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    balliqardhac @ 2/19/2007 2:22 PM EST
 The dark side of the Somali Culture has been unveiled,
and I do not see anything wrong with this guy telling his story. But what
he needs to know is that Somali's have ostracised their
own kind who looks like them, talks like them, and
believes islam like them. Well, even though he believes
that he was descriminated because of his light skin and or
origins, he should know that, there are those who had
the ulimate descrimination, worse than he can ever
imagine. Let us work on solving that dark spot in our culture.
Believe me we can change it for the better.
    Nomadic1 @ 2/12/2007 9:10 PM EST
 Kibogoyo, may allah enlight you as you enlighted us.

The only thing i would add to further enlight my fellow brothers and sisters is to refrain using the term as derogotry as the west media and the nonmuslims do.
Based on the teachings of Sheikh Mohamed Abdul Wahab and Ibn Taimiya before him, it is all about returning Islam to its original principles. That is to purify islam from BIDCA and puts heavy emphasis on TAWXIID.
The main textbook is entirely based on extracts from the Quran and solid Hadiths from reliable sources.

To add some Somali flavour, Sheikh Mohamed pioneering textbook is called, FATXUL MAJIID (kitaabu tawxiid) few sufis labbeled it FOOLXUMO SOOJIID. The reason being that the Kitaab disapproved many bidca practices that were contrary to the prophet' (PBUH) and the QURAN.

I suggest, we all check that textbook, KITAABU TAWHIID. Or try an easier and smaller but diffrent one by the name, UTHULU THALATHA the three principles of Islam.

Salaam Alaykum all
    Kibogoyo @ 2/12/2007 2:43 PM EST

Wahabism is partly what Motoke explained above. After the demise/ of the Islamic states The people of "Hijaaz" (Saudi and it periphery) went back to the worship of the graves and started committing polytheism (shirk). It was then that a revolution started to bring the people back to monotheism. However doing this wasn't as easy as it sounds and therefore great minds had to sit and discuss how. A genius among them came up with the Idea of educating the people in "Tauhid" (the oneness of Almighty). He then wrote a book entirely by extracting verses from the Quran and Authentic Traditions of the prophet that talked about the subject. This was meant to educated and saved the younger generation from shirk since it was realy hard to change the old folks except few. The books are available in any islamic book stores and having read it myself there is nothing extreme about it. It isn't politics of the current world or how to tople a superpower, it's all about the next world of afterlife that most of the population that labelled it as a cult or ideology doesn't believe. The Genius name was Muhamad bin Cabdullwahab. Its believed that the purest form of Islam should believe in the verses and hadiths as narrated and practice it accordingly. I hope you will find the books and get the power and enlightment. Facism, wahabism, fundamentalism and anyother "ism" is intend to create the hatred so that you may not get the enlightment yourself.  
    Motoke @ 2/11/2007 6:37 PM EST
The word "Wahaab" is another name for Allaah, and putting into “ism” will mean similar to saying Allaahism,. From an Islamic perspective, I am not sure if it will be Ok to use in any means.

Answer to question: it is said to be a violent Islamic fundamentalist ideology of Maxamad Abdul Wahaab from Saudi Arabia. I am not sure if that is what you asked.
    Motoke @ 2/11/2007 6:17 PM EST
 We could define our selves in many ways including: country of origin, place of residence, ethnicity, faith, name extra.. even though some of these are subject to change in a situation, they don’t contradict. You could be Muslim, Canadian, Native Somali, Ethnic Persian, and Faarax all at once.

I don’t think that the author is confused about his “identity” rather he is more to acceptance and his strife to be seen as a member of the group (Canadian/Somali) circle.
Of course, it feels prejudice and the lady’s naiveté’ that feels “someone from this country” will assist her better. we would also be naïve if we say that this means you are not Canadian
    zanzibarian @ 2/11/2007 5:20 PM EST

