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    Mr. Erigavo @ 1/2/2008 1:14 AM EST
 Dhul nacaybka soomaali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiiyeey
Dhaqan xuumada soomaali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Dhiig la”ida Somali toolo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Hub laa dhigin dharaar laa isla dhocoo dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Odayaal qabil dhagaar ku gala dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey
Dhalinyaro la dillo dumar la dhibo dhaxaal ayaay usiyeey
Dadka dhaac oo amxarada dhan orod dhaxaal ayaa usiyeey.

Somali people will not achieve peace and stability as long as they are fellowing trabalism politics and policies.
More somalis are unity on backlashing SOMALILAND than working on a plan to UNITe Somalis everyone, fighting for justice and helping the poor.
In the meantime, Somali citizens are severity inside the country and outside.

    Arraweelo10 @ 12/18/2007 2:32 PM EST
 Their real slogan is:

"Diidnayow ogow bililiqadeena ninkii doonahayayow
Inuu na duudsiye rabow
Anagu diidnayee ogow"

What else is new.
    abdiaziz2007 @ 12/17/2007 9:41 AM EST
 look at the faces of this people..brothers and sisters..they are sources of the problem in the country..dont listen to them

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