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UK Minister for Africa welcomes Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group report
Hiiraan Online
Press release
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Minister for Africa welcomes the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group report, and emphasises the need to make further progress in promoting transparency in Somalia and in ensuring the Transition is completed on time:

Speaking today, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister for Africa, Henry Bellingham said:

“I welcome the Somalia & Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) report.  The evidence compiled by the group is thorough and well researched.

I am very concerned at some of the findings in the report and will of course endeavour to investigate further.  In particular, the SEMG’s findings on the mismanagement of resources are deeply troubling – they are a sobering reminder of the problems that are caused by the lack of effective and transparent governance in Somalia.  As we look to the next phase in Somalia’s political process, the international community must increase its efforts to tackle corruption and ensure that resources meant for the Somali people are used for the Somali people.

The UK Government has been concerned about the transparency of finances in Somalia for some time. That is why we have been working with Somali and international partners on a proposal for a Joint Financial Management Board.  The Joint Financial Management Board would enable the Somali government and its partners to demonstrate that the money it is receiving from a variety of sources is being put to public use – transparently and accountably.  This will increase trust between the Somali government, ordinary Somalis and the international community by increasing financial transparency and reducing the opportunities for corruption.  The Monitoring Group report underlines the importance of implementing this Board as soon as possible - and I’m pleased to see the importance of this has been re-emphasised by the UN Security Council, which today unanimously adopted Resolution 2060 on Somalia and Eritrea.

I also want to take the opportunity to welcome the opening today of the National Constituent Assembly in Mogadishu.  This is a very important step in the process of ending the Transition and building a better government for all of the people of Somalia. I urge all those with responsibility for the political process in Somalia to continue their efforts to ensure the Transition is completed by 20 August.


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