isticmaarka ku jira in Ogaden waa walaalahaa oo aday hiilo ka sugaayaan"
Soomaaloo dhan baa isticmaar ku jirta aduunkoo dhana waa looga jeeda foolxumadeeda laakiin dadka kaliyoo ka dagaalamaya waa dadkan aad sheegtay...Umana maleeyo iney Soomaali la haysto wax ka sugayaan hada...Hadey sugayaan xabadey dhigi lahaayeen ayagoo leh Soomaalaan sugaynaa...BTW, don't think I am cagdheer too...
Teeda kale meeshan dood ma taalo...Waa hal ninoo xanuunsanaya iyo rag kuleh dhakhtar baad u baahantahay...
Adiga baryahaan waa in far waaweyn wax laguu qoro maxaa dhacay...Ramadankaa ku haayo malaha sis :-)
    saba @ 8/26/2009 5:23 PM EST
    saba @ 8/26/2009 5:22 PM EST
 My take on this issue is being blocked, time and again.
    saba @ 8/26/2009 5:07 PM EST
 Kan GEELA ka sheekaynaaya mar walba ,yaa hal mar WARDHEER iiga celiya lee.
    simbe @ 8/26/2009 4:52 PM EST

Hasha ayadaa geela cunaysa haddana cabaadaysa.

You kicking around and some timed you gave hard punch in to air. When you are attaching everyone and arguing against everything, you look that going to commit Hira-hiri live in HOL.

Take it easy lady no we love you
    saba @ 8/26/2009 4:37 PM EST

Waxba kama qabo sida caadada ahayd aniga 5 iswadat ha i caayso.

    saba @ 8/26/2009 4:34 PM EST

He (Wadajir#5) is NONE like the REST, CLANNISH at best...

    saba @ 8/26/2009 4:32 PM EST
Wadajir# and i may differ in many points of political views;
vevertheless i beleive he is a WELL INTENTIONED fella for his people.

He none like the rest clannish AT BEST, wasaq GAALO U HIILIS at their peak.


Waa Ramadan, cayda ma fiicna ee aan Xiisadda yarayno, ogowna, kuwa isticmaarka
ku jira in Ogaden waa walaalahaa oo aday hiilo ka sugaayaan.

The rest of the gan*g.

Horta waxaan is wayddiiyay, markii hal qof ay 5 isugu tagto, ma dooddaa u liicaysa
dhinaca 5ta ka hadaaqayso.

Haddii ay 5 hal qof isugu tagto, ma shantaa saxsan yacni?!!.

Hawd waa hal nin ee hal nin ha iska celiyo, ama si wanaagsan ula dooda ee
wada sheekaysta ... ama isku qilaafa fikirka ama isku waafaqa.

Xadaaraddii wada xaajoodka baa idinka maqan,maxaad qaran ka hadashaan.

Radamadan Wanaagsan.

    simbe @ 8/26/2009 3:21 PM EST

Dee see kaa noqotay.

Somalia is not dead!!! To create Somaliland state has nothing to do with that “Somali is death” You are Somali and will remain Somali because you call your land Somaliland and yourself Somali…

Their will be five Somali states in future, mark my word, even most pessimistic anti Somali said: It’s unstoppable that five Somali states. Henry Kissinger predict during Ogaden war.

In future there will no way to stop popular referendum, look Kosovo, the system is in place already but some Western countries claim Africa is nor ready yet- it’s complicated system and requires political, economic and social infrastructure. That will come one even in Africa oneday.

To unite these states is unstoppable in future generations for the sake of their own interests. Look EU, Nato, USA, Esean etc. these counties are pact. They will be more powerful to unite their power. Do you think small Somali states can survive alone and don’t forget we are talking about mature and well educated future Somali generations with modern mentality not Somali idi*ts today.

If there’s someone who didn’t know that’s states I will list them below here.

Ogaden, Somaliland NFD ( North eastern Kenya) Djibouti and rest of Somalia. Puntland trying to be new state nr 6, we will se how we succeed to convince Somalis and the rest of the world that we are our own state, it depends the level of development in future Puntland.

