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The UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Welcomes The Somali Stock Exchange

Somali Stock Exchange
Monday August 5, 2019

The Somali Stock Exchange (SSE) has solidified it’s commitment to Somalia’s growing
economy with a place on the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange.

Financial growth in the Horn of Africa

For Somali business, the demand for capital is increasing by the day and, according to recent
figures, the country receives over three billion US dollars every year.  This kind of cashflow
requires a viable market which has been created in the form of The Somali Stock Exchange.
Launched in 2011,  and founded by the Somali Economic Forum’s (SEF) management The
Somali Stock Exchange is dedicated to encouraging foreign direct investment into the
region.  The first ever stock exchange to operate within Somalia, SSE serves both Somali and
global investors and provides world class market technology, innovative products and
business solutions. 

Over 90 nations

The Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative is led by the United Nations Conference on Trade
& Development (UNCTAD) and promotes corporate investment in sustainable development -
the process of meeting human development goals whilst preserving and protecting the
sustainability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services

needed for a society and economy to grow and expand. The Somali Stock Exchange’s
membership of the SSE signals its continuing commitment to sustainable development within
Somalia.  CEO of SSE, Mr. Hassan Dudde, says, “The UN Sustainable Stock Exchange now
has over 90 members worldwide and, we are absolutely delighted to become the latest
member - as Somalia’s economy grows, we believe that it is vital for a country such as ours
to create a sustainable market and, we look forward to working closely with the organization
in order to achieve our mutual goals.”

About The Somali Stock Exchange

The Somali Stock Exchange sold its first shares on the 1st of September 2015 and, since that
date, has gone from strength to strength.  Serving both Somali and global investors, the SSE
offers financial solutions including corporate and government bonds.
For more information about The Somali Stock Exchange visit:www.somalistockexchange.so
For more information on the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange, visit:www.sseinitiative.org
For press enquiries, contact: info@somalistockexchange.so


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