6 comment(s)
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    wiliwiliq @ 1/17/2007 8:51 PM EST
 I wonder why these cyber Mooryaans(thugs) Ye and Asamac are messing every article and every page of this informative website. Isn't it time you two ( or one)should seek help?
You are against everything good and never explain why, and the language you always use is despicable, anyhow that explains everything so one should not bother even mentioning you.  
    shahid @ 1/16/2007 11:24 AM EST
 Mr Yuusef and Mr Abdisamad i am sorry but to inform u
that You're truly uninformed and dangerous, not only
to yourselves but to the welfare of Somalian society.
you guys are like those traitors ( Yusuf, Geddi, and Aideed)
Eithopian kaba idinkaa kadaran maxaa yeelay waxaad tihiin dada
aan dhiig iyo dheecaan laheen, ma doonaayo in aan qof
aan af lagaadeeyo but qofaan qiiro iyo dhiig laheen waxaa ladhahaa
DAYUUS! What could be da biggest motivation behind your ignorant
and pathetic comments? I know the answer , KHABIIL!  i don't even know
weather my khabiil is with coalition of kuffaariin or da islamic gov
but i truly know where my faith and DEEN is.

Muhammad Hassan Sh. Cumar.
    Yousef2 @ 1/14/2007 6:48 AM EST

I never said the article doesn't make sense; but I am against the generalization. Every case is different.
    Orwell1984 @ 1/14/2007 3:48 AM EST
 Yousef2, this article makes a lot of sense but unfortunately like many misguided 'Muslims', you don't make sense.
I would not trust you to run and keep my backyard clean let alone a country.

What a shame that Somali's around the world don't have clue what is going around the world and Somalia is part of major "resourced tressures" the US is after, thanks to help corrupt African leaders like Males.    
    kenyan somali @ 1/14/2007 2:13 AM EST
 starving, chaotic, unorganised, bandits,illiterates, only failed state in the world,
irresponsible, not decisive,alqaeda sympathysers, islamists,

is it worth to be somali anymore. unless we wake up and face reality which is we
are what we have made ourselves. Pakistan was able to stand their ground against india.
though they have hundreds of tribes and clans more than ours. why have we let our
guards down.

one thing for sure ethiopioa will not exit somalia. it will be the classic lebanon and syria issue,
israel and palestine examples, that our neighbours will occupy our motherland to stabilise
and protect us fm each other.

frankly my life is in a mess since this occupation, i cant concentrate on my work, every time my
mind thinks of somalia and somalis, it hurts.  Inshallah i hope one day we can reverse these
ugly part of history where our "leaders invited" ethiopia to "restore a recognised govt".

i feel ashamed.
any one else. abdik, carawelo, and apostles, pls dont contribute to my discussion.

    Yousef2 @ 1/13/2007 7:59 AM EST
 Somalia's case is different. Even if Meles may be bad for his people (which I can't say), he has been extremely good for us in this crisis. Our country has been hijacked by Al-Qaida and Meles saved it for us. Thank you Meles (and Ethiopia as a whole).

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