Please don’t say it’s colonial division, they already exits and irreversible, look this states and think little pit, where they stay today. NFD, Ogaden, Somaliland, Djibouti, Puntland and rest.

Believe me Great Somalia is in reality not a dream…. It’s unstoppable. I am almost sure my son will live to se this even I myself may have that chance but my prediction is 50-100 years from know

So Hold your horses fadhi ku dirir.
    simbe @ 8/26/2009 2:41 PM EST
 I forget to remind you peom was not mine but Abwaan Cisman Yusuf Kenadiid.

Sorry- It's important to deferentiate what's yours or others
    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 1:09 PM EST
haha..kkk...qabiil aan ahayn baad igu tilmaamtay maskax yaridaada...sidaa doo kalaa i mooday waxaan soo qoro inaad ka fahmi kartid qolodaan ahay iyo meeshaan ka imid...Jaahil walba dadka jaahiliin buu modaa sidiisoo kale...Teeda kale miyaadan ogayn iney kaa sharaf badan tahay killinka 5aad...Killinka 6aad qofkii kuugu yeeraa wuu sharfay...Somalilandna waan la wada soconaa waxaa ka socda...dadka sidaadoo kale ah xabsiga Mandhera ayay ka buuxaan hada...Hadaad Somaliland tagtana dagaal iska daayee xabsi baa ku sugi...HOL waxaad kusoo qorto xor baa u tahay fadhi ku dirir yohow...Teeda kale sheekadan Banadirland yaa kugu yirid ka hadal...
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/26/2009 12:32 PM EST

Gabayaa baad tahay, jawaabna laguu waa in tix nin hore
yiri in la soo qaato mooyee. Waxaadan helayn waxaanad
doonayn baa laga dhigaa weeye xaalku.

Wadani Soomaaliman12

Ninkan meesha ku murmaya waa nin cuqdad googoosay. Hadal
waxaa kaga haray "Faqash this faqash that" Aduun intuu
jirana qofkii la hadlaba wuxuu u haystaa inuu ka soo jeedo
reer Soomaaliyeed. Cuqdadiisu heerar ayay kala maraysaa waxaa
ugu dheer tuu u qabo reerkaas. Mar dhow ayuu ku dhahayaa
"cagdheer" baad tahay. Abqo abqo ayay u dhadhantay baan
maqli jiray. Caqli xumo ayaa u dheer oo waxaad moodaa
USC uu ku wardiyayo in uu sympathy ku helayo. What an idiot~

    Hawd @ 8/26/2009 12:17 PM EST

Malaha waad khaldan tahay oo waxa uur kaaga jira ayaa afku kaaxadaaye kililka 6th iyo 8th waad ku riyooneysaa ee waxaa u jeedaa kililka 5aad ee meel aad uga baxdo aad garan weydey.

Waxaa la yaableh nin maahmaahaya oo isu maahmaahaya isagu! Wax layidhaahdo kilil 6 iyo 8 majirto ee is xoree saaxiib, markaas ayaad miyirsan kartaa oo hadal lagaa qori karaa. Ka soo bax cadaabta aad ku jirto
oo is xoree si aad ragga ula kaftanto ama ula muranto.
    Hawd @ 8/26/2009 12:08 PM EST

Hadii cid address-ka ay ka qaldan tahay waa adiga oo ka soo hadlaya Kaakuma iyo xero qaxoonrti.

Hadii Somaliland Faqash ka taliso kulama aan hadleen maanta ee dagaal ayaan ku jiri lahaa. Riyaale na waa nin reer Somaliland.

Marka aad isa soo xoreyso ee aad geedaha hoostooda ka soo saarto dadkiina ayaa sheeko kuu
banaan tahay, marka aad balagta iska jarto ayaa la sheekeeyaa oo shirka ragga la yimaadaa arrinkaagan laga dhiibtaa.

Muraayad soo qaado oo iska eeg naftaadana u sheeg cida aad tahay iyo meesha aad maanta taallo nadal yahaw faqash.

