7 comment(s)
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    D.Africa @ 9/12/2007 4:47 AM EST
what kind of crap is this?
"That is why the Ethiopian army was hired
to get the job done since the other Somali clans have failed to get rid of H/Gidir"

look at the big picture my friend...
dont be like the rest and blaming everyone els...
u r none better then the TFG if u start bleming clans.

    qig504 @ 9/11/2007 6:50 PM EST
 Let us cut the crap out of it for a minute, shall we. The truth is this fight is between H/Gidir and the USA. The US doesn't want Somalia to have a leader that cannot be patronised. yet it doesn't want itself to be seen as a full participant of the Somali civil war. That is why the Ethiopian army was hired to get the job done since the other Somali clans have failed to get rid of H/Gidir
    D.Africa @ 9/11/2007 12:01 PM EST
  Well written article

You said it all Fiqicigaal

Somalia is for somalis
    Fiqicigaal @ 9/11/2007 11:02 AM EST
 When your house is on fire you make every effort to put out the fire not add fuel to it .The same people who took the glorry for bringing peace in their city have decided to kill and displace the same innocent civililians whom they claimed to save. We need political force that can challenge the TFG and that is capable of uniting our people through diplomacy and negotiation not through the parrel of the gun with no plan and no agenda    
    Legend1 @ 9/11/2007 8:38 AM EST
 Well written, this is what you call a balanced view of whats going on back home, however I only wish that this tfg spokesperson Abdirisak dude wakes up and smells the coffee because as far as everyone knows Mogadishu is 10 times worse than it ever been.  On a serious note most people who are thinking right know that the TFG and their murderous backers Tigrean regime soldiers are behind all the assasinations because they know that once all the intellectuals and media people leave or get killed there won't be anyone questioning their attrocities therefore they can run the country illegally without anyone doing check and balances.
    sayyid @ 9/11/2007 1:00 AM EST
 Dear Darrren Taylor
I celeberate your article. It is supremely crafted and
of high integrety.
I am sincerely thankful.
    boqolsoon @ 9/10/2007 3:45 PM EST
 well written article.

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