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    @ 7/17/2007 10:48 PM EST
 O.K,Muslimfirst,first I'm no longer "nameless".Second, I'm not tribalist or clanist as you allege in your comment.I'm rather solutionist,and would like to bring a new idea to the debate of somali's seemingly insurmountable political tragedy.I would never have proposed the break up of my homeland Somalia,had I known any other political and less drastical arrangement would work.The truth,though,is we have tried all,virtually,alternative options,and needless to say,they all have been misrable failure.It was president Siyad Barre, who was the first politician or dictator,to attempt to force-feed Somalis the idealogy of one people of one political arrangement.This policy was expressed through the creation,for all Somalis,of one city called MUQDISHO.Muqdisho became under Siyad the engine of all-things Somali,culturally,institutionally,economically and politically etc.So basically we have practised this policy of one-city-one-political-system nation,since independence.Siyad Barre was only its most forceful and dictatorial version of it.Now everyone,and all Somalis,know this forceful collection of all clans in Muqdisho have not resulted in a multi-clan,Somali love affair.By imposing this one-city state,the host clans or native clans,as expected at the time,did not simply shed their tribal claim to the Greater Muqdisho Area,surrendering to this fancy version of Somali's left-wing,clan multi-culturalism.These native clans of Abgaal and related Hawiye clans saw themselves as the true landlords of Muqdisho,no matter how many years of Siyad's version of multi-cultural propaganda non-sense that we all belong in this one city and should build it together.I do not think it was wrong of Abgaal clans to refuse to buy this clan,multi-cultural non-sense.Nor do I believe most of all other Somali clans were guilty of becoming part of this Muqdisho plan.Obviously we other clans have been victims of this forced experiment.Somalia has been destroyed by this nasty one-city policy.It is not tribalist or clanist to propose the break up of Somalia into viable units with all Somali major clans benefiting from this 'land for peace'approach.On the other hand, I think It would be reverse tribalism of the worst kind to suggest all Somalis should do their politics within the Land of Abgaal clans.These clans expressed their wishes in 1990s,we should not second guess them.The current,so-called reconciliation is doomed to failure,because it refuses to consider the aforementioned solution as a possible road-map to finding a final fix to this tragedy. Islamism,Communism,Africanism or any other imported idealogy,Mr.Muslimfirst,will not get us out of this hell-hole of no solution.All Somalis clans should always keep in mind this grand english say: good fences make good neighbors!NEXT I WILL PROPOSE HOW WE SHOULD COME UP WITH FAIR DIVISION OF THE LAND WE CALL SOMALIA!!!!
    halac @ 7/17/2007 5:43 PM EST
 Muslim first.I guess you missundertood Nameless,put it this way you said you are muslim first and second an african right,but you are Somali first and than the rest comes first brother.Do not waste your time Muslim and African idealogy because you not going to go far brother.
    Muslimfirst @ 7/17/2007 3:45 PM EST
 Mr @ or namesless, yes I am Muslim and the last time I checked my country Somalia was 99.999 muslim, as for referring me to an Arab, I dispute that I am ashamed to say that I was born into one of those main clans that you mentioned. However, unlike you I like to think big and I think that all Somalis regardless of tribe are equall and should be represented equally by any government. Please stop your clan racism and stop reffering me to an Arab when you don't know my real identity. As long as there are people like you around there will never be peace in Somalia. The only thing I am guilty of is declaring my religion. I am muslim first and African second anything else I don't want to know. If you think clanism will bring you peace good luck you will need it.
    samiir @ 7/17/2007 8:26 AM EST
 Mr. Mahdi may have been part of the problem in the past, but if he turns around and advocates for peace then he should get credit for it.

Perhaps, we're misunderstanding this fellow's point of view in suggesting a Nobel prize but the rest of his arguments are right on the mark. Somalia doesn't need only political reconciliation but social reconciliation.

    samiir @ 7/17/2007 8:25 AM EST
 Mr. Mahdi may have been part of the problem in the past, but if he turns around and advocates for peace then he should get credit for it.

Perhaps, we're misunderstanding this fellow's point of view in suggesting a Nobel prize but the rest of his arguments are right on the mark. Somalia doesn't need only political reconciliation but social reconciliation.

