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Job Posting/Shaqo Bannaan

Radio Bar-Kulan: Professional, Editorial Independence, Objective, Balanced
Reporting and Respect for Diversity
DATE OF ISSUANCE:      14 May 2013
POSITION:   Director of Radio Bar-Kulan (RBK)
LOCATION:    Mogadishu / Nairobi

Radio Bar-Kulan (RBK) is looking for a new Director that is committed professional, and have the capacity to work effectively under pressure, react quicky, and meet tight deadlines. The incumbent’s work of RBK will be overall responsibility for the daily management and operation of Radio Bar Kulan as well as oversee its expansion into new territories in Somalia. The Director of Radio Bar Kulan will report to the Board of Bar-Kulan Trustees. 
The Director of RBK will take on the overall responsibilities of RBK as detailed here, and also assist in the development of - Somali Public Service Broadcaster (PSB).
The Director is editorially accountable for all news and programmes and must assure that programs are effectively managed, coordinated, and implemented. Additionally, the Director must effectively report in a timely fashion to the Bar Kulan Trust and donors to ensure optimum utilization of limited resources and time.
Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Board of Trustees, the incumbent will be responsible for but not limited to the following:
• Editorial, technical and operational management of staff and resources, monitoring and mentoring in order to ensure internationally acceptable public broadcast standards in all RBK output (broadcast and website). 
• Management of the planned expansion to all regions of Somalia.
• Budgeting and management of the station’s finances with the appointed fiduciary agent; reporting at every month to the Board of Trustees on the status of the budget, expenditure and future spending in order to provide sound financial management, reporting and planning.
• Human resources management of the current Nairobi and Somali based staff, correspondents and stringers.
• Identification and securing of additional funds, where additional support is required;
• Management and leadership to the move to Mogadishu and to devise a proposed phase plan and the increase of radio broadcast output from Mogadishu.
Management of staff to include direct or delegated responsibility for:
• Assigning staff to appropriate jobs to ensure effective technical and editorial operations of the station and ensuring equal employment opportunity in hiring and promotion;
• Coordinating activities by scheduling work assignments, setting priorities, and directing the work of RBK employees;
• Evaluating RBK employee performance through the review of completed work assignments and work techniques;
• Identifying staff development and training needs; and
• Ensuring proper staff relations and conditions of employment are maintained through legally binding contracts and working practices in line with national laws.
Additionally the Director’s duties will include:
• Liaising and working with UNSOA and other UN agencies as required;
• Liaising with other external organizations, keeping the Board of Trustees apprised of all relevant developments;
• Financial and Administrative management of the Bar Kulan Trust, with responsibility for the reporting of its operations;
• Use skills, experience and contacts to advise management of the Radio and the Board of Trustees as appropriate on all issues pertaining to its mission;
• Carry out other appropriate tasks as required by the Board of Trustees.
• To fund-raise for the radio and liaise with donors and other organizations that can bring benefit to the station.
• Prepare, maintain and update necessary monthly, quarterly and annual financial status reports in relation to the progress of the work of the station to the Board of Trustees;
• In cooperation with the Board of Directors, plan and forecast requirements;
• Report and monitor overall plans including forecasting and planning priorities or requirements, administrative, financial and budgetary issues, and resolution of urgent operational needs;
• Provide effective support to and follow up procurement related matters, including drafting statement of works, budget break down, etc.
Requisite skill set:
• Knowledge of managing radio station. Ability to produce reports and papers on substantive issues and to review and edit the work of others. Ability to apply Bar-Kulan Trust rules, regulations, policies and guidelines in work situations. Excellent negotiating skills. Sound judgment in resolving complex and sensitive issues. Commitment to gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of the work. 
• Develops clear goals, ability to prioritize, plan, coordinate and monitor work and progress of staff.
• Proven ability to write in clear and concise manner and to orally communicate effectively.
• Works collaboratively with Board of Trustees and other organizations in order to achieve organizational goals. Good interpersonal skills
• Takes ownership of responsibilities. Delivers outputs within prescribed time frame. Operates in compliance with Bar-Kulan Trust regulations and rules.
• Takes personal responsibility for his/her own shortcomings and those of the work where applicable.
Fluency in oral and written of Somali and English is required.

Qualified candidates may submit their applications including their curriculum vitae and a covering letter to Email: [email protected]

Bar Kulan Trust is a non-profit organisation registered in Somalia and Kenya.

