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Despite EU’s pay cut, Somali president defends AU forces

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

MOGADISHU (HOL) – In the wake of the European Union’s recent 20 per cent cut in payments for the African Union forces in Somalia, Somali president has defended the 22000-strong forces’ work as ‘crucial’ that served as a turning point for the country’s recovery after decades of conflict.

The force has been criticized for failing to oust militants from areas still under Al Shabab’s control since it was deployed in 2007, something critics said allowed once ‘dying’ Al Shabab to regroup and launch major attacks including three complex attacks that saw militants overrun AU military bases since last year.

“They have done a good job - we are dependent on their services starting from the day they were deployed in Somalia until now.” Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said in an interview with the BBC Somali Service Monday.

Mr. Mohamud said that AMISOM helped the country to make a considerable progress in rebuilding Somali army to maintain the country’s security without foreign assistance in an effort to achieve a self-reliance goal.

Commenting on the AU force’s recent setback from militants attacks, he said “defeat is inevitable’ for any of the warning sides.

In addition, Mr. Mohamud has also responded to criticism that despite the ‘massive’ $1 billion annual budget, AMISOM’s operation fell short of donors’ and Somalia’s expectation of liberating the country of Al-Shabab.

“AMISOM is in Somalia for just nine years, look at the years the UN forces are staying in DR Congo, Darfur, and Golan Heights – thus match up what they have done in 30 years to what AMISOM has done during the nine years.” Mr. Mohamud said.

It’s unclear the reason behind the European Union’s decision to cut 20 percent in payments for the African Union forces in Somalia. EU covers the full cost of AU soldiers in Somalia.

Last week, the head of the African Union Mission in Somalia warned that the 20 per cent cut in pay to the force would have a “serious adverse effect on their morale.”


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