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Absent MPs force Speaker of Parliament of postpone session

Thursday June 2, 2022


Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia's Lower House parliamentary session on Wednesday was cancelled by the Lower House Speaker, Sheikh Adan Madobe, due to a lack of quorum.

Despite receiving a reminder the night before, the Speaker said that 70 MPs were present in Villa Hargeisa. Before Somalia's parliament can take any legislative action,  it requires at least two-thirds of its members - or 184 MPS - to be present.

Madobe added that he had postponed the session to June 12.

Somalia's Lower House of Parliament last convened on May 15 to elect the nation's president after a protracted electoral process.

High MP absenteeism has been a problem for Somalia's federal parliament in the past. Between 2012 and 2016, the worst offenders attended only 20% of parliamentary sessions on average. HOL has not yet obtained data to analyze Somalia's 10th Parliament's attendance record.


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