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Somaliland rejects Somali president’s proposal to Ethiopia over port accessibility, says interior minister

Tuesday June 25, 2024

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland officials have dismissed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's proposal to Ethiopia, citing the plan's impracticality due to Somalia's lack of accessible ports.

Somaliland's Interior Minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed highlighted that the only port under Somalia's control, Mogadishu, is 1,600 kilometres from Ethiopia, making it unsuitable for a feasible agreement. He noted that the distance and the presence of Al Shabaab, which controls much of the land between Mogadishu and Ethiopia, along with inadequate trade routes, render President Mohamud's proposal unworkable.

On Monday, President Mohamud stated that while his government is not opposed to Ethiopia's access to Somali seas, it does object to the proposed route. Speaking at the East African Community (EAC) conference in Mogadishu, he emphasized Somalia's commitment to regional cooperation but condemned Ethiopia's ambitions regarding Somali waters. Mohamud highlighted that Ethiopia already has access to the Djibouti Sea and warned that Ethiopia's attempts to access Somali waters could undermine regional stability. He reaffirmed Somalia's dedication to fostering good neighbourly relations and fair opportunities among EAC member states.

Somaliland claims that its agreement with Ethiopia is nearing completion, with a British law firm tasked with finalizing the deal. Minister Kahin emphasized that the understanding between Ethiopia and Somaliland extends beyond port access, involving strategic location and reach.


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