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    somaalidoon @ 11/22/2006 1:18 PM EST
 I have nothing to add what Shabeel said. We are people blinded by Qabyaalad, and no one not single person can tell me what good Qabiil or Qabyaalad did for him. Yet, it is the most important thing that dominates our daily lives. Show me that we get rid of that stupidity and I will show you proud and strong Somali nation. Till then, post here your uncle in the jungle’s point of view and feel proud of your stupidity!!
    shabeel @ 11/9/2006 7:00 PM EST
 No Brother, I am just saying what I know and how I perceive the realities of Somalia. Somalis all believe in Qabiil and that is why we have Somaliland and Puntland and IUC and warlords, and TFG and so on. All are qabiil based entities led by qabiiliiste people.
    @ 11/9/2006 4:20 PM EST
 With all due respect to my Brother Shabeel, your comment is not only off the mark but,
in the process you've shown your irrational resentment towards Somaliland. May be it is Qabyaalad induced, or yet, and more likely, that all too human emotion called Jealousy. Per the article above Mr. Haybe is not anti-Somaliland sovereignty (read the article again).
He accuses, rightly i might add, our Somaliland Leaders for not seeing the forrest for the trees.
He is saddened (as I am) that his leaders are not vigorously condemning what is clearly an eithiopian aggression towards our brothers in the south.
weather their (Ethiopians) motives are terretorial or political domination--or as we suspect a little bit of both.

If you've Ideas that are helpfull please be kind enough to share 'em.
If you're commenting on an article please objectively stay on message...AND COMMENT ON THE ARTICLE.
All that venom spewing, foaming from the mouth, nincompoopish, half-baked and emotionally ladden garbage that came out of your mouth will do no one any good.

at the risk of sounding condescending- or God forbid arrogant, I'd like to point out
that if we (the Somali Nation) were blessed with critically thinking patriotic leaders
we woudn't be wallowing in our own feces.

Shabeel, If you must comment, however nagative your opinion might be, it behooves you to stay on

    shabeel @ 11/9/2006 4:21 AM EST
 Somalis believe in Qabiil and Qabyaalad. Somaliland is a colonial product and is isaaq dominated. Puntland is clannish product and majeerteen dominated. I don't know what the southern regions are but they are qabiil and warlord dominated.
TFG is led by warlord who has a clan mentality and it is sad to see that his whole clansmen lost their foresight and wholeheartedly support the clannish dreams of Yeeey.
    shabeel @ 11/9/2006 4:18 AM EST
 But now we have ICU consisiting of different clan courts. They came becaause of popular uprising. Ethiopia wants to have Puntand, Somaliland and other clan-based lands. I don't think Somalis are yet ready for nationhood simply because even their educated ones can't think beyond the qabiil. Forget Somaliland being recognized. Mark my word Somaliland will become a recognized nation when Isreal is obliterated as nation and Palestine becomes the only nation in the holy land? That will never happen but the Somaliland elites will always advocate Somaliland, Puntland will always be a clannish fiefdom and their majeerteen elites will keep their obsession to be leaders of Somalia proper. Hawiye will always react, be divided,and will have individualitis and greedy leaders.Digil & Mirifle will alwas react, be divided and be victimized by all clans.
Our only hope lies with Islam but those who lead the Islamic revolution need to be first of all farsighted and patient.  
    seyd Shariff @ 11/9/2006 12:12 AM EST
  A nice article with real Somali outlook may Allah bless your soul.
    ilyas365 @ 11/8/2006 5:55 PM EST
 masha allah Haybe walaahi aad iyo aad baan uga helay aragtidaada wacan iyo guud ahaan artikalkaagaba. Somaliland iyo somaliyaba waxay u bahan yihin dad Haybe oo kale ah. Waan kuu hambalyeynayaaa walaal Haybe waadna ku mahadsan tahay sida hufan oo aad wax ugu soo jeedisay odayaasha iyo walaalaha reer somaliland. Ethiopia aad iyo aad bay u nacebtahay somaliya iyo somalilandba waxayna doonaysaa in aanan waligeen horumar garin nana kala qaybiso si aan daciif iyada hoos taga u noqono. Qofkii somaliya oo aan taas ogayn waa doqon allah ha u naxiso waxaana kuwaas kamida Abdilahi yusuf iyo prime ministerkiisa Gedi...allow kuwaas naga qabo.
    nationalist @ 11/8/2006 2:26 PM EST
 As a Somalilander who, in the fight against the tyrany of the Former dictator, lost a father, uncles and nemurous members of my extended family (SNM fighters),Mr Haybe's article hit the nail on the head.
I whole-heartedly agree with him. The shame of falling for the age-old method of the Oppressor's-"devide and conqure".
I am naturally suspecious of over-reaching, all seeing, all powerfull central governments.
I despise, and utterly reject one that is intolarant of opposing views and tries to legislate morality, i.e (government that criminalizes what me and my family do or could do behind closed doors).
I am obviously no fan of the Islamic courts, can never get myself to support a group of people who would shoot unarmed civilian because he was eating during the fasting hours of Ramadan--(it happened in Barawe).
But, to side with, acquence to or condone Ethiopia's designs on Somalia (allbeit Southern Somalia), in the name of some Vague national interest is a betrayal of Islam and Nation.

After, they divide us in to little managable Bantustans, it is clear to even the untrained eye (mine) what their long time plans are.
I am a Somalilander to the core, politically I wouldn't touch the Taliban "knock offs"  with a ten foot pole. But in this fight, I'm willing to rub shoulders with 'em in the foxholes north of Baydaba.
When confronted with two evils, I'll try to slay the Bigger one-Mr. Yusuf's faction and their Masters. In this era where "4th generation warfare" i.e. Guerilla war is increasingly succeeding against state sponsered millitaries (see also: Hizbullah and Iraqi Insurgents) I say we have a chance.
With a Religous zeal and fervor giving Courts their back-bone, all we need is a touch of nationalism and we'll win this one. I expected our leaders to stand for what is clearly right not for what is is pollitically expedient. I guess  I'm asking too much of Politicians.
    fiqicigaal @ 11/8/2006 12:44 PM EST
 Ali you miss the point.The policy makers  of Somaliland support Ethiopia for the wrong reasons and that is where they lost it.
    ali812 @ 11/8/2006 11:44 AM EST
 figicigaal, what article were you reading brother?  The author was not supporting ethiopia
or the tfg or iuc.  Next time read the whole article before writing a bunch of nonsense.
    fiqicigaal @ 11/8/2006 8:31 AM EST
 My fellow Somalilanders you definitely lost it big this time. Ethiopians are our first enemy as a nation and make no mistakes wheather you like or not your future in the long run depends on the outcome of what Somali government we agree to have for all Somalis. In the mean time you can celebrate christmas with your uncle Melese if that is your choice
    qig504 @ 11/8/2006 2:30 AM EST
 I am sure they won't listen to you because of the mighty dollar. The personal gain with few hundreds of thousands from the enemy of your future generations isnot a gain. Far from it

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