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Former Hirshabelle President says al Shabab spending millions on replacing governor of Hiiraan region

Sunday April 23, 2023

Mogadishu (HOL) - Former President of Hirshabelle regional state and current Special Presidential Envoy for Civilian Protection and Stabilization, Mohamed Abdi Waare, has revealed a political plot by the al-Shabaab group against Ali Jeyte Osman, the governor of the Hiiraan region.

In a tweet on Sunday, Waare stated that they have reliable information that al Shabab is spending millions on replacing Governor Ali Jeyte. He also warned that replacing Governor Jeyte at this time would provide aid and comfort to Shabaab.

Waare added, "President Ali Guudlaaw, leave Governor Jeyte alone."
Waare's warning comes at a time of strong conflict between Governor Jeyte and the leaders of Hirshabeelle, related to the Hirshabelle centralized tax collection plan.

Governor Jeyte opposes the Hirshabelle administration's proposal to centralize tax collection from the Hiiraan region to the Hirshabelle Ministry of Finance's treasury in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle.

Last week, the deputy governor of the Hiiraan region and members of the regional administration held a press conference in Beledweyne to unveil plans to consolidate the state's tax administration and transfer taxes from Hiiraan to the Hirshabelle Ministry of Finance's treasury.

Governor Ali Jeyte has been leading the anti-al Shabab offensive carried out by local clan militia forces in the Hiiraan region. The local forces liberated several major towns and villages from al Shabab during the operation.


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