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Somalia Education Cluster Operational Framework 2018-2020

Monday August 12, 2019

The Somalia Education Cluster Operational Framework 2018-2020 is the key guiding document for the Education Cluster work in the upcoming years.

It outlines the strategic directions, key approaches and activities and operational modalities in order to achieve the objectives. Through this, the Education Cluster Secretariat and Partners aim at an Education in Emergency (EiE) response that is effective, efficient, timely and support quality programmes and implementation, as well as a mechanism for advocacy, high level decision making, funding for EiE and support the gradual transition of coordination leadership to the Ministry of Education (MoE). The operational context is expected to be responding to the ongoing drought, as well as the ongoing conflict in country. However, the situation and context may change rapidly, and the operational framework is set out to strengthen the national and regional cluster, MoE staff and Education Cluster partners to respond with EiE activities based on needs.


The Operational Framework outlines the Education Cluster mandate and the governance structures in Somalia Education Cluster, with the aim to provide an overview of the existing workflows and decision-making bodies in the Cluster. Further, the Strategic objectives and key activities for the following three years are detailed under each core function for the education cluster, also including Accountability to Affected People as a seventh function.

The Operational Framework will support and guide the development of HRPs and Education Cluster Annual Work Plans for 2018-2020, and will be flexible for necessary revisions and adjustments according to the context and situation in Somalia.

To ensure the operational framework is implemented and progressing, it is accompanied by an Action and Monitoring Plan. Included in the plan is quarterly review of the framework, which also gives the opportunity for any corrective measures for the EiE response.


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