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China wants full implementation of new UN resolution on Somalia

Saturday, October 25, 2014

United Nations, (IANS) A Chinese envoy to the UN Friday urged a new Security Council resolution on Somalia be implemented fully and "to the letter".

The UN Security Council Friday adopted a resolution authorising member states to inspect vessels suspected of carrying charcoal from Somalia, a measure aimed at tightening a charcoal export ban and cutting off a significant revenue source for Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 13-0, with Russia and Jordan abstaining, Xinhua reported.

Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, voted in favour of the resolution on behalf of the Chinese delegation.

"Measures taken by states under this resolution should not affect flag states' exclusive jurisdiction over their vessels on high seas. Any inspection of such vessels needs the prior consent of the flag state concerned," said Wang after the voting.

"China maintains that Resolution 2182 should be implemented fully and to the letter," said Wang, who also stressed that member states should adhere to the principles of international law and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of flag- state and countries concerned.

Wang also reiterated it was important for the UN Security Council to extensively listen to the views of all sides in its consultations on the resolution, and to effectively respect the legitimate demands of states and regional organisations concerned.


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