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    shekh Bashir @ 8/10/2007 11:40 PM EST
 Shekh Bashir Farah: Master in Political Science & Master in Education, Boston, US.
Maxay qabiilada hubeysani u dagaalayaan? Dagaalku goormuu jogsan? Siyaassin farabadan
ayaan garan (cilmi-yari awgeed)sababta Mareexaanku heeganka dagaal ugu jiro 17 sano?
Jawwabtii suaalaha kor ku qoran:
Awooda siyaasadeed ee xukumka dowladnimo iyo kheyraadka dalka ee badaha
wabiyada, degaanka Beerha, iyo Magaalooynka Ganacsiga sida Boosaaso, Gaalkaio, Beledweyne
Mogdisho iyo Kismayo waa in degaan ahaan loo qeybsado. Arinta Soomaalidu 90% aaynan
fahmin waa isbedelka weyn ee Soomalidu gaartay xagga biseylka siyaasadda(xukun jaceyl iyo
maal jaceylka),dad frabadan oo cilmiga dhaqaalaha, sharciga-cadaaladda,
cilmiga militeriga bartay oo doonaya in dhaqaale iyo siyaasad ahaan la tartamaan
qabiilada kale ee ka hormarsan xagga dhaqaalaha, siyaasadda iyo awooda military ee goboleed
sida Puntland, Somaliland iyo Mogdisho-land.
I believe,dagaalka dhuumaaleysiga ah ama bareerka ah ee Kismaayo ma joogsandoono illa inta
Mareexaanka loo aqoonsanayo in aay yhiin qabiilka ugu xooga badan ee Kismaayo.
Mareexaanku 8 sano ee la soo dhaafay waxay muujiyeen in aay karty militrery iyo mid
siyaasadeed (OH-Conference April 2007)u leeyhiin in aay difaacaan Kismaayo-Land.
    @ 8/5/2007 1:00 PM EST
 kismayo-kissmayo-it belomgs to  everone-hope the new mj who are claiming should back in the days.
    Camel Girl @ 8/3/2007 9:03 PM EST
 Somali belongs to Somalis North/East South/West. you want get this one Somalia belongs to Somalis And you want  get we have a goverment.  Oh I die  for you Somalis.
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/31/2007 4:47 PM EST
When you do your little research bear in mind that those who are always fighting for the control of kismayo are definitely not the origional inhabitants. You know who iam talking about don't you? of course they are the Marehan and the Majerteen and they know it
    shanta @ 7/31/2007 10:03 AM EST
 Every Somali has the right to live in this land of 637,657 Km sq. provided he accepts and abides by the local laws, and does not destroy the local leadership. A classical example would be Dhuxulow in Barawe, or Indhacade the governor.  If fairness is what we seek as people, then how come the mayor of Hobiyo, or the governor’s name is not Munye?
    anti-traitors @ 7/31/2007 9:11 AM EST
 If you are majority people it doesn't mean you are the origional inhabitants. I can give you many examples like Australia and  USA. majority of  those people in those countries are not the the origional inhabitants. One more good example. Some people say Abgaal owns Hamar,but if you read the history that is not true. anyway I dont know  nothing about the history of Kismaayo. All I know is there are 19 tribes live that city and each tribe claim they are the  real origional inhabitants, and I will not say that tribe owns kismaayo untill I do little reseach.
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/31/2007 5:46 AM EST
 Camel girl
Don't think like a camel now! The fact of the matter is there is nothing wrong to clearify who is the majority in Kismayo and who are the origional inhabitants. The author ignored to mention in his article the Absame people who are the majority and at the same time the victims of bandits who immigrated from arid and dry arears to seek better life and these are the perpetrators who kill and loot .
    Camel Girl @ 7/30/2007 2:28 AM EST
 Put your crap in your dirty thinking small brains. SOMLIA BELONGS TO SOMALIS YOU COME FROM NORTH SOUTH WHO CARE S.  Stop moving backwards. Somalis’ we have all grown the distance and pinpointing and sabotaging each other will not solve our problems nor will it bring back our loved once.  People constantly seek new challenges and opportunity.  It has been rough for the all us; Let us not forget the good old days.  We can all be leaders but let us allow ourselves to be followers the choice is for us Somali’s.  The focus is getting our government work.  I miss sleeping peaceful under the trees without trouble.

