23 comment(s)
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    kucadaye @ 12/28/2006 6:02 PM EST
 This Born-Again-Somalilander Shrink, who support the
dismemberment of my country, has no credibility whatsoever
to preach us what to do at this critical time
of our history.

United we stand; the more likely we
will get rid of the Ethiopians and restore peace and
governance.  Divided; we will all fall prey to their
mechanisation. Dr. Abdishakur, your are a secessionist
who has no business talking about pan-Somali issues.

Having said that, I agree with him on one count: if
Abdulahi Yusuf and Geedi hope for support from the
Somali people they have to get rid of the likes of
Mohamoud Dheere and the supper killer Qaybdiid.

Kucaday'ye from the side line
    Gigii @ 12/28/2006 1:19 PM EST
 Genuine_somali! Please help the ignorants.
    somdana @ 12/28/2006 4:37 AM EST
 No one better qualified?
In our Somalia of today, no one is dispensable as no one is indispensable either!
Somalia needs all its children, US! and We all need each other.

This disaster was initiated by USC and is compleated, commissioned and delivered by UIC Masterminded by Mr. Abdikassim Salaad, Dahir Aweys and Ina Deelaaf.
With regard to Mr. Ali Khalif Galaydh, his past history as a Minister, and fleeing from his country which vested him with the highest honor, and the taking with him of the few million dollars at the ministry he was responsible for, just that and that only disqualifies him.
But as a somali intellectual he too should be pardoned and wellcomed to contribute to the reconstruction of our beloved Somalia.
    sool state @ 12/27/2006 10:49 PM EST
 Islamic courts i realy loved you and will support you
anytime, anyday, but why you gave Ethiopia 7 days
then attack them and why were you all these time
offending Ethiopia if you knew no nation was gona help
you or involve in the war. When the accusation that
you guys were hiding foreight fighters why didn't you
just tell the international community there is none
plus have the search? On the top of that you should
have made peace with Ethiopia and the TFG and also
better wait for UN or IGAD force instead of provocing
ethiopia. I am confused what this was all about. it's
like we watched a quicked unpridictable movie.
But hey if TFG don't do better you always be back and
our support will be right there with you only we will
change tactics such as throw away indhacade, and
those former mooryans unless we gona make peace with
all warlords and keep them inside isnstead of them
fleeing to Ethiopia so they don't get help.
    qig504 @ 12/27/2006 5:45 PM EST
 Upto the point as always. It is great the TFG is gone for good. Now it is between Meles the "Malice" plus the CIA in one hand, and Mr Aweys and Mr Sharif in the other hand. Let us see how they handle the situation
    Genuine_somali @ 12/27/2006 4:11 PM EST
Here’s an epitome of confused so called Somali “intellectuals”. The whole article lacks substance and coherence. You don’t advocate for war and claim one party of the conflict is righteous (Courts) and vilify the other. No one wins in this war. Somali people are sore losers on both ends. These so called “sheikhs” have done more than one “miscalculation”. First, they are the very same ones that were raping and slaughtering Somalis just about a year ago. These are still the same Clan-based, blood-thirsty pillaging Mooryaans. They are NOT reformed. Religion and calling a “Jihad” is just yet another ploy to maintain influence. Let’s call a spade a spade.    
Second, even when some war-weary Somalis gave them a chance and back them as alternative to these war-lords, they wanted to act as another emperor and refused to negotiate with other Somalis and TFG. They wanted to RULE the whole Somalia, without consent!

Courts are basically harvesting they sew. Now, with this defeat, I hope they play a constructive part of finally achieving a peaceful, democratic country that we can all be proud of.
    momo519 @ 12/27/2006 3:21 PM EST
 I think it's a mistake that you've predicted or you've called for violence and insurgency much like the current Baghdad. You expect our academics such as Dr. Galeyr to go to such a place, Baghdad? There is a chance that we could over come with all of these tug-wars; forget Ethiopia and focus on Somalia. If UIC would've focused on Somalia, Ethiopia wouldn't have much excuse. If UIC leadership would focus on our domestic affairs rather than calling for Jihads and foreign fighters, the international community would have been reluctant to support the Ethiopia's military operations.
    kayse @ 12/27/2006 2:37 PM EST
    mukhtarmjama @ 12/27/2006 2:32 PM EST
 In my opinion it is tragic but sovereign and independent Somalia ceased today. Ethiopian troops invaded Somalia and will control political and military life of Somalia for the years to come. Zenawi used his puppits Gedi and Yusuf as well as other warlords as a trojan horse to run Somalia as "kililka lixaad, zone six". Anyone who supports Ethiopian aggression will surely regret. Those who want only a shortsighted interest will regret their decision to allow our traditional enemy to come to our country. Furthermore, a massacre which is a crime against humanity has taken place in Adado district perpetrated by Ethiopian troops and Puntland Militia and Criminal Abdiqaybdiid militia. They should be brought before a court of justice.
    QE @ 12/27/2006 11:10 AM EST
 Dr. Jowhar, I think you are making great points with respect to how can we over come the current problem in Somalia. However, when you said, "No one is more qualified and more suited than professor Ali Khalif Galaydh to take on this initiative. Will he stand up now," I lost you man. Although I very much admire Professor Galaydh’s knowledge, experience and his personal contribution to Somalis, I advice you to please stay away calling individual Somalis to this tough time, because Somalia needs collective respond in this difficulty time (s); thank you Dr. Jowhar for your extraordinary opinion!