Raadiyaha Bar-Kulan: Warbaahin Madax-bannaan oo u adeega Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, leh Bar-tilmaameed, xushmadna u haya kala duwanaanshaha
TAARIIKHDA LA DAABACAY:                                               14 May 2013
JAGADA:                            Agaasimaha Raadiyo Bar-Kulan (RBK)
GOOBTA SHAQADA:       Mogadishu / Nairobi
Raadiyaha Bar-Kulan (RBK) wuxuu doonayaa Agaasime cusub oo ah xirfadle shaqada daacad u ah, awoodna u leh inuu si karti leh u gudan karo waajibaadka shaqo xilliga caddaadiska uu jiro, si deg-deg ahna jawaab celin u sameyn kara, lana kulmi kara ballamaha adag ee fulinta hawl-qabadyada. Shaqada Agaasimaha RBK waxay noqon doontaa mas’uul ka noqoshada guud ee  waajibaadka maaraynta maalinlaha ah iyo fulinta howsha Radio Bar Kulan iyo sidoo kale inuu kormeer joogto ah ka sameeyo ballaarinta idaacadda iyo geynteeda magaalooyin cusub oo ka mid ah Soomaaliya. Agaasimaha Radio Bar Kulan wuxuu hoos imaan doonaa Guddiga Ammaano-ilaaliyeyaasha ee Bar Kulan (Board of Bar-Kulan Trustees). 
Agaasimaha RBK wuxuu la wareegi doonaa waajibaadyada guud ee RBK sida ku faahfaahsan halkan, iyo sidoo kale gacan-ka-geysashada horumarinta – Warbaahinta Adeegga Dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed - Somali Public Service Broadcaster (PSB).
Agaasimaha waxaa xil uu ka saaran yahay hage u yeelidda dhammaan wararka iyo barnaamijyada waana inuu xaqiijiyaa in barnaamijyada loo maareeyo sida ugu fiican ee wax-tarka u leh dhageystayaasha, isku dubbarididda barnaamijyada iyo hirgelintooda. Waxaa intaas dheer, Agaasimaha waa inuu waqtiyada ugu habboon kulamo la qaataa Guddiga Ammaano-ilaaliyeyaasha ee Bar Kulan (Board of Bar-Kulan Trustees) iyo deeq-bixiyeyaasha si loo xaqiijiyo in sida ugu habboon loo adeegsado dhaqaalaha xaddidan iyo waqtiga intaba.
Isagoo ku shaqeynaya talada iyo kormeerka Guddiga Ammaano-ilaaliyeyaasha ee Bar Kulan (Board of Bar-Kulan Trustees), agaasimaha wuxuu masuul ka noqon doonaa, iyadoo aaney ku koobneyn, waajibaadyada soo socda:
• Maaraynta tifaftirka, farsamada iyo shaqo fulinta shaqaalaha iyo dhaqaalaha, dabagalka iyo la talinta shaqaalaha si loo xaqiijiyo in wax-soo-saarka RBK (warbaahinta iyo website-ka) uu u dhigmo heerarka caalamiga ah ee u degsan warbaahinta dadweynaha.
• Maaraynta ballaarinta qorsheysan ee idaacadda lagu geynayo dhammaan gobollada Soomaaliya.
• Miisaaniyad u sameynta iyo maaraynta maaliyadda raadiyaha adigoo la kaashanaya wakiilka u magacaaban masuuliyadda ammaanada; la kulmidda bil kasta Guddiga Ammaano-ilaaliyeyaasha ee Bar Kulan (Board of Bar-Kulan Trustees) si looga wada xaajoodo arrimaha miisaaniyadda, kharash garaynta iyo kharash bixinta mustaqbalka si loo diyaariyo maarayn maaliyadeed oo habboon, warbixin-tebineed iyo qorsheyn diiyaarsan.
• Maaraynta shaqaalaha raadiyaha ee haatan ku kala sugan Nairobi iyo Soomaaaliya, weriyeyaasha iyo weriyeyaasha madaxa-bannaan.
• Aqoonsiga iyo raadinta deeq lacageed oo dheeraad ah, si taageero loogu raadiyo waaxyaha horumarinta u baahan;
• Maaraynta iyo hoggaaminta howsha ballaaran ee idaacadda loogu rarayo Muqdisho iyo ka shaqeynta qorshaha iyo ballaarinta wax-soo-saarka barnaamijyada iyo wararka ee Muqdisho.
Maaraynta Shaqaalaha oo uu ku jiro waajibaad toos ah ama mid wakiilasho ah:
• Howl u diridda shaqaalaha si loo hubiyo howl-fulin farsamo iyo mid tifaftirnimo iyo xaqiijinta in si isku mid ah oo simman shaqaalaha loo qoro loona dallacsiiyo;
• Isku dubbarididda howl-qabayada sida jadwal u yeelidda shaqo qabashada, mudnaan-siinta, iyo agaasimidda shaqada shaqaalaha RBK;
• Qiimeyn ku sameynta wax-qabadka shaqaalaha RBK adigoo u maraya dib u eegista howl-qabadyada uu shaqaalaha fuliyay iyo farsamooyinka shaqada;
