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    TOOS @ 7/25/2007 6:49 PM EST
 This vomit doesn’t worth of responding.
    muhsin @ 7/24/2007 9:55 AM EST
 If I am not wrong somalis have more to do with arabs than than Ethiopia.Secondly, I found the islamic ideology to be arab associated as some put it here.Is following the prophet saw both in habit and faith make one a foreigner and later being attacked for being evil minded islamist.Many here have forgotten that we are muslims 100% and its worth following what you claim than what you dont.
    samantarsoomaal @ 7/23/2007 10:24 PM EST
 CXasan,you have not gotten the crucial point.You need to pay attention.The Ethiopians are controling Somalia,precisely becouse Somalia has been transformed into an Arab thought cesspool.Islamic political thoughts are as backward and retarded as the Indians in the Amazon.That is why Somalia should stop Arab influence in all aspects of its life.Cxasan,Ethiopia would never have controled Somalia,had Somalia been Atheist state,instead of the Arab losers'world view.
    Gaadh-haye @ 7/23/2007 11:16 AM EST
 By responding to this garbage, we are giving it a value and recognition it doesnt have.

May be we should ignore it. It doestn't realy deserve a refuttal.
    shanta @ 7/23/2007 10:18 AM EST
 Let’s not praise TFG as a benevolent entity, but a rather as a medium of change; where the gangsters, assassins, traitors and warlords are reformed, and condemned to create an institution for themselves. Subsequently, the good people of Somalia will regain that institution back and hold them accountable in the future.
    laylasamatar @ 7/23/2007 6:44 AM EST
 What do you know?
    laylasamatar @ 7/23/2007 6:42 AM EST
 sorry love, I rather be under occupation than become an Arab and lose my identity, what a hideous question?! Don't you know that Somalia particularly Las Qoray is where the first 50 people to populate the rest of the world came from.  Stupid man I am the world, why should I become an Arab?!
    cxasan @ 7/23/2007 6:23 AM EST
 Mr. Jibrell,

please anwser this question.

which is better for Somalis to be transformed to become Arabs or to become second class citizens of Ethiopians and become a new born Christian Orthdox?
    Sayyid @ 7/23/2007 1:38 AM EST
 Ethiopia will, sooner rather than later, be routed.
And then the 'fifth colonists' or the Treachery Camp,
like the author of this article will face the consequence of their treason.

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