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Abu Mansoor says many people opposed his appointment as a minister

Saturday August 13, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia's newly appointed Minister of Religious Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansoor acknowledged that many opposed his appointment as a Cabinet minister.

During his speech in Mogadishu on Thursday, he expressed his gratitude to the country's leaders for including him in the Cabinet and made a plea for forgiveness for what occurred in Baidoa in 2018 after his arrest.

"What had transpired in Baidoa should be forgiven so we can return to peace," and he called the government to care for the inmates.

Minister Robow added that while in prison, he was oppressed.

The Somali government arrested Abu Mansoor in 2018 after he announced his candidacy for Southwest State President. He believes that his detention was politically motivated.

Last week Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre appointed the former al-Shabab spokesperson Mukhtar Robow as Minister of Religious Affairs.


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