    shanta @ 7/30/2007 1:28 AM EST
 The folks harvested the division among our people in order to sustain their illegal activities, and furthermore accelerated the collapse of an entire nation, only to benefit their insatiable appetite for destruction and create an environment that debased the value of a human being. The servants of Ethiopia and the servants of Eritrea are faced off to better serve their respective masters, and not the public as they would like us to believe..
    adamjama @ 7/29/2007 7:26 PM EST
 One reason we failed & they won is we blindly followed them without reservation. We never questioned the criminals like Aydiid & Yeey for our support. It was free & unconditional (our support) as long as the criminal was one of ours, not their's. I don't know how far back but it seems we developed a culture of either supporting crime or remaining silent in times of moral crisis as long as the victims are what we erenously call others.Time & time again since 1991, supporters of criminal war lords found themselves victims of their own war lord once he was done with the others(Aydiid & Yeey) are prime example of how war lords at the end victimized their original supporters. How naive is it to repeat the same mistakes time & time again expecting different result? It is more than naive, it is insane.We have to speak out against atrocities even if we are powerless to do anything else, for what goes around, comes around. As far as I am concerned TFG is nothing more than new name for the same criminal enterprises who destroyed the nation and used to call themselves different names such as SSDF, USC, Alliance against Argagixiso, etc & their supporter is the same Ethiopia. I don't believe what we have today is a step foreward but a continuation of our regressive & destructive path toward rock-bottom.  
I hope, with all my heart, that I am wrong, for our sake & that of our children..... But cruel reality leads me to different conclusion & realization.
    momo519 @ 7/29/2007 1:21 PM EST
 Well Done! Is this Urufeey from Ciyaal Madiino Godka? Wow! Another strong writer from Ciyaal Madiino!
    shanta @ 7/29/2007 1:14 PM EST
 Then if we forget about our past wrong doings, will we be able to choose a corrective path, in order to accommodate past injustices? Is there a road to redemption in sight? It shouldn’t matter who governs a region provided the governor resides there, and the residents vote for him/she. One must understand the calamity, which TFG finds itself; it is not an easy task to manage or perhaps nominate officials to higher positions, absent are the electoral forces to choose. What Somalia needs is to get the institution in place for now, so that tomorrow we will be in a better position to debate, and elect responsible officials. I believe this to be a government of convenience and not a representative type of government. I don’t know of why you and I (the good people of Somalia) have failed, and they (warlords & criminals) succeeded?
    adamjama @ 7/29/2007 12:24 PM EST
 Forget about hundred years ago, today, 2007, do you think, we can send Ogaden governor to Mogadishu, Garowe, Hargeysa, Belet-weyne, or any other region in Somalia that they are not majority, for the sake of the so-called diversity & somalinimo? NO, and the people of those cities will laugh at you so hard, you will question your sanity. The same goes for every other Somali tribe. injustice leads to instability & civil war.
    shanta @ 7/29/2007 12:05 PM EST
 In this case, then let’s us revisit and revive 1950’s clan maps, and see whom the title of ownership belongs to?  Regardless which clan is the so-called majority, the deciding factor ought to be where were they 100 years ago?  All of us are aware of policies that were favorable to certain groups were implemented in the 60’s & 70’s for political reasons.
    adamjama @ 7/29/2007 11:39 AM EST
 How do you define ownership? When you say "Majority does not justify ownership, one clan did not build all the buildings in Kismayo, and it goes for Hamar too".
In my book Majority means control of the city & its resources. The Governer, the mayors, & the resource controling machinery should be controled by the majority not somebody from Mudug appointed by Yeey or the others who chased them out. The reason Mohamed dhere was made Mayor of Mogadishu & Salad Ali Jeele is the military spokesperson in Mogadishu instead of the defence minister Barre Hiiraale is to apease the majority.