Wahabism waxa lagu jeeda

1) in la yiraado daawashada kubada cagta waa xaraan
2) Sawirka waa xaraan
3) Heeska iyo muusikada waa xaraan
4) Gebdhaha iyo wiilasha iskuulka isla dhiganaayo waa xaraan
5) In culimadi cimaamada maxada ku duubanjire hada kadib, sida naaga u hagootaan
6) In la labisto Qamiis carbeed ama dirac oo aan sirwaal la qaadanin.
7) In Sheikh Yusuf Indhacade yahay Caalin Cimaamad hagoogan oo laga danbeeyo
8) In dabaasha bada liido gebdhaha xaaraan ka tahay wiilashana xalaal u'tahay
9) In gebdhaha iyo dumarka loo labiso dhar aad u'fuul xun oo ka gedisan dhaqanka so jiritaanka aha ee umada Somaliyeed  
    caaqil01 @ 2/11/2007 3:09 PM EST
 i wonder if the sunnah of our prophet (Pbuh ) become What ignorant people call (Wahabism)
would any one of you  define what (Wahabism ) means before they use that word .
Dear brothers and sisters we need to learn more about our religion so that we can figure out more
    muslimfirst @ 2/11/2007 3:02 PM EST
 All Somalis claim they from somewhere else other than Somalia. Discrimintation in Somalia is big, you are no exception. If you want to know your identity, you are MUSLIM after that things get complicated and only small minded people think like that.
    Hawood @ 2/11/2007 12:49 PM EST
 Look,guys who feel sorry for this guy have no idea
what the likes of him used to do to other somalis
in the middle east. They used to discriminate and
ignore them while pretending to be arabs. This guy
thinks that b/c he has lighter skin color he shouldn't
be thought of as black. Well too bad for you. Even if
you have a drop of black blood in you you're black.
We don't want you as black but the white don't want
you either. If you were Somali you would've told that
lady madam wait for a canadian rep. and ignored her.
    Zulekha @ 2/11/2007 11:46 AM EST
 Dear Brother Kassim, Our Identity has become more contested in periods of uncertainty and rapid changes, all these changes, present questions about identity.Migrations, has thrown  a greater challenges in terms of our national identity. As in the past our national identity appeared to be  stable features of identity is no longer stable, there are question risen , what does being Somali mean in contemporary Somalia? Is one a somalilander, a Puntlander etc..
What happened to the barawa people was an act of barbarism thats not new, it happened to the arabs/ asians in Zanzibar during the revolution.Unfortunatetly, there had been a great crime to humanity during those period of chaos..anyway brother, you and only you know who you are, identity is formed by society but only through the individual..Stay proud of whomever you are..dont let an ignorant woman make you fell worthless.
    zanzibarian @ 2/11/2007 9:54 AM EST
 President Cadullahi Yusuf told an arab news paper that he and his clan are arabs from yemen.
Can anyone say he is not a Somali?
    muhsin @ 2/11/2007 8:42 AM EST
 Dear Author I am deeply sorry for what happened to you.Unless you accept that somalis are the most united and anyone who claims to be among them will definately be among us.The war caused pain to all.We are the best community on this earth if you havent seen the chinese and their neighbours ,then you have to accept that even portugal/arabs will not be as good as we have been and will be.Welcome back man.Oh have you contacted ABDIK who claims to be a dividing somali yemeni whose hatred for somalis surpass all other enemies.
    juma @ 2/11/2007 6:55 AM EST
 sorry i forget to put ma signiture on ma above contribution. Lamagodles must compesate the beautiful people of barawe. Arrest thugs like indha cadde(indhatuug). AM JUMA THE NFD SOMALI PATRIOT, advocate of rule of law.
    @ 2/11/2007 6:49 AM EST
 These faragodles shame on you. Whats somali! is it a tribe, race, religion or a nation. Legally Kassim is a somali citizen. Historically he is more somalian than all you faradheer nomads, whose ancestors grazed their blackhead sheep in Chad, when kassims ancestors established civilisation in the east coast of africa. I particularly have an issue with these dark skinny tiny heads hordes of guriceel of the mudug deserts who committed the latest crimes in the azzure palm shaded beaches of the southern coast line. The government must compensate Kassims people and punish the rapists and looters.
    xawo-taako @ 2/11/2007 6:09 AM EST
 man , i can smell the muufo..... and no shukumaan its not my way of saying i see my atheer yusuf bringing peace n prosperity to somalia with his amxaar. i can really smell it , its odd.
and to the author , im glad you realised that sooner than later.you should of told the lady" sorry the only native working is sick, so there is me, put up or shut up!!!"
    tarona @ 2/11/2007 2:00 AM EST
 Hi dear friend, I can fill your agony but can never share you cause I don't believe that you have to consider too much about identity and issues similar to this.After all what is an identity, which is due attention is given to, by you and people similar to you.Can you or anyone else first say something essential that we can't live without it, and then have a conversation ?
    sool state @ 2/10/2007 10:42 PM EST
 My opinion regard to Kasim's article.

