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Somali govt troops battle Sufi militia for town's control

Hiiraan Online
Thursday, February 12, 2015

MOGADISHU (HOL) --- One day after militias loyal to a moderate Islamist group pushed Somalia's government troops out of the central town, troops launched a counter-attack Thursday in a campaign to recapture the embattled town.

Residents in the town of Guri-el town reported heavy artillery shelling and street battles as government troops battled Sufi fighters for the control of the town which has seen deadly battles for the past
two days in which more than 15 people were killed.

Sources in the Ahlusunna Waljamaca militia claimed they repelled the attack, saying they are fighting 'pirates', however, independent sources confirmed the government troops were fighting the militia.

The fighting which started after political dispute between the government and the militia appeared to be spiraling into a larger war that may open a second war front against the government which is
struggling to contain a deadly insurgency by the Al-Qaeda-linked group, Al-Shabab.

Ahlu-Sunna militia have seized both Guri-el and Dhusomareb from Al-Shabab four years ago after deadly battles with the feared militant group which is fighting the Somali government and the African Union forces protecting the weak government.

The group has since defended both towns against repeated counter attack by Al-Shabab to recapture the town.


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