    halac @ 7/17/2007 5:29 AM EST
 Mr/Mrs Nameless,the real question is,how do you define the borders between these groups,i guess you heading more distraction.
    @ 7/16/2007 8:07 PM EST
 Muslimfirst,your Arab Islam is not welcome as a solution to our tragedy.We need original,somali,clan-based resolution of this seemingly never-ending crisis.This would take the form of terretorial division of the land we call 'somalia'today into viable units to be assigned to the major clans. The clans that would qualify under this land resolution are those that are indisputably somali,namely Hawiye,Isaaq,Daarood,Dir,Rahanweyn Midgaan, and all who look and speak 'somali'.Bantus and Arabs are excluded from this criteria.The current "reconciliation conference"does not address the fact the problem of somalia is land- and-  resource based problem.This is not somehthing that can be solved by using Arab religion or south africa-style reconciliations. No Daarood,as well as Isaaq,clans would ever go back, no matter what happens, to Muqdisho notwithstanding Ali Mahdi's wishful speech. We should all forgive each other,for we are all not innoccent of the destruction of what used to be called 'somalia'.But we should not lose sight of why this happened, and what needs to be done.Original Somalis need to start equitable re-disribution of the land between them ,through hard-nosed, non-sentimental,negotiation.Any other attempt to square this circle will end up becoming "HAL BACAAD LAGU LISAY".GOOD LUCK GUYS!
    caraweelo @ 7/16/2007 5:13 PM EST
 Ali Mahdi have shown a great courage to take on the position he was entrusted. There are so many who deserve to be nominated, who are behind the scenes and working hard the reconciliation of all Somalis. Then, there are the dark forces behind scene too who want to continue the anarchy and the mayhem in Somalia, may Allah bless the good hearted group and let them out win the dark forces.
    hanixin1 @ 7/16/2007 4:13 AM EST
 The though of rewarding the warlords for their crimes is sickening. The warlords led by Abdulahi Yusuf and Ali Mahdi are responsible for the mayhem in Somalia killing thousands on their way. Ali Mahdi divided people of Mohadishu together with Aidid and has a lot of blood on his hand. Abdulahi Yusuf and other warlords like Morgen (the Butcher of Hargaisa), Qaybdiid nee dto be punished for their crimes. In my opinion the Nopel commitee will be able to see this warlord apologists for trying to bring the name of the noble institution into disrepute. Shame on the warlords and their blind supporters.Contrary to what some warlords want us to believe, there is no clan animosity between the Somali people , it is the warlords who misuse clan sensitivity and create bad blood between Somalis.
    momo519 @ 7/15/2007 11:49 PM EST
 It's too naive to award Nobel Prize based on one speech! 1 speech in which Ali Mahdi tried, but fumbled numerous times to speak with Darod accent! I thought it was funny when he tried to speak like Siyad Barre!lol...cheers. No Nobel for Ali Maqaayo. Maybe his wife Nurto which championed for the poor for many years.
    qig504 @ 7/15/2007 9:33 PM EST
 Wow Noble prize for Ali Madi !!  Abdullahi Yusuf should get the second, and Zenawi the 3rd noble prize
    samakab1 @ 7/15/2007 8:54 PM EST
 If Ali Mahdi is nominated for Noble peace Price
then the current government of warlords and Meles
are the saviors of Somalia.  It was Ali Mahdi's insistence
of being a President that forced the SNM to declare independence.
    nuune @ 7/15/2007 3:08 PM EST
 a war criminal who took millions of mafia money fot dumping nuclear & industrial toxic waste in Somalia for Nobel Peace Prize! What a lunacy!
    shanta @ 7/15/2007 11:16 AM EST
 Ali Mahdi is right! The house of Hawiye needs to unite and the rest of Somalia will come.
    muslimfirst @ 7/15/2007 8:40 AM EST
 Wow the one father of Warlordism for the Peace Prize, based on one speech. I suppose your second request would be a monument for the other father of warlordism General Aidid. Thanks to these two men we are where we are today. If this guy showed reason and care for nationhood back when it mattered we wouldn't be where we are today. Where we are today is a total loss of our nationhood and place where we can never come back. As shown by the Islamic revelution that take place in South Somalia last year, the only solution to our crisses is not tribal but religion, we can only unite under one god.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/15/2007 8:12 AM EST
 If Mr Mahdi is showing some decency now and calls upon us for a  reconciliation which might or might not lead to a lasting peace , we should give him credit for that and be positive . I do understand that he was a warlord and should be held accountable for his role about the terrible things that took place in his time but then again there are no saints among these warlords
    cxasan @ 7/15/2007 6:47 AM EST
 Ali Mahdi is a ex warlord. He has a blood on his hand. he took a leading role over the destruction of Somalia. it is a jole that he is the the chair of the reconciliation confrence!
    george bush @ 7/15/2007 4:37 AM EST
 I believe most probably he will be arrested on his arrival to Scandinavia if he is to collect the Nobel Prize.

    Camel Girl @ 7/15/2007 2:14 AM EST
 Somalia belongs to Somalis and a sent bomb will not stop or distract any body. The meeting is on.  Somali leaders are home. The tireless men and women who never left stood/standing protected home (Somalia.).  For the GREED carried away face and deal with your death dance you lost and your friends who name themselves World Power. There are all over the place.  My good lord to dirty players (US, Saudi Arabs, China and Russia}, who share and play dirty politics around the globe Somali is not and will not be your finishing ground.  
    siigaaale @ 7/15/2007 12:43 AM EST
 i got one word for you ......................hummbug
add another ....... ballonnne.
    TOOS @ 7/15/2007 12:40 AM EST
    You must be kidding me!
Either you are not a Somali person or you are hallucinating
Is not he the one who started all the Hawiye Distractions?

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