First and foremost i am sorry for what happenened
to brother Kasim and to the rest of Somalis.

Second, Kasim doubts being Canadian while almost
surely stating he isn't Somali instead he
claims to be Arab or
Persian. It's ok to say i can't be Somali knowing
all somalis as one discriminate you or treat you
as foreign. But it's never ok to doubt your
Somalism just becuase few unSomalic, Un-Islamic,
and unhuman treated you badly. what happened in
Somalia in the last 16 years has nothing to due
with Somalism, and Islamism. It's more like
devil took over that society and driving it around
up  to today. Also just because those living in
the south treated you as not Somali it doesn't mean
your not somali and that makes them Somali. Because
to be Somali all you need is first be Muslim,
second speak either Somali or Arabic, third love
your nation and your people equally, Fourth
follow the diin and stay away from evil doing
as it forbids. With that said, whoever treat you
un-somalic change those things and whenever you
feel you being discriminated check those criteria
as well. Civil wars happen, disrimination happens, and
immigration happens, but they all have an end and
at some point consider as paste era. But to do this
it requires patience, and effort from every single
Somalis. Don't be suprize when i say
every single Somali because you can contribute
this effort and i can do the same. Positively
engaging by writing something lovely and teaching
your people how to get out of this mess, and havoc
instead of writing and taking
your evenge hatrism towars foreigners.

Because the end of the day, who prays with me at
the mosque, share the same goal of living good
while obey allah is rules, and cares about our
society, country and people is my brother. Not
thugs who know how to kill and destroy their
own people for the sake of tribe powerism.
    somaalidoon @ 2/10/2007 9:23 PM EST
 What is the fuss Maryooley?
Everything he said is true, what part of
his arguments are you guys complaining about?
Warring Waryaa killed and maimed the Barawe residents
amd every other mintority in Somalia with no regard
of humanity and Islam, so why are you ganging against
this guy if he stated the obvious?
Go back and re-visit the history in your past and stop
ignoring the massacres you have done in the name of
Qabiil. It is documented and open to see anyone with
    sool state @ 2/10/2007 8:46 PM EST
 We as the exiled people can do a lot. things we
can do are as follows.

First and foremost, we most of us bill our people
back home. So we can take advantage of this by
teaching our immediate family and those we aid what's
right and wrong. Meaning we should encourage
those of us back home to laid down the shirt that
reads "tribalism", "warlordism" and "corruption"
and brotherly encourage them to put this one on
"Brotherhoodness", "Nationalism", "Islamism", and
lastly but not least "Somalism"

With that said, we also should encourage and within
ourselves aid our leaders particularly those
traditional leaders such as garaads, ugasis, and
suldans. Customarly, these traditional leaders
show their love, nationalism, and want to
teach others surroundings like other tribes near
by their good side and share brotherhoodnes with
others instead of war, inferiorism, and all those
acts of evil.

Finally, we should extremely encourage our people
back home anywhere in the country from Raskambooni,
sayla, all the way to sayn to integrate based on
wadanism, somalism, and muslism. Once this happens
i dare any enemy to try to contront us because i
sure we will fry them before they even cross the border
to our holly land. But until then, expect everyone
to suffer.

Islamism first, Somalism second, and everthing
else stays inside your house and never leaves
until you die.
    Terminator @ 2/10/2007 7:03 PM EST
 I concur with you, the dude is just having nightmares like everyone else lost in the globalization jungle not to mention dealing with so many ignorant people as a customer rep.
    Hussein Abdiruh @ 2/10/2007 6:00 PM EST
 Hey you gays the brother is just sharing with you  his past and present experience I do not think he is doubting  his
somalinimo, he just had bad times and know going  throu a difficult times and probable home sick and hurt by that
ignorant lady that’s all so lets be easy on him OK.
    hawood @ 2/10/2007 5:53 PM EST
 Brother Kasim, welcome to reality. You might hold
canadian passaport, but you'll never be one.
This fact should've occured to you long ago,
but your dumb a$$ didn't realize it.
This is a lesson to all you idiots out there
who think you're better than other somalis b?c
you got a passaport. I'll always be Somali
no matter what.
    kibogoyo @ 2/10/2007 4:08 PM EST
 Mr. Kassim:
You wonder why they ask you about your "originality"? Won't you ask a white mankind walking in the streets of Barawe where they are from? or to make it worse when you meet another Somali the first thing even before spreading salaam and asking their names "yaatahay"?. I think tit-for-tat is a fair game, and we should learn from it.
For sure identity is neither enclosed in the pages of the pocket book nor in the land of temporary shelter. Its where you realy belong and and who you think you are when you honestly think about it in your seclusion. Your identity is what your heart tells you rather than what your mouth says or your mind thinks. Remember your heart will never lie to you.

