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Young man gunned down amid rise in mobile phone robberies in Beledeweyne

Thursday March 30, 2023


Beledweyne (HOL) - A young man was fatally shot in front of his home in Beledweyne on Tuesday evening, sparking concerns about a recent uptick in crime in the Hiraan region's capital.

Two armed assailants approached the victim, identified only as Osama, as he watched a video on his mobile phone in the Kutiimbo neighbourhood of the Koshin district. Witnesses described the attackers as robbers and said that they watched the young man for a few minutes before approaching him.

Following the shooting, the perpetrators fled the scene, and no arrests have been made. Local security agencies have yet to comment on the incident or the surge in violent robberies, particularly those involving mobile phones, in neighbourhoods across Beledweyne.


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