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Ugandan-Somalis win case against Somali Ambassador

Somali Ambassador to Uganda, Sayid Ahmed Sheikh Dahir

By Hillary Nsambu
Thursday, November 20, 2014

In consent judgment signed with the Ugandan-Somali nationals living in Uganda before Mengo Chief Magistrate Boniface Wamala, it was agreed that the ambassador may deal with Somali citizens in Uganda, who are non-Ugandans and non-refugees as they are his responsibility.

“A consent order is hereby made by consent of the parties that the respondent, Ambassador Dahir, has agreed not to deal and interfere with matters of Ugandan-Somalis and Somali refugees in Uganda, but may  deal with Somali citizens in Uganda, who are non-Ugandans and  non-refugees,” the consent order that Chief Magistrate Wamala endorsed.

The consent order was witnessed by lawyers Hassan Kamba, who represented the Ugandan-Somalis and Somali refugees in Uganda and Richard Kiboneka, who represented the Ambassador.

This followed an application in which the Ugandan-Somalis had applied to the court to commit Ambassador Dahir to the civil prison as a contemnor for allegedly refusing to come to court as he had earlier been summoned.

The Ugandan-Somalis had earlier sued the ambassador on allegations that he had interfered into the affairs of their association by  allegedly creating another association that divided them on tribal basis at home.

He was branded a contemnor when he allegedly refused to attend court  as he been summoned to come and give a reason why he should not be imprison for contempt of court.The court further decreed that Ambassador Dahir is barred from handing  over power of Ugandan- Somalis community to any persons the act was contrary to the articles of association and such power was a preserve of the Ugandan-Somalis association.

Hussein Abukar Hassan was declared the validly elected chairman of the  Ugandan-Somalis Community in Uganda and anyone acting parallel was illegal and any assembly parallel to his was illegal and unlawful.

The court also issued a permanent injunction restraining Ambassador Dahir from naming any association parallel to the Ugandan-Somalis association.

The court also awarded as general damages to the Ugandan-Somalis for the inconveniences suffered.


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