    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 11:57 AM EST
 back to the topic,
odayaashaan kor ku sawiran oo tuugada ah markay hogaamiye kooxeedyo ahaayeenaa la ga diiday Banadirland ma hadaa laga yeelaa ayagoo qoxooti ah...Barre Huuraale isagana wuxuu waday Jubaland nonsense...Magacyadaan beenta ah iska daayoo waxaad la baxdaan killinka 6aad, 7aad iyo 8aad...
    SomaliMan12 @ 8/26/2009 11:43 AM EST
war ninyohow ma huruday 20kii sanoo lasoo dhaafay...waxaa sheegeyso waa laga tagay...USC iyo SNM wax la yiraahdaa ma jirto...Koonfurta Soomaliya waxaa u taliyaa Alshabaab...Woqooyiga Somalia waxaa u talisa faqash...USC iyo SNM iyo Abdullahi Yusuf waa wada qoxooti...Adigana qoxooti jaahil ah baa tahay oo fadhi ku dirir ah...stick to the topic, cuqdadaada addreskaa ka qaldan...
    Hawd @ 8/26/2009 11:34 AM EST
It is good of you have developed a some sort of MALAQDHOOSH poem-inventing techniques.

You are bit clever and at same time emotional for crying something that cannot be salvaged anymore.

Oh dear! Somalia is dead for certain, and some Somalis started to get on with their lives and made something of what they had
others are still crying over the dead body like children. Lets see what the 50 years in store for us.
    wadajir #5 @ 8/26/2009 11:24 AM EST
 Horta maxaay Somalidu isku layneeysaa? Maogtihiin markaad qof muslim ah oo ashahaada naaya ladilo in  naar lagu galaayo? Maogtihiin siddeey Somali iskuleeyneeyso ineey maalin inteey isla fariistaan ineey dhihi doonaan war sidaan xal ma'ahee aan heshiino? Ma lasocotaan markaasna ineey ahaan doonto mar dhaxaalkeena dhulka Somalia nalakala wareegay? Walaal yaalow aan heshiino inta goori goor tahay.
    simbe @ 8/26/2009 10:23 AM EST

Hadalkan waa iga daacad, maanta wanaagga aan Puntland la jeclahay mid ka badan ayaan Somaliland la jeclahay ama Somalida inteeda kaleba. Haddaan Somali nahay waxaa qayrkayo naga reebey intaan innagu isku maqnayn.

Klan warfare xaggeed ku tegin dabaal yahow.

Somali talaxumo taag looga waayoo
Is toleysigii galo tusi waa ilaahoo
Takbiir kale ma hayso e iyada isku tuunsanoo
Dhulkoodii rag baa u tashaday iyadaa isku tagaanan
Iyaday isku tumanaysa tiire iyo bilaawoo
Diinka tiiriska u baahan waxba uga taaloo
Cilmiga loo tartamayana u tacjiilimayso
Tiiraanyo kama hayso tafaruqa lagaliyey
    Hawd @ 8/26/2009 8:21 AM EST

Waxaan u maleynayaa hadii cid ay cuqdadi heyso waa adiga ee waanad is ogeyn nadal yahaw. Anigu figradeyda ayaan dhiibtey iyada oo waafaqsan article-ka, laakiin waxaa cuqdadi heysaa ninka runta ka gubanaya sidaada.

Waxa aad ogaataa in Faqash calankeedii jabay oo aad weligiin qaxoonti ahaaneysaan sid aad maanta u tihiin. Soomaalidu waxa ay ku maahmaahdaa " gorayo la hubsey oo haad ayay noqotay", faqash la ogaa oo tuug is
urursatey ayay noqotay calenkeediina waxaa bi'iyey nin xoogleh, SNM iyo USC. Intiina meesha wax ku qorta oo dhan waxaa isku kiin dhaanta gabadhaa layidhaahdo Saba oo weliba dumar ah iyo laba qof oo kale, waxaana idiinku
hadal iyo aqoon liita qofka la baxay Gacaliye.
    simbe @ 8/26/2009 2:43 AM EST
 I mean: we have no power or will to mediate them
    simbe @ 8/26/2009 2:41 AM EST
 Saba aka Shinto aka Hirahito

You said before that you have Arab and Jew blood in you why don’t separate and stop them.
We Somalis have our own problems to tackle, we have power or to will mediate them,.
The trade of dead Somalis organs, if that true it doesn’t surprise me, because their fellow Somalis are cutting young boys limps and stoning to death with young girl in war time where no sharia law can be applied.