I think the rest you can read from the (nomadic1)and others above. I hope the the confusion is clear. You will remain Somali no matter what?
    fajo @ 2/10/2007 2:06 PM EST
  Dear, Rocketlaunch

this "dude" poses no threat to somalis but you on the other
hand are nothing but trouble. the dude(kasim) should
go to portugal and you should definitely go to Israel!
    Hassancosobleh @ 2/10/2007 1:58 PM EST
 Rocket my next article psoting will be Identity crisis.
    RocketLaunch @ 2/10/2007 1:52 PM EST
 If the dude does not want to be Somali then he can go to Israel and find an Israeli identity. We only love true Somali patriots who are proud of who they are.
    fajo @ 2/10/2007 1:35 PM EST

somali matahid mana noqonaysis waadna ogtahay meeshaad ka
timid hadaad shalay ka timid ama sedex boqol oo sano ka hor.
waxaan layaabey waxaadan usheegan portuqaal ood u sheeganayso
arab ama beershan. saaxiib waad taqaan meeshaad katmid
hadaad identity raadinayso go to portuqaal.  This forum is for
somali problems not for other issues.
    Hassancosobleh @ 2/10/2007 12:21 PM EST
 This Portuguese ass hole is contradicting himself. He is ass praising Canada for having provided him with everything including citizenship and a job; at the same time he is focusing on a single incident to attack Canada.  Being light skinned is because your ancestors came from Portugal. I have lived in qurbaha for more than 20 years, and I will always remain Somali, I don’t have any doubt in regards to my identity. The atrocities which he is referring to happened in most parts of Somalia and it was a work few freelance mooriyans, he has no right to generalize all maryooley.
    lula @ 2/10/2007 11:19 AM EST
 Stop crying wolf, about your identity your from Portogal
you lived in baraw 2000 years,that is okey, but to be
Somali you have to feeled or not. We  all from Mogadisho for 3 generation
and we all know were we came from.Putlanders,Matabaan,
Somaliqaldan.About the civil- war  your on people had to take care of you.
Your are Somali or not, there is no question about that.
    nomadic1 @ 2/10/2007 11:10 AM EST
 HAHA, Shukuman, at least we know where home is mate. It is where the heart is but there is some hurt there too. I dont consider will never consider myself British and would rather trade for the blue one. I wona apply for my first ever somali passport man. That will give me some goosebumbs!!!!!!! What a feeeeeeeeeeling!!!!!!!!1
    nomadic1 @ 2/10/2007 11:03 AM EST
 Thanks to globalisation, the world is shrinking due to the elimination of time and space as the result of advanced technolgy and mass migration. International boundries and identity has dimished significantly. It took our ancesters thousands of years to settle and stay in our homeland, it took just few years for many of us to be scattered all over the world. You in the cold wehther of Canada, me here and the Tigre in the Beaches of Merka and Barawa. The question of identy is tough one for others to define. It is not only limited to you mate, everyone is losing it. Only you can who you are. SO TELL US WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
    shukuman cade @ 2/10/2007 10:53 AM EST
 Nomadic Revolution is coming to an end, so pack your things cause we are on the verge of going back to reclaim our motherland.
    nomadic1 @ 2/10/2007 10:47 AM EST
 Oh dear, There is nothing you can do to be considered a Canadian because you are not and properly will never be. Once you naturalized and got the same right as everyone else at least on paper, i dont think there is any more to look for. Deep down, you are Somali because that is the identity you dont need to be naturilized or qualify. It is automatic. True identity is the one that does not prompt or raise awkword questions.

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