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Global Somali Diaspora Conference Opens in Istanbul

Hiiraan Online
Friday, June 20, 2014

Istanbul, Turkey (HOL) -- More than 100 Somalis from around the world have gathered here for the first global Somali diaspora conference opening here on Saturday. Organizers say the objective of the conference is to empower the vast Somali diaspora by connecting them through a single entity.

 “The primary aim is to harness the collective energy and influence of the Somali Diaspora for a positive action,” says Mohamed Sheikh-Ali (Diini), director of New Horizon and head of the organizing committee.  He added that the conference and the expected outcome are devoid of politics.

An estimated two million Somalis are scattered around the world. A significant potion lives in Western Europe, United States, Australia, Middle East and Africa.

With the theme “Towards a Unified Global Somali Diaspora”, organizers of the conference say participants have come from 25 locations around the world, with the largest groups coming from the western Europe and North America.

Participants are drawn from most prominent activists and community mobilizers. Many are leaders of existing organizations in their community.

“The potential of a unified and strong Somali Diaspora is unlimited,” says Mohamed Diini. “The expected outcome of this conference is the first global Somali Diaspora organization that mobilizes communities for a positive action.”

Organizers say the idea of the conference came from few Somali activists, and it was further developed at an initial meeting in Stockholm in May. They add that the Turkish Government has agreed to sponsor the conference as parts of its broader engagement in Somalia.

Senior Somali Government officials, led by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdullahi Dool Mohamed, are attending the conference. The Somali ambassador to Turkey, Mohamed Mursal, is expected to open the conference on Saturday.


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