    seyd shariff @ 12/27/2006 10:22 AM EST
  This not time for self pitying and no more capitulation.
Either take part in the libearation or shut up.
No amount of casting b;ames will drive out the imperialist invaders.
Now is time for Gobonimo doon dhab ah.
No more talking to traitors and warlord(hired gangs).
Let us do the halgan and cast the blame later.
    sool state @ 12/27/2006 4:24 AM EST
 The story of the TFG, and those sharta groups like
Qaybdid, Dabageed, and maxamed dhere all taking
their cities they used to rule yet haven't stated
whether they support the gov or not just makes no
sense here. I certainly see problem among these
criminals, i am afraid they will kill thousands yet
can't agree on each other on how to improve the
situation for somalis. I also wounder if
ethiopian soldiers would ever leave?

Sure either way all somalis are needed to solve their
problems especially guys like Ali Khalif Galaydh not
only he is wadani but good in religion, and got love
for his people both outside and inside the country.
In any case Somalis is at it's worst situation in
it's history and i certainly see long war and brutal
killings in any way i look at it. The best for somalis
is to unite and fight the ethiopian soldiers until
the last ethiopian soldier dies. Then come all together
and quickely form strong freely elected goverment
that serves the interest of the Somali people.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/27/2006 2:58 AM EST
 what is wrong with Hiiraan.com? Faafreebkii Siad bare at work here or what?
    shahid @ 12/27/2006 1:17 AM EST
 We all know that Somalia and Eithopia share some deep rooted conflict,
but what is sickining is that some Somalis actually prefer these infidels
over their muslim brothers and their own soil. Nimaad jeceshahay ceebtiisa
kuuma muuqato but A devil in UIC is better than an angel in the kuffaar of
the coalition.
    seefta bannaank @ 12/27/2006 1:06 AM EST
 what happened to my poem? wasted all my time on it...
    somaalidoon @ 12/27/2006 12:46 AM EST
 I think the coalition of Abdiqasif is over. It is time real UIC start from the ashes of the old one. Let Aweys and company be free from Qabilist men, the likes of A/Qasim, Indhobahal, Galaal etc and I am sure they would succeed. I have utmost respect for Aweys and Sharrif, but this was not their war,. It was A/qasim and Indhobahal’s war and they stray the young men. Hassan don’t be disappointed just change the company you keep and you will succeed Insha Allah.
    Stickorcarrot @ 12/27/2006 12:33 AM EST
 Remember when Warlords were kicked out from Mogadishu? Abillahi Yusuf said “Cagtii joogsan waydaa mar bay ceeb la kulantaaye!” It is known proverb and it was good for the warlords and I am afraid history repeats itself and it applies the UIC as well. It is true Baidoa function is self appointed warlords and did not come about with the blessing of Somali people. But, this time of difficulties the Somali problem needed visionary and men who understands the geo politics of the world, and it seems the UIC lacked these qualities. All they had to do was, deal with these guys, after all they are Somali. (hadaan la kal roonaan roob ma da’o) Tell them we are Muslims let’s make Quran our basis of our government and then let them run the country so we can at least have a functioning government in the short term.  COTINUED
    @ 12/27/2006 12:11 AM EST
 Asalamu Aleykum
Walaalahay somalidda ah fiiri sidey noogaleen dad inaga naga mid ah oo gaaladda u maray oo wadankeena islamka ah u soo horseedaayo gaalo oon ugu horeeyo Itoobiya oo cadowgeena ahaa weligood waan jebinay dagaalkii 1977 waxaan riixnay inlaa caasimadoodda waxaa qayliyey adduunka oo dhan Amerika ugu horeeyo maxaa maanta loo qeylin waayey marabaan dad muslim ah ama waddan muslim ah laakiin waxaan ogahay oodna ogtihiin inuu xaqa soo dhaahiri doono Ilaahay ayaana og waqtigaas
Laakiin itoobiya waxay noo qabtay ciil maatey rabtaa inay arrsatto ciil waxaan u ogolaaday aarsigaa Geedi iyo A? Yusuf M/dheere X/Caydiid waxaa ILaahay ka tuugaa halahooda iyo wixii xulufo u ahba inay dantooda gaarin Maxkamaddaha Islaamkana ay guusha hesho Amiin>
