37 comment(s)
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    ilka-case @ 1/30/2009 10:08 PM EST
 al shabaab should stop kat and prostitution that good
    Vebaro @ 1/26/2009 8:50 PM EST
 Al shabaab is coming,and they are already controlling;
jubbada hoose,jubbada dhexe,gedo ,bay,bakool,hiiraan,galgaduud,banaair etc
just a matter of a month,and you will see controlling every corner of the country includin somaliland
    dalmar haji @ 1/26/2009 8:07 PM EST
 The lack of respect in these comments is truly astonishing. Even from people who are barely literates.
The egalitarianism of the Somali people has/is and will always be their downfall.
    stickorcarrot @ 1/26/2009 7:01 PM EST
 Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa;

"Canaan ka baqe reer ma doojo" Hadaad turjumaad u baahantihiin
caawimo weydiista. Ninkani wuxuu u egyahay nin gadaal ka baqaya.
War "kariiraydii" ma sebenkii Caraweelaa lagaala baxay? Nacalaa
sheydaan ku yaale, fikirkaaga ka run sheg haday dacarta
ka qaraartahay! But of course, I 100% agree Qat must go
it is burden to our society with nothing to gain from. The
sooner we get rid of this the better, if we are not willing
to stop this childish behavior through education then force
is necessary and they should do it. Good Boys
    diidgaal @ 1/26/2009 9:06 AM EST
 Cabdi the truthful Yusuf U R so right brother.
    nomadic1 @ 1/26/2009 8:08 AM EST
 Utterly rubbish.
    djibsomali @ 1/26/2009 7:05 AM EST
 The guy who wrote this garbage is indeed as mentioned bellow
an chimpanzee.
go champ!! anyone who write an article about the mujaheedeen
has got his giro cheque ready from Sky news.

I call the article writer an other gaalo ismood.
The like of Ayan hirsi  
    rako @ 1/25/2009 11:16 PM EST
 Monkeys don't see their bud they only see other's.
    soyaal @ 1/25/2009 8:18 PM EST
 how can they fix a problem if they can't fix their own mistakes. they are the ones who have maimed, killed and displaced half of the mogadishu's residents. they are butch of idiots who have neither normal eduction nor Islamic one. they need be terminated their arabized idiology before they eliminate our entire society.
    diidgaal @ 1/25/2009 5:44 PM EST
 Luckymes, I told U the responsibility to sustain
belongs to Allah not me. There is difference b/w
begging and stealing and one should know th difference.
If U provide food and shelter for someone who can't
get it on his own, would he obey the law? No he will
keep coming back and re-offend time and time again.
The elderly the orphans and the sick don't even have
the energy to steal so they R not part of the discussion.
Steal and Ur hand is gone means we'll make U example
for the rest to avoid Ur situation. Get help b/f hand
but don't steal, b/c stealing corrupts the whole society
    someone @ 1/25/2009 2:08 PM EST
 Hang on! The South should better be ready for they are about to witness the jaw-to-jaw bite of living under Al-Shabab rule. I know those zealots cannot and could not reach the nose of Central, Eastern and Northern Somalia. The South surely has an iron-like indurance - Alshabab after Moryaans, wow!
    Luckymes @ 1/25/2009 12:10 PM EST

You are lumping the different categories of social welfare in one basket. There are a lot of people in every society that cannot cope with living by their own: Old people, handicapped people, families with children etc.
What is your plan for a person whose hand you chopped off. Will you leave him in the street when you crippled him?
    Luckymes @ 1/25/2009 12:00 PM EST

