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    beendiid @ 3/7/2007 4:13 AM EST
 Exiting that Somalis never give-up.  listen and watch these good songs
    laylasamatar @ 2/28/2007 12:27 PM EST
 divide and rule again, wake up Somalis, not every michael is a friend!!!
    OTTAWAMAN @ 2/25/2007 2:22 PM EST
 do you know what somalia  needs?  dictator,  But the thing is we can,t  even get a  dictator  because the clan is much powerfull than dictetor. do you get the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hawood @ 2/24/2007 8:51 PM EST
 I can't refrain my self dfrom commenting the
idiosy of some in here who believe that
Abdullahi yeey is in control. Then why is he
not in Mogadishu anymore? or you don't get
the concept of control? Abdullahi yeey is
no more in control than Gedi is. Following
is the hierarchy of control in Somalia.
1-Meles  2- Geedi gorof 3- Abdullahi yeey.
As for the problems in Mogadishu, I promise
you the families of those puntland soldiers
shall tast the same faith in the not too far
future. An eye for an eye is all they understand.
    hagi.farah @ 2/24/2007 5:16 PM EST
 Mr Truthteller
I cee i got your attention
wat are u mr Aidiid little causin,
dont clame puntland, cause your not a puntlander,
it's okey to express your frustraition,
but at the end of the day no one cares on what you think,
and what do u want from my grate grandfathers,
there all in heaven,
you have two choices,
you either side with the president abdullahi usuf,
or suffer for the rest of your life,
if u wanna blame someone blame the mooryaan malitias in mogadishu,
there the once throwing rocket perpelas and hiding behind there little kids,
look around u man,
everywhere else is peacefull except Xamar,
Mogadishu has been a failure state for over a decade,
so it's time for some one like Abdullahi Usuf to stand up and bring justice to those viciouse un aducating mooryaan malitias,
Viva to the tfg and who viva to all somalies who want peace and happyness,
    TruthTeller @ 2/24/2007 4:34 PM EST
 Salaam to All,

To those who know nothing about Glory, Patriotism, and the fact that temporary good of ones tribe pales (is really nothing) in comparison to the General Good of our Somali nation, the likes of the commentator immediately below me Hagi.F, I say to you you are no less than the traitors and Caada-qaadiyaal some of your grandpas have been.

Needless to say that from the puntland people there have been people who were utmost patriotic individuals you can come across, which are the grandpas I choose to look up to, whilst you look up to shameful ones, and your uncle yey!

I'm a puntlander, a proud Somali nationalist, who knows what everyone in the world knows, that this country is the most wonderful country when it comes to coastal lines, importance, Its Natural Gas, its oil, its farmland (more than three times the Farming land of Egypt) and it's unparalleled other natural resources.

You don't speak for us when you attempt to sell country and your sisters for a few dollars to your uncle, from which you will only get few cents!
Shame on you, the SYL of today are not only more enlightened but much more. Somali youth everywhere will let the world know in the UN whilst UN meetings are beign conducted in a peaceful way, that it's illegal to Bless the violation of every known law of the UN by-laws.
    hagi.farah @ 2/24/2007 3:23 PM EST
 who cares what u people think
abdullhai usuf is the man in power,
enything else is uncivilised,
it's about time someone teaches you a lesson
    cxasan @ 2/24/2007 11:58 AM EST
 I think the world has forgotten what treason and traitor
means. a government that needs protection against its people
people by another government is not a government from
the people. Col. Yusuf and ghastly Ghedi are the reprensentatives
of the regime in Addis. all Somalis, including
people from Puntland should wake up liberate this county
from the age enemy.

    odogleh @ 2/24/2007 9:49 AM EST
 Our nation has never been accused of being a huddle fish for an enemy .
to redeem the nation, we need another conference to limit presidents authority
and give the  prime minister  slated guidelines to work on,
and reinvigorating the parliament by necessarily making some changes is imminent.
Because we can not start from scratch....
and Ethiopian green khakis must leave now............show us their backs less than a tweak.
    cadeeycadow @ 2/24/2007 9:33 AM EST
 Dr. Michael A. Weinstein Good job for your unbaised report on Somalia. I always look forward reading your articles.
    odogleh @ 2/24/2007 9:24 AM EST
 judging from the deteriorating instability in Somalia in general and in Moqdishu in particular another chance of peace- making , reconciliation and restoration of nation's integrity and pride consequentially has been lost.

and this time the culprit is the Transitional Federal Go
government for malicious reasons opting to befriend with the nations committed enemy to defeat the union of Islamic Courts and other opponents and derailing one of its incepting reasons' DIALOG FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION'.    
Taking this risky decisions to attain grassroots popular support is tantamount to political novice
and misjudgment.The TFg accuses the UIC of being militia of one single tribe while the armed forces and police are all the militia of a single clan.
in the beginning sight of a government,with out is better and restoration of the power of the union of Islamic courts is superior to that form of government.
    coldspring @ 2/23/2007 4:33 PM EST
 "Addis Ababa is satisfied with a fragmented Somalia, Western powers and international organizations have not made stabilizing the country a high priority,"

Day by day, the world especially the West is waking up to the ugly truth, that Zenawi himself a ruthless despot doesn't want to see the emergency of a peaceful Somalia.

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