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    somali unity 12 @ 1/24/2009 8:09 PM EST
 The writer of this article makes some good points. Hence it’s not as clear cut as he puts it. I don’t think it would be possible for the Somali leader to sit at the negotiation table to patch up the problems of Somalia with out looking at the root cause first. Therefore one can not argue the root cause of the conflict in Somalia is ignorance which inflicted diseases into the hearts of the people, where they are lost in the clan hostility, which does not hold any bases in Islam. Also there is another factor to this growing concern of our sisters, (may Allah give them hedaaya) its lack of religious upbringing. The only way Somali can achieve peace and prosperity is through the establishment of the law of Allah Azza wa jall, which soo far only Al Shabab advocate. In conclusion our sisters can regain honour and respect .
    soomaalidoonka @ 1/24/2009 3:00 AM EST
 Igaarkay Awrfuule

DNA ma soo martay? Beryahaan waa lagu waayee intee aaday? Reer Wanlaweyn aan nahay
abuur aan cunaa, baryo ficil qaldaan waaye, ceeb ma ka aha mahaad ka timid, mahaa lee
sii joogaysaan nabad markay Wanlaweyn keentana dib lee u soo noqonaysiin haddii kale Moos
ma leh, yaanyo ma leh, afkaaga hagaajiso.
    awrliqe @ 1/24/2009 2:35 AM EST
 lol@walaweyn, aleeylehe si fiican bay idinku go`day lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    simbe @ 1/23/2009 9:38 AM EST
 I wonder who defeat them?
    Caraweelos @ 1/22/2009 3:29 PM EST
 Our future pool of leaders:
Sheikh Shariif
Jinni Boqor
Nuur Cadde
It gets better and better.
    Hawd @ 1/22/2009 3:34 AM EST
 It is a touching article indeed, however, my advice is
that if anyone wants a reasonable president for Somalia
who can do something for both his country and people
they have to give Nur-adde achance this time. In my view this guy
has got intelligence on his disposal, he is farsighted man
with no more personal interest than common one. Otherwise, Somalia
will keep on flying on merry go round sort of chaos as ever.
    diidgaal @ 1/21/2009 11:31 PM EST
 Jayklein, U complain about shabaab when there R people
in mogadishu who think Geedi is worthy president.
R U blinded by tribe or just U don't like Islam?
Shabaab may have many faults but no one can deny their
sacrifice and struggle against ethiopia. Without them,
somalia would be kililka 6aad. So if U think west
wants to do something for U ask them to capture the
whole nation and create viable government, they won't.
All they will do id give U guns and tell U to fight
others, so it goes round and round again. Shabaab will
never be blamed as long as U have, qaybdiid, suudi, qanyare,
geedi,azhari,gacmadheere etc running for office.
    JAYKLEN. @ 1/21/2009 9:42 PM EST
 waa mahadsantahay brother Ali Osman.... The question is who are the spoilers shaki kuma jiro in aay AL-SHABAAB yihiin qas wadayaasha soomaalidu waxaay u baahan yihiin in aay internanational community-ga gaar ahaan U.N-ka aay ka kaashato sidii nimankaan wadaad isku sheega ah oo raba in dhigga ummadaan daashay la sii daadiyo.

    momo519 @ 1/21/2009 4:21 PM EST
 Right on! Brother, keep up the good work. Ilaahay kheyr ha kaa siiyo wakhtiga aad u hurtay inaad u qeyliso shacbiga dhibban.
    camel girl @ 1/21/2009 2:53 PM EST
 A Word with Somali Leaders  No and never.

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