Did you read what I said? Can you tell me where I said chopping hands is not civilized? I told you there are prerequisites in Islamic jurisprudence to fulfill before you chop off someone's hands.
You are kind like giving credit social welfare to Western countries, but the fact is the Western countries learned from  Muslim civilizations.
    Vebaro @ 1/25/2009 10:38 AM EST
 bro diidgaal i support your point of view.
some individuals read western articles who are against muslims,and get some terms and use those terminologies.
we dont care whether is uncivilized or not if you steal your hand is gone,whether its barbaric or not the adultery will be stoned to death.
    diidgaal @ 1/25/2009 10:20 AM EST
 Luckymes and @ I feel sorry for U for U have no grasp
of Islam oter than western propaganda. I can't believe
U said that chopping hands is no longer civilized!!!
Subxaannalaah. It is not only civilized it is practical.
Even in secular ideas it practical. Think of the punishment
as well as the preventive measures it has. How many
thieves re-offend after release? Has it prevented others
from stealing? What about the cost of feeding and sheltering
a criminal? Islam is for all times and never will be
outdated. Non muslims R joing Islam b/c of its beauty and
practicality. So both of U need to ask forgiveness for
Ur blaspheming souls and learn Islam b/f U start creating
Lucymes, only alaah guarantees livelyhood not dovernment
or individuals. If U cant understand that basic Islamic
faith, what can U about Islam? Collecting welfare is not
guaranteeing livelyhood? it is a destruction of morals.
    @ 1/25/2009 9:53 AM EST
brother I really dont like their ridicolous Afghan dress style. We are somalis and we have our own traditional dress. Macaawis, shaar, dacas, bakoorad iyo rumigii dheeraa oo afka ku sudan jireen...
    Luckymes @ 1/25/2009 9:48 AM EST
 Insomnia had its toll on this guy. He has been pondering many days and nights what good his group have done, and could not find anything better than KAT banning, but if you have the least intelligence, you could have understood mr. Yussuf, what are the priorities in this difficult time.
Fiqilcigaal has summarized what could be tackled before you jump to KAT banning.


You have to understand that chopping limbs or killing by stone have strict rules in SHAREECA that is impossible to carry out. The problem with Somali clerics is the lack of knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence. How can you chop someone's hand when you cannot guarantee his livelyhood in order not to steal.
This is one of the first prerequisites of Islamic jurisprudence in stealing. Learn Islamic jurisprudence or stop your Wahabi ideology.
    fiqicigaal @ 1/25/2009 9:38 AM EST
well said. Why not show your Cyber name , a wiseman like you should not stay in the dark. Just a thought!
    @ 1/25/2009 9:26 AM EST
 TO : diidgaal

Before you expose your ignorance  you have to learn Islam first, Specially "The Islamic jurisprudence"

One of the reasons for the legislation of corporal punishment in Islam is to deter criminals, if the Chopping hands,stoning, or flogging criminals in the streets was appropriate deterrent in the Middle Ages, Now its not appropriate any more, We have to use another means to panish Criminals Other than this middle age methods, Instead of chopping hands why not imprison the Offender 3-5 years with intensive correction program then release him, in this case its guranteed that the society will earn a good member,healthly(not handicapped), capable of work to provide for his family.

And don't forget that the Omar-BIN ALKHATTAB(__) has canceled some Corporal punishments when he felt that the situation is inappropriate.

The Goal of punishment is not revenge or to parade the system severity, The Goal is merely Correcting and rectifying the wrong behavior.

BY : LOGS4017 l [email protected]
    Peace_Lover @ 1/25/2009 9:04 AM EST
brother I really dont like their ridicolous Afghan dress style. We are somalis and we have our own traditional dress. Macaawis, shaar, dacas, bakoorad iyo rumigii dheeraa oo afka ku sudan jireen...
    fiqicigaal @ 1/25/2009 9:01 AM EST
 When life comes back to the poor people of Somlia , when the rule of law is exercised and manitained , when a viable government is formed , when a national army is secured and the economy is sustained then we can debate about kat and other narcotics. Thousands of people are starving in refugee camps , dozens lose their lives in the city every day , thugs from different factions take the law/islam into their hands and reek havoc among a bewildered scared and scattered nation. Give me a break! there is alot to be done than police the streets of our towns were people are dying of hunger , disease and astray bullets or unintended suicide bomb.
    diidgaal @ 1/25/2009 8:47 AM EST
 Ths bigger question here is R we to live by the laws of
fod or the laws of men? Most of U use western words like
barbaric, attrocious and inhumane, but don't know the
first thing about Islam. U speak as if U R experts.
Cutting the hand of a thief!!! OOHHH it is barbaric,
lashing fornicators! OOHHH it isuncivilized, etc
All I have to say is if U don't want religion as rule,
we don't want corruption as a rule. So goes the cycle
of violence until one side wins it completely.
But no side will win it as outside influences will see
to it.
    logs4017 @ 1/25/2009 8:26 AM EST
 i'm really amazed to see an educated person who lives in the world  strongest stronghold of democracy and human rights (Britain)  and yet supporting the barbaric actions of al'shabaab Terrorist insects, i feel very sorry for you because during your long stay in UK you didn't learned the Civilized means to keep people away from harmful habits, for example ,heavy taxation,Awareness programs,and positive incentives, i really cant understand why the so called Islamists admire the big stick policy?____ Sir , i cant blame you , its One of the negative aspects of living in the margins of modern society(Gheto),HA HA HA


BY : LOGS4017 l [email protected]
    Cali_Warsame @ 1/25/2009 7:53 AM EST
 I would like to comment that I wish I could have the two minutes back that it took for me read this article.

