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    Hamdi @ 5/25/2007 12:42 PM EST
 Girlfriend? I think the ICU will
stone you to death if you keep
mentioning girlfriends and such
unislamic thing loooooool
    Hamdi @ 5/25/2007 12:39 PM EST
are you statiscian have you poll
Abgaal and they majority voted they
do not support and have you
poll the MJs and find out that
they support. how do you come up
with your latest allegation?
you sound as though just
being Hawiye one is exonarate
any blame.

The same can be said,
a MJ can he became a mayer
of Souther Galkacyo etc.

You said every peace loving
xalaal quute somali can live
in the Capital, unfortunatly
the reality on the ground
for the last 16 years
bellies up your claim
does it. why don't just
come out and say, you consider
some folks to be above reproach
while other their bloodline marely
makes them culpite therofore
worthy of your denounciation,
exclusion to the nations claim
etc. is that a way to build a

    nuune @ 5/25/2007 12:35 PM EST
 if only, my girlfriend was not MJ...i would have done worser!!
    nuune @ 5/25/2007 12:33 PM EST
 i know this weird discussion is painfully backward but the truth is the Somali legacy is such that we can't escape away from the realities of Qabiil especially now when all the cheering folks for the TFG are from Yeey's immediate sub-clan. my only sin here is my taunting lacked class but i chose it in such a way to taunt some imbeciles and buffoons, dispel myths , challenge people's assumed perceptions..any ways , i should pay heed to the adage that says "A graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults."

    nuune @ 5/25/2007 11:58 AM EST
 Hamdi, the Abgaals are Hawiye, majority of  Abgaals don't support the traitors and the warlords unlike most of MJ and Abgaals don't engage in clan bashing and are not obsessed with power. Hamar is the Capital and every peace-loving hard working and Xalaal-quute Somali can live in but on the same token can, say a Hawiye person live in Garoowe? or the Northern Gaalkacyo or Boosaaso and own properties in Qandala ? or aspire to run for say as the mayor of Boosaaso or run the airport? these are questions? only questions
    hamdi @ 5/25/2007 11:40 AM EST
don't change the subject.
I am not MJ, but
when you say they are not
welcome in Mogadishu I want to
know is Mogadishu yours to permit
people or deny them?
ALi Gede is also with
the Tigrian, is Abgaal not
welcome in mogadishu answer
my question? why choose Mj's
and not Abgaal, since the PM
sanction the arrival of
Ethiopia? answer that question!
    nuune @ 5/25/2007 11:14 AM EST
 Hamdi baby chill! why are my lame comments making you so outraged and you reacted to them and not to the ones blew where they calling clan-names? you seem picky in your anger... i see some bias..it is ok to malign those other clans and not yours? i sense hypocrisy, be outraged anytime a somali clan is maligned and not only when MJs are dissed. by the way, I will make sure the MJs in my hood are safe from any retaliatory attacks
    hamdi @ 5/25/2007 10:06 AM EST
why don't you do the world
a favor and martyr yourself as
well! we will have one less sick arse
in somalia. I love to see more
and more braindead blowing themselves.

when you said MJ is not welcome in mogadish
is mogadishu yours? the PM brought the
Ethiopians, is Abgaal also not welcome
in Mogadishu? as I said go and blow
yourself up!
    shanta @ 5/25/2007 8:48 AM EST
 From the minds of Clan Occupation comes another form of propaganda to entice innocent and true believers to act and carry the sick discarded and demolished philosophy of greed.  These ruthless leaders have already committed thousand teenagers to fight a war, which they don’t understand, and therefore dying in the outskirts of Burhakaba.

    nuune @ 5/25/2007 8:39 AM EST
 A lot of MJ (not all of them) will  NOT ever be able to come back and live in peace in Mogadishu neighborhood with others because of their shameless support of the Tigrayan invasion and the dying traitor Yeey.