Waxaan somali u Sheegaa meelkasto ay joogyo Israacddo lana caawiyo maxkamaddaha  kuwaan qeyr nalaha oo waxay rabaan dantooda oo kaliya oo Itoobiya u balan qaaday inay siiyaan xeeb sababtoo ah Itoobiya ma qabto xeeb wax kaalmo adduunka ugu soo dajiyo sidaas ayeyna rabtay weligeed mareykankana Ilaahay hanga qabto isagaa u fasaxay inuu ku duuulo somaliya qaramdda midowbi waxba lama ahan adduunka had mareykankaa u taliya warkiisayna ku socdaan waa magac been waaggii hore qaramadda midowga wuxuu ahh dhexdhexaad  laakiin waqtiyaddan danbe waxaa ku shaqeysto bush ilaahaan ka weyn ilaahay bush adduunka iyo aqiro iqaab xun haku marsiiyo iyo meles zanawi  .
Munafqiinteena somaliyeed waxaan u sheega inay ka toobad keenaa intuunana malag u soo xaadirin maalintaa gaaladda waxbo kuuma taridoonto dadka ku faanaay itoobiya waa cadowgeena maanta wuxuu ku qodbeeyey zanawi waxaan joogaa nus intaan ka laayo somalidda arag kan noo keenay Geedi iyo kuwaann hor ku soo xusay oo dhahaay wixii ay dheheen gaalada somalia waxaa jooga Alqadi waa been iyo imay dhameyaan walaalaheena somaliyeed rag iyo dumar iyo caruur yaana la dooran kuwaas mar kale Ilaahayna ayaan u sheeganay inuu naga qabto kuwaas bishan barakaysan fadligeedda waa la karkaa mardhow Insha Alaah.
Somaliya guush ha raacdo Itoobiya may iska celiyaan iretireya waana wadan qaba Islaam iyo gaalaba sababtoo ah waa annga dhexdayna oo cadow isku ah fiiri somalia cadowga weyna kala eebsaddan qiimo jaban walaalkaa ayaa laga yaabaa inuu kugu iibsado waxaan macno lahay.
Waxaa somalidda ka rajeynaa inay tan noo noqoto Aqoon kororsi aana isku heelino somal nimo diinnimo midibnimo walaalayaal xagay naga aaday diinta fiican aynu haysano fiiri dunidda dadka qurbaha joogo iyo kuwa gudaha joogaba walow dadka qurbaha joogo aad u ogsiin yihiin dhibaatadda lagu hayo qurbaha gaaladan kuma jeclee ha u maleynin inay ku jecelyihiin markay wajigaadda arkaan waxayba ku siganaayaan inayba meshaas kugu qaarrijiyaan laakiin Ilaahay ayaa qalbigoodda ku shubaa raxmadda kadibey ka noqdaan waxaan ka noonahay Ilaahay dhiniciisa maahinee marhore ayeynu tagilahay.
Munafiqiinta somalieed iska daaya waxaa na sugeyso AAqiro qabri madow
Geediyo iyo maxamed dheerow oo dhahaayo haween danbe ayaan u hooyana jowhar Ilaahay kuma geejo itoobiyane waxba kuma tareyso gaal kufaanayaalka waxaa arkay sawir ayagoo dukanaayo oo duceysanaayo iyo gaal ayaan ku leeyahay wadankeena qabso jirana gey naxum taas maha muslinimo ee iska dhaafa taas ee towbakeena Maxkamadaha way isku dayeen heshiis laakiin idinkaa diidey heshiiskii sudan ka dhici lahaay oo aadan tagin caalaa itoobiya Itoobiyan dan idinkmalaho waxay rabtaa inay somalia oo dhan xukunto laakiin Ilaahay ayaa Amarka leh( SW )
Wabilaahi Towfiiq
    abdik @ 12/26/2006 10:39 PM EST
 I was with him till he mentioned professor Galeyr. The good doctor is wrong, again.
    wiliwiliq @ 12/26/2006 8:01 PM EST
 Forget Mr Galeydh, knowing that he has standing political differences with C/lahi Yusuf and Ethiopia, already visited Mogadishu will disqualify him in this mission.
He is respected elder states man but this situation requires a different face.
A new faces that have no rift with those involved in the conflict are required. What about you Mr Jowhar? why can't you go with other intellectuals of your choice?   You have taken the initiative see through it, or you just talk the talk…………..  
    @ 12/26/2006 7:28 PM EST
 It is not time for our academicians to record their usual blames on one side or another
or keep repeating secular extremists’ views by discarding basic Islamic values or
cursing the devoted Islamists. It is better for them to reconfigure their thoughts and accept,
that Islam constitutes the driving force of Somali society that shapes their daily life.
With this understanding our respected learners should not deny their identity and faith of their nation. And they should first mark their existence on the Somali political arena before translating their abstract visions into reality.
    muslimfirst @ 12/26/2006 6:22 PM EST
 Brother save your breath. You don't need political science degree to know that Ethiopia prepared to invade Somlaia long time ago, they didn't need the threat of UIC to invade. Three years ago mr Zanawi was interviewed on BBC new, he claimed that there was Al-qaida in Somlia and it was his duty to get them. The only crime the Courts ever did was to clean the streets of Mogadishu off the criminals.
    qaranjecel @ 12/26/2006 5:24 PM EST
 Not only do we need Mr. Galeydh to interfere the situation, but everyone, who can make a difference from the Diaspora community is needed! No more puppets who are not respecting the will of their people are not needed in Somalia.

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