Fromer Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi

By Lordrick Mayabi
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Retired president Daniel arap Moi has challenged Somalia leaders seeking for elective positions in the upcoming elections to exploit the chance and unite the country.
Moi challenged the people of Somalia to focus their strengths on re-building their nation rather than fighting one another.
Somalia heads to elections next Monday after the term of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) expires.
"We hope that this election will bring lasting peace and that Somalia will no longer be associated with war, violence, starvation and crime," he said.
He said that nations neighbouring Somalia which had been affected by its instability wished to see the horn of Africa country cherish peace and stability.
"Let your neighbours not have any fear that Somalia may threaten their unity and well being in any way. Give them all the assurance that a stable Somalia will be a good neighbour to live with," he said.
"The worst tragedies of Africa have always come from leaders who do not accept election results; even if you are beaten by a small margin that is not the end of the world," he insisted.
The former President also called on the international community to assist Somalia hold peaceful elections and support the new government to reconstruct and reconcile the nation bugged by lawlessness.
Moi who spoke at the launch of a campaign dubbed 'It's Time to save Somalia' organised by the former Somalia Prime Minister, Ali Mohamed Gedi commended the TFG for implementing the roadmap facilitating the elections.
Former Prime Minister Gedi who has declared his intention to contest for the presidency pledged to give priority to reconciliation, democracy and development of governance structures at all levels.
Gedi further committed to restoring the rule of law by establishing an independent judiciary and further by establishing Somali-run law enforcement institutions.
"The mention of Somalia conjures images of lawlessness, piracy, terrorism and starvation. Somalis have had to endure all manner of hardship and deprivation through political choices made by selfish leaders," he said further promising to empower Somali women and vulnerable groups and create an environment for the enjoyment of individual freedoms.
Gedi resigned in 2007 after a long political feud with President Abdullahi Yusuf who had accused him of failing to end an Islamist insurgency in the capital Mogadishu.
Source: Capital FM