I think it’s time for you (Mrs halve man) to help your ancestors to stop killing each other like Somalis.  

Rabshooley waaxid
    saba @ 8/25/2009 6:55 PM EST
In the meantime, Somali maxamad, Ali Mahdi iyo Maxamad Dheere
ha idinku maaweeliyaan Banadir anigaa leh.

    saba @ 8/25/2009 6:40 PM EST
As ISR*AEL SHAMIR says.. Every poor man on this planet is a palestinian ,-
though his means of disposition may vary.

All Praise be to DONALD BOSTROM, of sweden's Aftenbladet newspaper; who revealed
the deliberate ki*lling of palestinians to Sn*atch BODY PARTS by Israel.

Shame to the sha*meful Somalis who NEVER dared to speak of the Israelis and
their agents in Mogdisho and the trade of BODY PARTS from Somalia.

It took an ERITERIAN to do so.

Mr.Bostrom was tipped by an anonymous U.N employee.

Same was happening in Abu GHUR*AIb by the same folks Johnny Israel the prison guard
and his kabbalistic methods of t*or*tu*re.

Crypto Jewess Hillary Clinton sent sophisticated weo*pon*ry to Somalia.....

There you will get some more Human Parts Mrs."Rodham".

    SomaliMan12 @ 8/25/2009 6:39 PM EST
 Banadirland HAHA..kkk
Abgaal wali kama daalin miyaa sheekadaan...20 sanaa laga yeeli waayay ma maantaa laga yeelaa ayagoo qoxooti ah...

cuqdad ku hayso address kaa qaldan...Abgaal yaa ku heystey kula tahay Banadirland...faqashtaa sheegeyso meesha kaliyee u taliyaan waa waqooyi galbeed iyo togdheer...qamaam fowqa qamaam...stick to the topic...cuqdad ku haaysana u kaadi meeley ku haboontahay...
    shanta @ 8/25/2009 4:12 PM EST
 I bet Aki Hirohito is a full man with super powers- Aki the transformer married Godzilla from Somalia..
    Sahalsiidi @ 8/25/2009 12:48 PM EST
 War hayaay Somalipeace10 is back and he is talking about administration
is important blah blah. Somalipeace10 you mentioned that district officers
and the Police should be replaced. What district officers? don't you remember
most of them were ass'assinated broad day light and the remained ones they quit.
Aaad baan uga helaaya maanta sida aad ugu heelan tahay wanaag iyo xal u helida
Muqdisha, ka dib markaad ku farxaysay bambooyinkii iyo hoobiyihii ay alhabab
la dhacayeen habeen iyo maalin. Intaad iska dhaafto Geedi iyo dhowr kan nin ee
Harti Abgal oo tooda lee ka hadlaaya, ee noo sheeg Dowlada ma la jirtaa mise weli
waxaad leedahay looma dhama, oo Xassan Daahir iwm baa ka maqan.

    saba @ 8/25/2009 12:44 PM EST
Dear Hawd,

No worries, anigaba khatka waan ka baxaa markaan
half men/women is iraah u jawaab.

Best is to ignore them.

    nomadic1 @ 8/25/2009 11:24 AM EST
 Another classical example as to why Somalia is such a failed state.
    Hawd @ 8/25/2009 11:05 AM EST
 stick the pimp,

I am the king of the castle that roam everywhere in Somalia with distinction and power, no one ever beaten me in a battle and I thank Allah for that. You know hopeless that I chase and dictate your people in Ogaden by beating them for any misbehaviour they cause.

Listen, you are Longfoot pimp, you are neither a man nor woman, you sell women for immoral business like that Shankaroon you lent me for 4 nights for $400 of which you still owe me $200 for short of nights. I admire of your advertisement and how you run your business,
and I get aroused everytime I see your name here.


Waryaa gabay mataqaanid habaryahay, waxaa tahay reer maruuryo, majeerteen, markaa adeer meesha waxa aad ku soo qortay waa buraanburkii habraha nacasyahow. Hadii aan gabay kuu bilaabo masoo geleysid Hol mardambe, waad ka caagaysaa!

