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Governor of Hiiraan Region Formally Joins Hisbul Islam

The Governor of Hiiraan region Sheik Abdirahman Ma’ow, Beled Weyne, Somalia - Photo HOL

Hiiraan Online
Thursday, September 24, 2009

MOGADISHU, Somalia (HOL)-  The Governor of Hiiraan region Sheik Abdirahman Ma’ow who used to be an ally of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has formally announced that he has joined Hisbul Islam and said that there is no (legitimate) government in Somalia at the present.
 “I tell those who believe that there is a (legitimate) government in (Somalia) to keep their opinions with them at their home and do not bring them to places where people gather” said Sheik Abdirahman Ma’ow.
Before he announced he has joined Hisbul Islam, there have been strong speculations in the media and among analysts and the general public that Sheik Ma’ow would join al-Shabaab.
The Governor’s announcement of his decision to join Hisbul Islam and that the region in general and the city of Beledweyne in particular is under the administration of Hisbul Islam comes after talks he had had in the last few days with traditional elders of the region. It is also noteworthy that the Governor has just come out of a meeting with some of the region’s traditional elders before he made the announcement.
There is no news yet regarding the Governor’s announcement from MPs and senior officers from the TFG who have been in the city of Beledweyne for a while so that they could establish an administration that is allied to the TFG.


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