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7/29/2011 2:34 PM EST
AMISOM may be acting on good intentions to defeat alshabaab but Why are they dragging their feet to accomplish the mission if they are honest about it? Or did they think that they were dealing with a trouble-free country and not Somalia?
Either way, anyone who is willing to lose his life to fight alshabaab and bring peace and stability to the city to start with is a hero in my book and I don’t care who comes to rescue poor Somalia from all sorts of predators as long as they do the job and leave us in the hands of honest Somali leaders to rebuild this nation
7/29/2011 10:41 AM EST
This has been one step forward and two steps backward. I do not know how many times bakara or North of Mogadishu should be captured and let go, it is a joke.
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