
Conference Announcement &
The 7th Annual International Horn of Africa Conference
On Faith, Citizenship, Democracy and Peace in the Horn of Africa
Place: City Hall, Lund, Sweden
Date: 17th-19th October 2008
In recent years, interest in the role of religion in politics has increased, particularly since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in 2001. An ideologically driven debate has ensued which has demonized Islam and its role in community affairs and politics. The Horn of Africa is not immune to this agenda and new conflicts with supposedly religious roots have arisen. These are generating new antagonisms which were unknown in the region for a very long time. By exploring the concepts of faith, citizenship, democracy and peace in the context of the Horn of Africa, the conference in 2008 will seek to bring clarity to the fundamental nature of socio-political issues in this region. There are linkages between these ideas, and the architecture of lived practices influences the ways in which sustainable peace can be restored to the region.
Keynote papers, panels and workshop papers submissions are invited from scholars, civics, practitioners, politicians and institutions addressing issues related to the identified theme of the conference written above. Specifically welcome would be papers from theologians, philosophers, social scientists focusing on these relationships broadly speaking or as they apply to the region. The topics include among others:
- Challenges to democracy in the Horn of Africa
- Citizenship and laws in the Horn of Africa
- Faith, law, and ethics in the Horn of Africa
- Democracy, law, and discrimination in the Horn of Africa
- Human rights and faith in the Horn of Africa
- Freedom of religion in the Horn of Africa
- Religious ethic and theology
- The role of religions (Islam and Christianity) and indigenous beliefs in the HoA
- The war on terrorism and its implication on religious harmony in HoA
- The role of shared values in building civil society and citizenship
- The necessity and importance of dialogue
- Faith and peaceful co-existence in a multi-faith region
The contribution of Faith to Peace-making and democratic governance in the Horn of Africa
Faith as an obstacle to common citizenship
Faith as a source of peace-making or war-making
Faith as a means to strengthen the rule of law and justice
Workshop 2
The relationship between ethnicity, faith and
citizenship in the Horn of Africa
What is the basis for citizenship in the Horn of Africa
Ethnicity as a fundamental basis of citizenship
Faith as the central basis of citizenship
The nature of citizenship in democratic and culturally grounded in the Horn of Africa
Workshop 3
Aid, development and Democracy in the Horn of Africa
Aid as a complement to local agenda
Aid as an instrument for domination and exploitation or as an instrument for sustainable development
You are invited to send a one page abstract which should include a working title, the author’s discipline and field, address, institutional affiliation and e-mail address to either of the conference coordinators written below before 30th March 2008. Deadline for the complete paper is 15th July 2008. Papers are expected to be of high quality and follow the time limitations. All guest speakers are requested to take an inter-sectional approach to their papers. We look forward to receiving your abstract.
For more information please contact:
Abdillahi Jama, Conference Coordinator
Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC), BOX 974, 220 09 Lund, Sweden, Tel/fax: +46 46-2114502, Mobil Tel. 46-(0)73-989 75 33,
[email protected],,
Former Ambassador to UN, Count Pietersen, Conference Co-Coordinator
Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC)
BOX 974
220 09 Lund, Sweden
Tel: +46 46-2115269
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]