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KDF recruits deny illegal stay charges

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT? Ibrahim Farah at the Milimani law courts in Nairobi yesterday. He was charged with being in Kenya illegally.Photo/Philip Kamakya

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

TWO 'Somali' KDF recruits were yesterday charged in a Nairobi court with being in Kenya illegally.

Ibrahim Farah, a relative of former Deputy Speaker of National Assembly Farah Maalim, and Said Sheikh are accused of obtaining registration documents by false pretences.

The court heard that they were recruited as KDF personels and stayed at the KDF training school in Eldoret for five months.

They were on March 15 found to be illegally in Kenya in that they did not have a Visa, pass or permit to allow them to reside or remain in the country.

This is contrary to the Kenya citizenship and immigration Act.

The prosecution also alleges that between December 5 and 20, 2013 at Dadaab Registrar of person's office within Garissa county.

 The two accused persons being Somali were issued with Kenyan identity card number 32355215 in the names of Ibrahim Abdi Farah and 32331886 in the names of Said Dayib Sheikh.

It is alleged that the KDF and CID officers had at first linked the two to terrorism.

However, after investigations they were found not to be terrorists.

Maalim who attended yesterday's court proceedings while addressing press outside the court said the two were recruited by the KDF and they have genuine documents.

He said the accused persons are Kenyans and their parents in the country.

They denied the charges before chief magistrate Daniel Ogembo.

They were released on Sh500,000 bond or Sh100,00 cash each.

This was after an application for bail by their lawyer Cliff Ombeta.

The case will be heard on June 22.


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