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WATCH: FBI intensifies suburban home raids amid Feeding Our Future juror bribery probe

Thursday June 13, 2024

Minneapolis (HOL) — FBI agents raided several suburban homes again this week as part of an ongoing investigation into an alleged attempt to bribe a juror in the high-profile Feeding Our Future fraud case. The investigation has already ensnared numerous individuals and revealed extensive corruption allegations against the non-profit organization.

Agents conducted searches at multiple homes, including that of Mukhtar Shariff, a defendant in the case. The raids followed an anonymous tip about efforts to influence the trial's outcome. Agents removed boxes of evidence from Shariff's home in Savage, Minnesota, and searched vehicles parked outside. The raid marks the second time Shariff's house has been searched as part of this investigation.'

U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger emphasized the gravity of the bribery attempt, stating, "Any attempt to influence the outcome of a trial through bribery undermines the foundation of our judicial system."

Despite the courtroom drama, jurors convicted Abdiaziz Farah, Mohamed Jama Ismail, Abdimajid Nur, Hayat Nur, and Mukhtar Shariff. Sentencing will occur at a later date. Jurors acquitted Abdiwahab Aftin and Said Farah.

Speaking at a brief news conference, Assistant U.S. Attorney Joe Thompson expressed satisfaction with the verdict, saying the prosecution was "pleased with the verdict" and "proud of the trial." He added, "The verdict confirms what we've known all along, which is that defendants falsified documents. They lied. They fraudulently claimed to be feeding millions of meals to the children in Minnesota during COVID."

Legal experts suggest that the prosecution may handle this case similarly to organized crime cases, given the complex financial transactions and multiple defendants. Analysts believe the trial could set a precedent for prosecuting large-scale non-profit fraud cases in the future.

Feeding Our Future was designed to address food insecurity among children during the pandemic when school closures disrupted access to meals. Federal prosecutors accuse it of orchestrating a scheme to defraud the government by inflating meal counts and pocketing excess funds. The scheme allegedly involved creating fake meal sites and falsifying records to claim over $250 million in federal funds, making it one of Minnesota's largest fraud cases. The organization's founder, Aimee Bock, is accused of overseeing the theft.

The alleged fraud has had significant impacts on the community, with many questioning how such a scheme could go unnoticed for so long. Community leaders expressed outrage and disappointment, calling for stricter oversight of non-profit organizations and better safeguards to prevent future abuses.

In response to the scandal, lawmakers are debating new measures to ensure greater transparency and accountability in distributing federal funds.


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