• Aqoonsiga horumarka uu shaqaalaha u baahan yahay iyo tababarrada loo baahan yahay; iyo
• Xaqiijinta xiriir fiican la sameysashada shaqaalaha iyo ka warqabka xaaladdooda iyadoo loo marayo qandaraasyada iyo hab-dhaqannada shaqada iyo tixgelinta shuruucda shaqaale ee dalka uu degsan.
Waajibaadka Dheeriga ah ee Agaasimaha waxaa ku jiri doona:
·       Xiriirinta iyo la shaqeynt UNSOA iyo hay’adaha kale ee UN-ka sida loogu baahdo.
·       Xiriirinta ururrada kale ee bannaanka ah, la socodsiinta guddiga Ammaano ilaaliyeyaasha Bar-kulan dhammaan xogta la xariirta 
·       U maamulidda howlaha maaliyadda iyo maamulka si masuuliyad xambaarsan, lana gudbiyo howlaha la sameeyay.
·       In la isticmaalo xirfado, waayo-aragnimo iyo dhammaan xiriirrada si lagula taliyo maamulka Raadiyaha iyo guddiga ammaano ilaalinta Bar-kulan sida ugu habboon dhammaan arrimaha la xiriira howlaha shaqo.
·       In la fuliyo dhammaan howlaha kale ee muhiimka ah, sida ay ugu baahan yihiin guddiga ammano ilaalinta Bar-kulan.
·       In dhaqaale loo raadiyo Raadiyaha, lana xiriiriyo deeq-bixiyaasha iyo hay’adaha kale ee faa’idada u keeni kara Idaacadda.
·       La diyaariyo, la sii wado iyo in la joogteeyo xaaladaha warbixinnada maaliyadeeda ee bil-laha , rubaclaha iyo sanadlaha ah ee la xiriira horumarka howlaha Raadiyaha guddiga ammaano ilaalinta Bar-kulan;
·       Waa in iyadoo lala shaqeynayo guddiga agaasimayaasha la qorsheeyaa, lana saadaaliyaa baahiyaha;
·       La gudbiyo, lana kormeero dhammaan qoshayaasha oo ay ka mid yihiin odarasidda iyo qorsheynta baahiyaha, maamul, maaliyadeed iyo arrimaha la xiriira miisaaniyadda, iyo xal u helista howl-baahiyeedka degdeg;
·       In la bixiyo ama la muujiyo taageero wax tar leh, lana dabagalo arrimaha la xiriira adeegga,oo ay ka mid yihiin qaby-qoraalka warbixinada shaqada, kala go’ miisaaniyadda iyo wixii la mid ah.
Xirfadaha loo baahan yahay
·       Aqoonta maamulidda Raadiyo. Awoodda lagu soo gudbinaayo warbixinnada iyo warqadaha la xiriira arrimaha wax ku oolka ah, dib u eegista iyo tifaftiridda howlaha dadka kale.
·       Awoodda lagu hirgalinayo sharciyada, Qawaaniinta, siyaasadda iyo hogo-tusaaleynta shaqo ee guddiga ammaano ilaalinta Bar-kulan. Xirfado heer sare ah oo  la xiriira la xaajoodka, go’aan qaadashada xal u helista arrrimaha xasaasiga ah ee adag. 
·       Ka go’naanshaha Sinnaanta jinsiga, iyadoo la xaqiijinayo ka qaybgal simman iyo ku lug lahaanshaha buuxa ee dumarka iyo ragga dhammaan qaybaha shaqada.
·       Horumarinta hadafyada cad-cad iyo lahaanshaha awoodda mudnaanta lagu siinayo shaqada iyo horumarka shaqaalaha.
·       Awood muuqata oo si cad oo macno leh wax loogu qorayo iyo in si waxtar leh xiriir luuqadda ah la sameyn karo;
·       In si iskaashi leh loola shaqeeyo guddiga ammaano ilaalinta Bar-kulan iyo hay’adaha kale si looga lib keeno hadafyada hay’adeed. Xirfado qofnimo oo wanaagsan.
·       Qaadashada lahaanshaha masuuliyadeed. Lagu soo bandhigo wax soo saarka qaab wakhti oo qeexan. Loo hoggaansamo sharciyada iyo qawaaniinta guddiga ilaalinta ammaano ee Bar-kulan.
·       Qaadashada masuuliyadda shaqsiyadeed ee cilladahiisa/cilladaheeda iyo kuwa shaqada la xiriira
Aad ugu wanaagsan ku hadalka iyo qorista Soomaaliga iyo Ingiriiska sida loogu baahan yahay.
Musharrixiinta ka bixi kara gudashada xilkan waxa ay codsiyadooda, oo ay la socdaan taariikhdooda shaqo iyo waxbarasho (CV) iyo warqad ay ku sharraxayaan sida ay shaqada u qaban karaan ku soo gudbin karaan Emailka ah:
[email protected]
Guddiga ammaano ilaalinta Bar-kulan (Bar-kulan Ttrust) waa mid aan macaash raadis aheyn oo ka diiwaan gashan Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.


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