Micne yare malaay xadhig ku dabe muranka naagoodle.

Queen Saba,

Xabbada dhinac ayaynu u wada rideyney ee ifahan sister, I was just trying to get some half women/men from their hideouts.

Bandar is only for those fighting and shedding their bloods for it
    simbe @ 8/25/2009 9:36 AM EST
 Every community has every right to create there own administrations to satisfied the community needs. I se nothing wrong with Banadirland but who will join such state is very difficult and it needs mature leaders and loyal citizens.

These fellows come up with good idea but their reputation was not good one.

Banadirland yes, but not these guys as leaders.  

    shanta @ 8/25/2009 8:47 AM EST
We have diagnosed much of the illness suffered in Somalia emanates from Mogadishu, and instead of focusing in pacifying and consolidating all the districts of Mogadishu; these self appointed leaders are replaying the old colonial philosophy of taking what is not theirs or perhaps laying claim to an area which belongs to another region.  As Fiqi pointed out, Benadir without Benadirs is like cornflakes without milk.
    simbe @ 8/25/2009 8:37 AM EST
 Jawaab kale igama astaahishide tix gab ah iga hoo.

Murti oon maleegaan miyir kuugu soo marin
Miriheeda dhuux tixdan aadna way mug weyntee
Masiibo doon inaad tahay maankaan ku haystaa
Ma’qruun uri inaad tahay maankaan ku haystaa
In ma’rqaan ku daashaday maankaan ku haystaa
Walaal moog inaad tahay maankaan ku haystaa
Mu’naafaq dhaba inaad tahay maankaan ku haystaa
Malaxo diid inaad tahay maankaan ku haystaa
Ma’siibo wade inaad tahay maankaan ku haystaa

Pigletnimo adaa mudan dameeryahow macnaha yari

    simbe @ 8/25/2009 8:29 AM EST

Magaranajo markaad hawd joogtey waxa ay big D kugu sameeyeen.

Nin nac*yb daashaday ayaad tahay. Colaadda aad huri naysana inay maalin maalmaha ka mid ah adiga gurigaaga kuugu iman waad moogtay. Rag badan oo colaadda hurin jirey ayagii ayaa ku naf, ehel ku ama ku maal waayey. Kun ayaan halkaan ka magacaabi karaa aan anigu aqaan, marka dadka noocaas ah adig, Egeh, Diidgaal iwm. Uma iinaan horeyn
    somalipeace10 @ 8/25/2009 8:04 AM EST
 It is true that Banadir region and other Somali regions need accountable administrations. However, the people in this picture are not in ay way in a position to contemplate on that issue.First, they are imcompetent as demonstrated by their destructive careers.Secondly , they are driven by narrow clan interest that can set off clan wars. In my opnion it is the duty of the current government to put in place competent administrations. Bandir region, home to more than one third of whole Somali population deserves better than Dhgaxtuur, Shawey and their ilk. Likewise the police chiefs and district commissioners need to be changed. If that is done , there is posibility that Mogadishu will have a chance of peace. However, the likes of Ali Mahdi and Ali Gedi should stay away from that issue and await their trail for the crimes they committed against the people of Banadir.
    diplomat @ 8/25/2009 4:40 AM EST
 i  agree  with writer to some extend.good work. honestly we  can live together peacefully and at the same have differences.those of u qabiilka cilmiga u noqday u have nothing and ur going nowhere.and u will be nothing like ur qabiil.hawiye dies 4 no reason cuz 20 years hawiye haiye war wuxu ma dhamadaan balaayada.mise umad kala celin leheed ayagaa laayay.
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/24/2009 9:00 PM EST
Barjabkii Soomaali Galbeed ka yimid i maqal.

