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Somalis Must Speak More Forcefully Against the Radicals within Their Ranks

by Abdiweli Ali
Monday, October 25, 2010


Sheikh Abdiqani

The assistant principal of a Minneapolis based Somali-populated charter school, Banadir Academy, recently condemned a group of Somali Imams who joined hands with leaders of other faiths in a multi-faith service prayer. The ceremony was a show of solidarity with Muslims following the recent anti-Islamic sentiments in New York and Florida. The assistant principle, Abdighani Ali, who is also an Imam at a local mosque in Minneapolis, labeled the Imams apostates simply because they joined in prayer for unity with “infidels” in a church. Both MPR and the StarTribune carried some versions of the story.

Abdighani’s religious bigotry manifested itself when, during a live call-in Somali show that airs on Minneapolis community channel, he was asked whether it is in accordance with Islamic principles for Somali refugees, as Muslims, to settle in the States through Christian church groups. (see the video below; go to minute 36:22). The mainstream media didn’t carry this part of the story. “It is a grave mistake and unislamic”, he said. He quoted a verse from the Holy Koran to explain the church groups’ motive:
[2.120]And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion.” “Therefore, their purpose is to convert Muslims into their religions”, he added. Abdighani didn’t stop there but continued his religious bigotry. He pronounced, “There can be no friendship between Muslims and the infidels” and cited a couple of other verses from the Holy Koran to substantiate his fatwa: [60.1]O you who believe! do not take My enemy and your enemy [Christians and Jews] for friends;” [5.51]O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends.” He makes no effort to interpret the Holy Scripture or to put it into perspective. He urges literal and raw enforcement of the verses. Can we afford to teach our children to see their neighbors’ children and their classmates as enemies? Such dogmatic and literalist Imams are a threat to our democracy and to peaceful coexistence.

The most frightening thing is that Abdighani has plenty of platforms to disseminate his radical views. In addition to leading a charter school and a mosque, he is a frequent guest on local Twin Cities Somali television shows, which are widely watched by Somali parents. Almost all of the callers during the live call-in shows where Abdighani chastised the multi-faith participants cried indignantly and applauded Abdighani for telling the truth to power. He said the purpose of the event was to amalgamate the different faiths into one. Not true. His was commanding and wielding influence. They were already falling for his rhetoric without any critical examination.

Minnesota Somalis have often protested against negative publicity. It is not enough and probably disingenuous to say “we are against extremism”, or issue halfhearted condemnations and stand at the sidelines. Somalis or Muslims, in general, have to learn how to come out at full throttle to denounce and disavow their fringe elements. The vast majority of Muslims are moderates and deserve a better representation. The likes of Abdighani must pay the price or else they’d continue to preach the crowds with impunity. Nor can we afford to allow a person who espouses such radical religious views to educate our children and therefore I call on Banadir Academy to cut ties with Abdighani.

Abdiweli Ali
[email protected]


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