This is not my view but the consensus among people in and around Mogadishu.
    nuune @ 5/25/2007 8:37 AM EST
 calling names ..habar this and habar that is the hallmark of the ma-xishoodayaasha from Puntland. Mark my word, A lot of MJ (not all of them) will ever be able to come back and live in peace in Mogadishu neighborhood with others because of their shameless support of the Tigrayan invasion and the dying traitor Yeey. What a short-sighted clannish suicide these folks are committing all in the name of MJ greed for power and domination. Use your skills to geat ahead and cross-over to other clans and build bridges , not bring the enemy and destroy people's homes and hoods.
    maxkamadiid @ 5/25/2007 7:54 AM EST
 lol Yesterday's mooryaan is todays Mujahid. nacalatullahi cala mooryaans. dum habar kintirs latest suicidal acts ah?! somalia is better without kalab shariif and his mahakam coksukers
    laylasamatar @ 5/25/2007 6:14 AM EST
 this is madness who is defending where are against who, lunacy!! people like you who encaurage lttle kids to kill themseleves because they haven't got the guts to die for the cause they claim to defend! shame on you child killers, he will go to janah, but people like you will definately go to hell.
    hassancosobleh @ 5/25/2007 3:01 AM EST
 Its not only unislamic to commit suicide by killing other innocent muslims for political and tribal reasons, but its also a shameful act to the entire africans and peace lovers around the globe. Few confused elements are trying to hijack our sacred religion for politican and tribal reasons. They will fail.
    gulleid @ 5/24/2007 10:25 PM EST
 Original somali man who die his bleeve and his country my allah reward the highest Junah
    Amakaag @ 5/24/2007 9:50 PM EST
 There was another one after the mentioned Geesi.
Killing the innocent is not Islamic but those who invade
and kill you need to be taught a lesson.
    nuune @ 5/24/2007 7:53 PM EST
 the video of martyr adam salad adam who killed more than 86 invading ethiopian infidels is on youtube, shirqool, qarxis and other sites. May Allah give us millions of Somali martyrs ....like him
    sede @ 5/24/2007 5:59 PM EST
 I don't believe it, I want to see the video, but it was
probably made in hollywood. This is propaganda. it is highly
uncommon for a Somali to suicide no matter what the condintions
are. Don't believe the AP. let us say, hipotetecally he did do it,
then why would the hand it over to the ap. Also it is not the
Shabab that are fighting, it is the people of Mugadisho.
    sahalsiidi @ 5/24/2007 4:12 PM EST
 Muslin nafta iska jaraayo ma ogola quraankeena, marka jahanamo inuu ku dhamaanayo u badi.
    anti-traitors @ 5/24/2007 3:50 PM EST
 sahalsiidi 72 tikree uu dilayna u ducee. waa aduunyo gadoon. gaal iyo muslim is dagaaleen. gaalkii baa roses iyo baroordiiq loo sameenaa kii muslimka ahaana waa la habaaraa. xataa gaalo hadeey sameen lahaayeen waa macquul laakiin  nin muslim nimo  kula sheeganaayo baa waxaas sameenaayo. (Aduunyada intaad nooshahay  Malaay caano laga lisaayo baad arkeesa)
    awgedi @ 5/24/2007 3:40 PM EST
 may allah reward him with janah!!
    ilwad @ 5/24/2007 3:09 PM EST
 Adam salad adam janada allah kawaraabiyo aamiin iyo inti kale oo udhimatay difaaca diintooda iyo dalkooda iyo kuwa xaqdarada loo xasuuqay aamiiin.

Muslims have to defend their religion land and integrity, those who stand up for their religion and people will be victorious in the end insha allah.

    sahalsiidi @ 5/24/2007 2:56 PM EST
 Martyr, Adam Salad Adam

Alle kuma cafiyo.
    caraweelo @ 5/24/2007 1:25 PM EST
 I don't believe a mooryaan is gona take his life, it has to be some other foriegn guy who did it for him. Sometime ago I saw a video that Al Jazeera had aired, they showed this Somali guy who was filming himself and was pretending that he is in suicide mission, riding a car, the video goes away and they show you far away thick dark smoke, it was the most un original of suicide attempt.  

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