If you mean ownership who controls the resources, then it should be the majority in democracy or otherwise.
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/29/2007 11:01 AM EST
 Error-  Resided not desided
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/29/2007 11:00 AM EST
 Shame that the author  missed to mention Absamme as the majority and one of the legal custodians of Kismayo. ( shanta ) as much as i welcome diversity i still beleive that it is not who built how many houses or huts but who desided first and that surely gives them the ownership. How ever as member of the Absamme nation i again welcome all somalis exept those land graping , gun totting groups who only bring misery to the somalis in Kismayo and it's surroundings
    shanta @ 7/29/2007 10:17 AM EST
 My grandfather, who now lives in Minneapolis, told me that the city and the State now belong to Somali. A city does not belong to any one, except those who live in at that precise moment, in terms of space and time.  Majority does not justify ownership, one clan did not build all the buildings in Kismayo, and it goes for Hamar too. We need to get over this point to have people priding themselves that they own something that no one owns. What happened to Hobiyo? It was a prominent city until one clan took over and refused to accept diversity.
    adamjama @ 7/29/2007 10:02 AM EST
I agree with you, the author forgot to mention the 800lb gorilla in the room, The Absame. I once had an opportunity to talk to 105 year old Somali man who was borned & grew up in Kismayo & knew a lot about the region's history. It was in 1998 & we met in Canada & I asked him Adeer dadkaan Kismayo isku leynaya maxay rabaan, yaase magaalada iska leh?
"Wuxuu yiri waxaan xusuustaa anigoo teen ager ah oo jooga Kismayo, Mareexaana waxaa joogay hal nin oo Booranaha tuma, Majeerteena waxaa joogay dad magan-galiyo u yimid oo ka soo cararay dagaal sokeeye oo Majeertinia ka dhacay. Magaalda waxaa daga Absame, Ajuuran, Bajuun, iyo qabiilo kale oo yar-yar ayuu yiri".
    adamjama @ 7/29/2007 9:53 AM EST
I agree with you, the author forgot to mention the 800lb gorilla in the room, The Absame. I once had an opportunity to talk to 105 year old Somali man who was borned & grew up in Kismayo & knew a lot about the region's history. It was in 1998 & we met in Canada & I asked him Adeer dadkaan Kismayo isku leynaya maxay rabaan, yaase magaalada iska leh?
"Wuxuu yiri waxaan xusuustaa anigoo teen ager ah oo jooga Kismayo, Mareexaana waxaa joogay hal nin oo Booranaha tuma, Majeerteena waxaa joogay dad magan-galiyo u yimid oo ka soo cararay dagaal sokeeye oo Majeertinia ka dhacay. Magaalda waxaa daga Absame, Ajuuran, Bajuun, iyo qabiilo kale oo yar-yar ayuu yiri".
    Gaadh-haye @ 7/29/2007 8:50 AM EST
 The writer talks about Kismayo and mentions all other clans except the righful owners and majority inhabitants of that city and its environs: Absames.

This is a deliberate distortion of truth. He mentions, The Marehan, Majerteen and others which did not even reside in Kismayo for a period of 100 years. They all came latter years, thanks to the hospitality of the Absames. And now its the other side of the coin as Absamas are victims and their righful claim to the land is challenged by none other than those who they welcomed previously: Darods.  
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/29/2007 7:20 AM EST
 The TFG should take the blame and act now to bring law $ order in the city and it's surrounings while it can
    cxasan @ 7/29/2007 2:48 AM EST
 the trouble is the majority of Somalis see this TFG as a puppet government, thus has not the public confidence, in other words they take orders from Somali's age old enemy, so the legitimacy of the TFG is quesionable.
    qig504 @ 7/28/2007 11:24 PM EST
 Give Kismaayo back to its original Inhabitants eg. the Gaaljecel, the Tunni, the Baajuun, the Ajuuraan, etc and the problem solved. They are unarmed and therefore will be no harm to no one

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