3 comment(s)
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    somalipeace10 @ 3/18/2008 7:14 AM EST
 "The "big man" will no longer have his way." This is far from the truth, the leaders of the continent do as they are told by their western bosses.When dictator Meles Zenawi illegally invaded Somalia and subsequently killed thousands of innocent people and displaced hundreds of thousands, what did the AU do? They endorsed this genocidal occupation and did not care about the plight of Somali people.AU is headquartered in Addis Ababa, capital of a country ruled by ruthless dictator, why did not they talk about when Meles stole the elections and killed demonstrators? This is another empty rhetoric aimed at getting some money from the Western countries. The whole continent needs to change, and the first credible change will be to move its headquarters from a country that occupied another poor African country.  
    Gacaliye@ @ 3/17/2008 4:00 PM EST
 After all these "Life time Presidents" Hosni Mubarak, M. Qadaafi, Habib Burqiba of Tunisia, "Dr" Banda, Congo's Mabutu, Zimbabwe's Mugabe, Somalia's Siad Barre, Kenya's Kibaki/Arab Moi/J.Kenyatta, Bokassa of Central Afr.Rep. and new life-time candidates Zenawi plus Eritrea's despot Afw..., I really felt that Africans can not rule themselves and made to be the white man, but there seems to be hope from the east!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/17/2008 3:11 PM EST
 'So i have heard and beleive do part'.  One line from Shakespear's Hamlet.

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