18 comment(s)
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    Abu Ammar @ 12/20/2008 5:41 PM EST
 true true true article..mashaa'allaah brother keep it up
    ozman @ 12/16/2008 5:15 PM EST
 This article is right on the money.  The Al-shabaab's lack of international experience; limited knowledge on Islam; and harboring international terrorist, primarily foreign fighter are their demise.  This already proved deadly, when Al-shabaab though they could could fight on an open leveled field with much stronger conventional Ethiopian army and call the concerns of the USA a rhetoric.  
    jj @ 12/16/2008 6:47 AM EST
 Abu Abdulahi's article outlines Al-shabaab's six weakness points and six strengths that Alshabaab has, but what is the conclusion? Is Al-shabaab threat for somalis or only group that can handle our dying situation? In my own understanding, Al-shabaab has no strong leadership who can lead during the struggle and aftermath. Even when Ethiopian left, they will continue to fight for sects and groups.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/15/2008 6:51 PM EST

Caro is the judge, and surely case is closed. You have
your word, and i have mine!!
    stickorcarrot @ 12/15/2008 6:49 PM EST
 Marwo Caro

Thank for clarifying. Yes, I never use "NAAYAA" that
is derogatory word, but Waryaa is my word, these guys
are using all over without giving me the credit LOL

"dhado Roob noqon wayaday" hmm It seems you have
lingering suspicion!! Are you saying, Shebaab are
not what you expected of them? Sis, give them a time
as Dr told us, they arr more tolerant and more
open for suggestions. Let's have peace first, and
then we will go from there. Let's stop this
bloodshed first OK? Mise waa lagala quustay? LOL
    Caraweelos @ 12/15/2008 4:08 PM EST
 According to my record you own the copright word "Nayaa:. Stick owns the "waryaas" that he patented long ago. Coming back to this article, dhado roob noqon weyday.
    Luckymes @ 12/15/2008 4:06 PM EST
 Al-shabab Califate?hmmm.. let me see. Siyad Barre came with alien Scientific Socialaism and we are still dizzy with its after effects. At least Siyad used till kill with a bullet, not with a blunt knife(Midi saawir ah).
My children wil never live under Al-shabab. It is too much for a Scandinavian kid, they will be traumatized.
    Gacaliye@ @ 12/15/2008 5:06 AM EST
 Sticky LOOOL,
you are on mined mark, the words WARYAAS IYO NAYAAS are mine I am going to sue you, walaal for copy right violation and make you bankcrupt in that process.  
    luckymes @ 12/15/2008 4:46 AM EST

Your supposition that all Somalis can speak or write in Somali is not quite true.
    luckymes @ 12/15/2008 4:43 AM EST

How you did know that all Somalis can speak or write in Somali language?
    logs4017 @ 12/15/2008 4:20 AM EST
 Akhyaarta dhamaan waad salaamantihiin,!
Horta anigu waxaan la yaabanahay dadka meeshaan maqaalada soo galinaaya , maqaaladaas oo u badan maqaallo ku qoran af English, Maqaaladaan yaa loogu talo galay? Ma soomaali mise ajaanib kale ? Hadii soomaali loogu talo galay maxaa af soomaali loogu qori waayay? Mise luqadeenii waxay noqotay Ceeb iyo reerbaadiyo'nimo, Mise waxaa loogu talo galay dad kale oo ajaanib ah inay aqristaan??Anigu waxaan u malaynaayaa inaan somali loogu talo galin, !! HA HA HA
By: Logs4017 // [email protected]
    stickorcarrot @ 12/15/2008 12:27 AM EST
 Waa maqanaha jooga ..khalad badan baan qoray
    stickorcarrot @ 12/15/2008 12:26 AM EST
 nonsense lol
    stickorcarrot @ 12/14/2008 11:46 PM EST
 correction: Will "live" in peace is what i meant
    stickorcarrot @ 12/14/2008 11:45 PM EST

I am ready and willing to give them the benefit of the
doubt brother. This much I know, people in Somalia will
leave in peace, and the sense killing will cease. So,
i am ready to let them take over the land, and even I
am ready to go back and visit. I don't worry about
freedom of speech and lifestyle now, I am looking for
life for Waryaas, that is priority #1 for now.

"madax meel ka sarayso oo la salaaxo ma leh"

By the way, "Waryaa" word is copy righted don't you know
that? I am the only one who uses this word, so you get
to give me credit..no plagiarism OK? ;-)
    Ninfican @ 12/14/2008 11:15 PM EST
 This is a test
    Ninfican @ 12/14/2008 6:51 PM EST
Its so true that they are the only hope the waryaas have. As for the lack of visible leadership, I find it smart not to have a cult-like personality whose demise the movement might not survive. You also ask, when peace is achieved then what, I say  if we were all willing to give warlords, criminals and other parasites the chance to bring the only thing we yearn for (peace), is it fair to ask these guys a blue print for the future. I say leave these matters to the only one who really knows.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/14/2008 12:42 PM EST
 provocative but true!

But, at this juncture in our history, i have no other
hope than these guys. I am worried the leaderless part
and that is what i wonder most of the time. I know there
is a leader, but who is he, and what's his core beliefs?
The way it looks like, we are at their mercy, and for sure
people inside Somalia are better off when they are
at the helm, but when peace is achieved, then what?
That is when next step gets more complicated!

Sherrif would have been good bridge, but he dropped
the ball big time, and i am not sure if the gap can
be bridged.

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