Caadifadan xun ee ciilka kugu dishay inta iska
dayso ka hadal dan Soomaaliyeed. Hawiye & Faqash
ayaad ku wardiyaysaa, taasi waxay tusaale u tahay
in cuqdad nafsi aad qabto. Qoraalkaaga idil hal meel
lee ku jeedaa. Xaggee lagugu ciilay ma Soomaali Galbeed?
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/24/2009 8:21 PM EST

How about if this is the road to recovery? It's just
administration, what is wrong with it?
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/24/2009 8:20 PM EST
    shanta @ 8/24/2009 7:48 PM EST
 The founding fathers of Stupidty.
    Sahalsiidi @ 8/24/2009 5:03 PM EST

What local people you talking about? don't
you get the sarcams that our brother Mercano said:
yahooy mahaan mahiina mahee!.
    yasin4020 @ 8/24/2009 4:52 PM EST
Lets face it, If the local people want to form a staple
government then i am happy for them, cause i dont see
anything that war savaged mogadishu can do to help these
poor people.
Somaliland is peaceful , so is Puntland to some extent
and if Banadirland wants to join the band-wagon, i am
all for it.
All somali's should have a choice how to run their own
affairs and if within 5-10 years the Country is okay
they should have a dailoge of uderstanding and mutual
deal where nobody is left behind.
There is extreme jelaousy that i encounterd these days
where people lie and come up with fabricated events that
don't make sense to the average joe. Instead for EXAMPLE
saying Somaliland is the most peaceful and Puntland is
if it mends it ways and if elections where held would
result in Banadirland one day to have their own elections
, It will be a great win for somalis!
By the way I am dissmayed by the insulting Language that
i have read so far.
If any-one wish to rebly to me keep it simple and respectable
or else I will not read and communicate back!
    Sahalsiidi @ 8/24/2009 1:34 PM EST
 "A picture speaks a thousand words"

Benadirland dadkaan maa dejinaaya, kkkkkkkkkkkk.
    saba @ 8/24/2009 12:28 PM EST


Nin dambe oo faqri ah ,oo aan xalaal lacag ku samyn ha laga
ilaaliyo government post.

Kuwa geedaha hoostooda ka soo baxay ee raba hal mar in guryo
loo dhiso, ilkaha isdhaafay laga sameeyo isla markaana HILFAHA
ay xirnaayeen ARMANI SUITS loogu badallo sida Xariif khaa'in,-
danta shacabka kuma jirto.

Let us go get Ina Jirdda Xuseen.

    saba @ 8/24/2009 12:16 PM EST

You have missed the point here and i can not comment on this
issue; HOL is playing hard ball with me.

Whose state is it you think, and whom are you calling FAQASH?!!.

Dr.Cali Faqi you mean?

My friend, just hold your horses.

None of the individuals that you see in this picture posted above
is from Banadir region, including the l*iar Xariif who claims
to have been born in jawhar.

Warsangali abgaal is not from Banadir.

The sub clans of Abgal that settled Banadir with Dr.Faqi's people
are NOT SPEAKING anymore.

People, yo need to learn about the SOUTH before you comment, Kindly.

However i do not think none of the proposals presented is a solution
to the cises in the south ,neither do i think these men above care for
their clans or any other clan.

And Ali Geddi, is it my imagination or i see him fixed his terrible FANAX?!!.

Allhuma yaciz wayrzuq Almamlaka Alsacuudiya.

War ninkii Geeddi, Siyaad Barruu dhaamaa, at least he spent some good money
on denture.

Well done Ali Fanax.

Next time, no odd looking creatures for government post, it costs the
Somali treasury a lot.

    saba @ 8/24/2009 11:26 AM EST
Quote of the day..

"Arrey baratakoolka ha la ilaaliyo". Mohamad dheere.

    Hawd @ 8/24/2009 11:18 AM EST
 I believe this is good conception that Banadirland is in the offing. Good for them, it is their state and can dictate it to anything they want.
But the hypocrites, the hopeless wanders in the jungle, the refugees in Kakuma, can call and cry like howler mokeys to protest against them.

