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    abdulahmed @ 4/12/2007 12:19 AM EST
burhan_jamac @ 4/11/2007 10:07 AM EST
To: Answer to Abdul Ahmed basically i know who you support
and who you are the comment slavery was little bit over the top
however in reality it was closer to that of slavery
where all important positions were given to Afwayne's
cousins and Now Uraye is doing the samething.

If I try to respond to the writer of the above phrase, I afraid that I would annoy to our steamed readers. So, let me say "Somalia had never Slave and Master in their history and will never have such a brutal inhumane ideology among them!  Other than that, I think we have to forget to as fortunetellers or nice history tellers for the rest of our lives, but need to have to do some thing in the current awful event.  
Now, there is a concert and a drama which is going on both locally and internationally.  So, if you are an actor and know how to deal with such an episode, please act now and do not hit around the bush for no good reasons. I think my message is clear and need not to be rebeated.


    Aaisha1 @ 4/11/2007 7:11 PM EST
 How can we let our brothers and sisters be killed?those who try to speak fro us deny Qu'ran and
sunnah?make Du'aa ask keep the resistance  stong,silence the hypocrites and oppress the the oppressors
    burhan_jamac @ 4/11/2007 10:07 AM EST
 To: Answer to Abdul Ahmed basically i know who you support
and who you are the comment slavery was little bit over the top
however in reality it was closer to that of slavery
where all important positions were given to Afwayne's
cousins and Now Uraye is doing the samething.
    odogleh @ 4/10/2007 5:12 AM EST
 we too often have taken the false impression that we scare Ethiopians for granted.
Ethiopians know that we have been with out Governement for the last 17 years and can have  possibly interest to try to be one in Somalia.
I think this time no need to look out for reasons why Ethiopia did this.
Stop fooling us in evey way you can.
We will be where you have aimed us to be for the 20years.

    abdulahmed @ 4/10/2007 2:51 AM EST
 Hello ladies and gentlemen! When talking about the HISTORY OF Somalia and Ethiopia, it is simple to pass to others in a way of a true story or as a fiction narrated by a person or a group of the age people.

In addition to that, I don’t think that today’s story in Somalia needs a lot of talk but needs a lot of action and sincerity.  No doubt that today Ethiopia invaded our land and committed genocide against humanity in our beloved country of SOMAL.  Yes, I do accept your comments is solely based a historical facts with a lot of confusion, but I would encourage you to face the reality.

What is the reality of Somalia?  For my understanding, we don’t need to blame every thing onto the other people most notably as: Ethiopia, IGAD, EU, Arab League, and others, but we need to criticize and blame by ourselves.  Geed baa baa hadda ka hor hadlay oo yiri baa la yiri “HADAAN MASAAREY GABALKEY KUGU JIRIN IMA AADAN GOYSEEN!!!”, waxaan ula jeedaa haddii aanay meesha ku jirin nimanka tuugta burcadka ah oo cid walba ku jira oo ay ugu horeeyaan: Cabdulahi Yuusuf, Geedi iwm. Itoobiya maanta kuma dhacdeen in ay dhulka yaga soo gasho.

Please let us come with formula that would enable us to be united and disregard all historical mistakes in between us.  Also, please let us forget any VENDETTA in between our families or tribes, so we will be able to create an atmosphere of genuine dialogue in between the whole Somali nation.  Finally, I think it is nice if we can promote an idea which is different than you are QABIL HEBEL, AND I AM QABIL HEBEL, ANAA KAA LAANDHEERSAN, WAAN IDINKA XOOG BADANAHAY, ADINKA NASAB MA TIHIIN EE ANAGAA NASAB AH iwm.  

Intaas haddii aan isticmaalno oo aan yeelano awood aan isku cafino shuruud la’aan wixii horay noo dhex maray oo dhan, isla markaana aan ogaano in aanay jirin cid isu kaaya dhaanta, waxaan rumeysnahay in aan guuleysan doono XABASHIDA XUNA AAN WADANKA YAGA SI SAHAL AH UGA SAARI DOONO INSHAA ALAAH.

Dhanka kalase, haddii aan anaga un isku dheganaano, waxaa xaqiiqo ah in aanay XABASHIDU DHULAK YAGA KA BIXI DOONIN, balse ay laba wareegi doonto gebi ahaanba.

Fadlan caqligu ha taliyo Soomaaliyey.

Abdul Ahmed
    abdulahmed @ 4/10/2007 1:39 AM EST
 It is unfortunate that still we are listening people like the guy who left here a senseless inflammatory note. See what this person wrote in a the comment box.    

” We as Somalis have had many different leaders why
was the worst ones from the same tribes?
21yrs of slavery and genocide by Siyad Barre
and now Abdullahi Uraye who has committed genocide
there is an english saying that states if you fool me
once, Shame on you! if you fool me twise, Shame on me!”
wrote by burhan_jamac @ 4/9/2007 6:50 PM EST

My question to this person is, who were the people in slavery in Siad Bare's regime?  To me, I’m not aware of any slavery that existed in Somalia at all, but in contrast, Sidad Bare said before quote “the people of Somalia are equal, no midgan and no nasab and etc.”  Please tell us whose slaves in Somalia you are talking about???


Abdul Ahmed
    jayklen1 @ 4/10/2007 12:04 AM EST
 Melez is a dictator just like Afweyne..... He'll be overthrown in the future.
    adamjama @ 4/9/2007 11:38 AM EST
According to the Ethiopian history curriculum they teach their kids, Queen Sheba of Ethiopia went to Jerusalem for a visit.
While she was there, she had one night stand with King Solomon, and as result they had a son called "the lion of Judea".
Like their mother before them Ethiopians were sleeping with super powers of the day to attack Somali territory. They never did it alone.
Among the powers that helped them over the years include.  Portuguese, Greek, Spanish, British, USA, and the Soviet Union in 1977.
Ethiopia cannot and will not have the guts to invade Somalia without being in bed with super powers of the day. Remember US air force striking parts of Somalia including Ras-Cambooni and the US navy sealing Somali coast.
Somalis defended their country and religion for hundreds of years without anybody helping them. I hope we do not learn bad habits from the decaying monarchy. According to the US senator McCain of Arizona “there was nothing called Somalia before the European partition of Africa in 1884 Berlin conference, all that land was part of the Abyssinian Empire”

    RocketLaunch @ 4/8/2007 11:32 PM EST
 Stop using the religion for your baseless attacks.
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/8/2007 4:45 AM EST
 The Ethiopian people are prisoners in their own country.I wonder if they have the guts to say no to Meles the menace
    qamarasha@yahoo @ 4/8/2007 3:00 AM EST

A beautiful reminder for the Ethiopian people!!!

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