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Ethiopia releases names of two dozen senior Al Shabaab fighters killed during cross-border fighting

Saturday August 6, 2022



Mogadishu (HOL) - The Ethiopian military has officially released the names of 24 Al Shabaab fighters it says they killed during border clashes in recent weeks.

The ENDF claims that 813 Al Shabaab fighters were killed, including 24 members of its top brass. It added the highest casualties experienced by the Al Qaeda-linked militant insurgent group since its formation in 2006.

Among the two dozen men reportedly killed by Ethiopian forces were Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, aka Shongole, a key financier and high-ranking leader and Al-Shabab spokesman Abdulaziz Abu Musab. Both men spoke to the militant insurgency media arm to publicly refute their death claims

The Ethiopian military claims the fighters were killed during a battle on July 29.

General Tesfaye Ayalew,  the Ethiopian National Defense Force's (ENDF) Head of Deployment, said following his trip to Beledweyne that Al Shabaab failed to establish a foothold in Ethiopia's eastern border.

The death toll has not been independently verified.

Al-Shabaab has taken advantage of internal strife within Ethiopia to launch a series of cross-border attacks in recent weeks. Ethiopia, which has a large military footprint in Somalia, has long resisted attacks by Al-Shabaab militants within its borders. 

Here are the names of Al-Shabab officials that ‎‎Ethiopia said it killed. ‎‎ ‎

Fuad Mohamed Khalifa – Head of Al-Shabaab's‎ Campaign and Propaganda  

Abdulaziz Abu Musa – Al-Shabaab‎ Spokesman 

Abdinur Isa - Head of Bokol Area and Ethiopia‎ Border 

Abu Musa -  Deputy‎ Chairman

Ali Muhammad Hassan – Second Leader of Al-Shabaab‎

Adam – Deputy Governor of Al Shabab. ‎

Mukhtar Gab – Central‎ Council Member 

Amir Abdullahi (Mohamed Abdullahi) – Head of Al-Shabaab Training in Morgabe‎ Camp

Engineer Jehad Srewan (Mujahid Faysal) – Head of Training and Explosives at Bluefly Camp. ‎

Sheikh Hussain Berdele – Bakool‎ Area Tax Collector 12) 

Sheikh Hasan Nuuno – Head of the Sh/hoose‎ Jebalada Campaign 

Yasin Dheere 

Saleh Dhere – Head of Al-Shabaab Education in Bay‎

Abu Salaam – Bokol Area Of Al-Shabaab‎ Collection 

Hamza Abdullahi - Head of Information bay Area 

Abdullahi Haji- Commander of the Military Force in Bokol Area. ‎

‎Mukhtar Boro‎ 

‎Abdirashd Gabo

‎Abdu'edkim Gedude

‎Mukhtar Gab – Head of Regional‎ Campaign 

Ayub Daud 

‎Ali Adan

Hasan Mohamed



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