Secondly, people always comment that alshabaab don't understand politics. My question then is: does anyone in Somalia understand politics? It seems the "political" figures in Somalia are skilled in setting up roadblocks and extorting money from the general population. Besides that they beg the world for aid. What else do Somali politicians do that is so much better in understanding of politics than alshabaab?

Anyways, it looks like al-Ahbash are successful in having us kill each other all over again. Why do you need an army in your enemy's homeland when you can just pay them to kill each other?
    Gaadh'haye @ 1/25/2009 7:44 AM EST
I'm teasing you. Don't take it seriously and comeout guns blazing.
    Gaadh'haye @ 1/25/2009 7:42 AM EST
Why don't you add to your 'like list' of Alshabaab their beautiful tailor-made Afgani dress. Surely that dress carries a message.
    Peace_Lover @ 1/25/2009 6:58 AM EST
 3 things I support al-shabaab. 1 panning Khat and Khamri and all other drugs which are not good for our well-being. 2 fighting against kuwa isbaaroyinka dhigta all the roads in somalia. 3 making all people equal regardless of their clans. I think I could live everywell under alshabaab's rule than clan based rules. My advice to alshabaab is to follow what our Holly Koran says and be fair for its rules and laws.  
    soomaalidoonka @ 1/25/2009 6:43 AM EST
 Good riddance. Qaad la waayay geelow ninkii waalana (qaldaamiinta) u duda. Jaad qaldaan aa
keenay imikana waa la caarifay. Qaldaamiintu ha iska sii cunaan waa soo soconaaye laakin no
more Jubba I love that.
    Hawd @ 1/25/2009 6:32 AM EST

Alshaydaan do not have the right to forbid Qad, they need to educate
people to help them, they need to preach the religion to people not
beat and dig up their ancestors' graves.
Only Allah can forbid things through his religion not Alshufto make up things
to their needs.
    wiilwaal-28 @ 1/25/2009 4:56 AM EST
 Al-qashiims tan waa ku raacsanahay.
dhaqaalaha lugu bixiyo jaadka waa u bahnahay.
hadii ayna kamaarmin wey beeran karaan(jubooyinka,aad ayaa
looga beeri karaa jaadka).aaway maskaxdii,intey is dilayaan
lacagtoodana kenya geenayaan.Somalida allah  ha u naxariisto.
    etsero @ 1/25/2009 4:42 AM EST
 They are right to forbid Khat also because it grows in Ethiopia and Kenya not in Somalia.
Omero Italia
    Hawd @ 1/25/2009 3:19 AM EST
 I think these Alshadaadiin are trying to make something
out of nothing, which means they are trying to wrongly dictate
to the poors civilians daily lives. They have to stop interferring with the people's
daily lives, they have go in the mosques and start preaching people there
that is their job. These people do not know anything about politics, they have to
correct themselves before they can correct other people!
    jamaludeen @ 1/25/2009 2:24 AM EST
 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK..awh man, nice one
    Vebaro @ 1/25/2009 1:07 AM EST
 cabdi this article doesnt make any sense,and you should have considered that the readers are grown up ,educated individuals,not a narrow minded people.We cannt take this cheap idea telling us that alshabaab prohibited khat because of self interest.
come up with another idea that you can sell to the readers.
    inthenameofislm @ 1/25/2009 12:48 AM EST
support them when they are within the limits of whats allowed by Allah and be against them when they go against!!
on the treatment of women in somali culture you are right, but islam respects women and has given them right that they never had and will never have
    baghdad bob @ 1/25/2009 12:36 AM EST
 out of fear he labels them terrorists, out of admiration he calls them heroes. The man is a coward!
    syad_Xusen @ 1/24/2009 10:07 PM EST
 "Shabab are stopping Khat because they are instinctively against anything that smacks of joy and happiness and fun".... loool.
Author's something else!!

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