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    daljir @ 1/10/2010 1:50 AM EST
 If anyone is interested in the history of hon. Abdirisak haji hussein, you should read a book that speaks of his legacy in great volumes. This is a book written by many somali intellectuals. It has many editons nd I think the second edition talks about the legacy of the premier. The book is called Bildhaan. and it can be found in minnesota or online.
    daljir @ 1/10/2010 1:42 AM EST
 I have read the history of premier Abdirisak on so many books that to me i see him as one of the symbols of the somali nation. He was a man who prior to his political career fought for somali independence in the European colonization of Somalia. When the Somali republic became independent he bravely fought against corruption and fired many corrupt government employees at the expence on his political career. His war against corruption was the main reason President Aden Adde lost the presidential election of 1967 to Dr. Abdirishid Ali Sharmake. Unlike most somali polotitians he was a man who stood for a principal rather than tribalism or individual gain. History will respect his legacy in golden pages.
    Gacaliye@ @ 1/9/2010 11:53 PM EST
    Gacaliye@ @ 1/9/2010 11:46 PM EST
 Hon. Abdirak H.Hussein was anti-corrution leader the African continent ever had.

Have any of you, today's small war/money/shiekh/thieves ever heard  Prime Minister Hussien say:  "Ninka shing-kiisa la wayo,isna waa la'in"!  The red card issued (carta roso) during Mr. Hussien's primership is unique in our otherwise rotten continent.  As a little kid in Hargeysa, we citizens could see a difference between Hussien's regime and that of the corrupted gang of Mo.Ibrahim Egaal and Yaasin Nuur Hassan Bide.

So, no has to falsify the Somali history, at least not in my generation!!!
    mo_mohamed @ 1/7/2010 3:24 PM EST
 This is one of the most thoughtful article I have read recently. But to shed another light - this is a Saleebaan (Habar Gidir) intellectual writing the political life of a Majeerteen politician in a non-critical way indicates that there are some Somalis who liberated themselves from tribal sentiment like Cumar Jeeg.
    awale81 @ 1/4/2010 9:59 PM EST
 madaxdii soomaliya soo martay waxay shacabka uga dhigan yihiin ninkii boqolka halaad(geel) ooda ka qaaday ee ay ku durdursheen, kadibna asagoo naftu ka sii socoto lagu yiri, bal noo waran waa kuu jeednaa oo waad liidataa lakiin tee kugu roonayd geela kugu tuntay, deedna yiri mid aan duco qabto iraahdo ma jirto. markii abdirisaq adan cade magacaabay waxaa soo baxay shirip dhahaya ' marna siraaq marna rashiid inta kale ma rootiyaa' kadibna waa mida ilaa hada somaliya indhahaas u yeeshay madaxdii qaldanayd ee wadanku soomaray, ilaahow xaqa iyo cadaalada fahamsii wixii danbeeya lakiin isku soo wada doob 'ratiga hore ratiga danbe ayuu socodkiisa leeyahay.

    ilatali @ 1/4/2010 7:36 PM EST
 Runtii Abdirzak H Hussein waqti ayuu ku jiraa,
wuxuu 100% dhaamaa Abdulahi Yusuf oo taariikhda
Somalia meel ka xun gaarsiieyey, ka diba markuu
Ehtiopia ku soo hagay Somalia xasidnimo & naceeb
uu u qabo Somali kale.

Waxaa haboon in Abdirizak taa uu ka jawaabo.

Ninkan isku dayey inuu taariikhdiisa qoro,
waxa haboon inuu noo sheego mowqifika Abdirizak
ee Somaliland, Putland & Somalia.

    Stickorcarrot @ 1/4/2010 3:46 PM EST
The title and article don't match. I have not read much
about A.H. H but his recent stand proves that he is patriotic
and has good heart.Of course, to fully understand, we need
to dig deeper and find out more about his tenure as PM.
    xamarweyne @ 1/4/2010 2:58 PM EST
 I agreed the most of the writers's suggestation below that the author of this article above did not supported his point or tittle that the PM was misunderstood. However, I must admitted that the authors covered brief history during Mr Hussein's time well. I have read so many articles wrote about Mr Hussein and this one clarified some point that I did not undertand before. But I am still confuse whether the author intended to prove that MR Hussein was misunderstood because he was a good or bad PM. If the author intended to prove, as readers assume here, Mr Hussein was a bad PM whose policy effect or created today's politcal problem in the country, I am sure that he failed because all the facts that he presented in article contradicted that point. Over all not bad article since I learned from it.
    ayarluud @ 1/3/2010 5:43 PM EST
 Whether HON. A.H. Hussein was a great Somali patriot or not has never been questioned. I fail to see the point of this article. The author claims that Mr. Hussein was misunderstood. Maybe so. But instead of giving us a history lesson, you could have done better by giving us the reasons and facts in which to support your claim. I don't mean any disrespect but this article should have been titled "A brief history of HON. A.H. Hussein's Government"
    ozman @ 1/3/2010 2:23 PM EST
 As far as I know, Mr. Hussein supported the Union of Islamic Courts--which gave us Al-shabaab.  I have seen many speeches he made throughout the years, and I can tell you with confidence that: he has poor vision in politics, highly emotional a nationalist-extremist, not patriotic--at best he's incompetent.  The reason why the Somali Republic has failed--is because we where led and current led by men who are unqualified to lead a nation--period.
    fiqicigaal @ 1/3/2010 12:28 PM EST
 Perhaps uncle A.H.hussien decided at last to set some record straight so he can squeese his name in Somali history before he departs this world.
    gedo @ 1/3/2010 12:22 PM EST
 MR A H HUSSIEN adinkoo raali ah ninka kan walaal keena yaa wax nooga sheegi kara waxa uu dalka iyo dadka uu u taray??
    momo519 @ 1/3/2010 11:38 AM EST

Can anyone tell me what is the point of this article?

    shanta @ 1/3/2010 9:44 AM EST
 The title is misleading, and A.H.Hussien's contribution to our national intrest is priceless-this is genuine Somali leader.

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