Faqash piglets are always hopeless piglets, great Hawiye clan is in control of Somalia and in the process of sorting out their differences, and rest of piglets will get cleansed soon.
    somalipeace10 @ 8/24/2009 9:43 AM EST
 It is surprising that people who were/are responsible for the considerable parts of the Somali problem now try to create more bloodshed and mistrust. Let us strat with Ali Mahdi, the failed warl*rd, who has no education whatsoever, who together with late warlord Aidid committed mass atroc*ties and has not repented or punished yet. Ali Mahdi has poor or no judgement, he sided with the Ethiopian occupation and the mass*cre of the people of Somalia partiularly Mohadishu residents. He needs to be brought before a court of law and should not be allowed to take part in the countries politics anymore. Like wise Ali Mohamed Gedi, who presided over the mass killing of the tens of thousands of Somali people by Ethiopian and clan militias is a known fraud*srer and war criminal. His right place is in a court of law. In addition, he has single-handedly, may be with the help of Ali Mahdi, stolen 32 million dollars that the Saidi government donated to Somali reconciliation. Ironically, the big villa that the current meeting is held(former house of John Grang) is purchased with that stolen money. Mohamed Dhere is an illetrate warlord who has no wisdom or intelligence and does not desrve any other comment. The other failed warlords, clan erders and unemployed individuals from Europe are loosers who harbour clan hatred and are ign*rant of the consequence of their beligerent action. Luckily this is only a dream and these people cannot even set a foot on one meter of Somali soil let alone builing a meaningful administration.
    wadajir #5 @ 8/24/2009 7:43 AM EST
 Horta waa inaan isweeydiino sidee Somalia nabad uga dhalakartaa? Aniga waxaay ila tahay ineey Somalia nabad kuwaari laheed haddeey kahir gasho xukumad ama doowlad hirgalisa nidaam ama sharci laraaco oo aan lajabin. Haddeey dadka Somalia arkaan nidaam loowada siman yahay oo ninkii jabiya maxakamad lasoo saarahayo oo kadibna xabis loo taxaabahayo umada Somalia weey heshiilahaayeen.
    mysomalia @ 8/24/2009 5:47 AM EST
 Haddana ma Banaadirland baa naloo keenay? Walee somalia waa u dhamaatay.
Markaan camal ayaaan anigu Al-shabaab ciin moodaa. Walaahi iyagaa boqol
jeer ka fiican haba nagu dilaan diintoodee. Iyagaan hadda kadib anigu lajiraaa.

Shalayna dowlad ku sheega waxa ey heshiis la gashay Puntland iyadoo ku
taageereyso in ay yihiin dowlad ku dhex jirta dowlad kale. Shariif iyo
dowladiisa iyagaaba dalka kala qeyb qeybinaa oo hadii Faroole and Co waxas
oo dhan loo sameeyay dee inta kalena hadeey Land Land sameysan oo iyagana
shuruudahaas oo kale la imaan. markaas waa jug-jug meeshaada joog.

Stick I agree with u. I believe all or non. No federalism should be eccepted in somalia!
    Gacaliye@ @ 8/24/2009 12:53 AM EST
 Bro Cali,
well done and these ever-hungry croks remind me of an old Somali proverb:  Dhurwaa la tegis bartay ka dhigisii waa ku ceeb!
    Stickorcarrot @ 8/23/2009 8:37 PM EST

"The nation is divided, half patriots and half traitors,
and no man can tell which from which" Mark Twain

Brother Ali, are you categorically against this federalism
thing, or you just want federalism of your own making? The
myth of federalism should not be in our debate. If you think
federalism is a solution of our problem, then, you cannot convince
me any many more which part of the country should go where. You are
either against this nonsensical propaganda, or go there and find your
hand in the process.

Don't worry, there is no such thing. I believe all or none, why can't
    syil @ 8/23/2009 6:54 PM EST
 You are right 100%
After they washed away even Shalaambood with sand bags and failed to have a decent life in their land and refugees camps fully loaded and international community said AKH TUF our Somali name- They started to dream to form a Banaadir Region-Who Is Banaadiri?  Banadir daye is forming a banadirland with more Sparology Colleges and Malade Business Area –they called MBA themselves- these people are not shying –I can’t say during Ramadaan thesse words but they are animals.

No peace in Mogadishu-they say aryaa anaa isbaaro ii taal mahaan !Alshabaab are doing good because they know these immoral society but these dogs took money from those oppose peace in Somalia –who are these? UN NGO- who is gonna pay mortgages in Halligan Village in Nairobi-they get support stupid reero tabareed ahaa and today claiming he is the president-

Ali you are right this failed clans and failed politicians are front of us –



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