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SIPJ: Strongly Opposese the deployment of Peacekeeping force in Somalia

Press Statement


Hassan Mohamud (Jaamici), J. D.


Minneapolis, MN

September 19, 2006


The Somali Institute for Peace and Justice (SIPJ) strongly and unequivocally opposes the haste and ill-advised African Union's decision to deploy regional peace-support mission in Somalia. SIPJ believes that there is no need for any peace keeping force in Somalia.


SIPJ considers that the ultimate goal of such peace keeping mission remains vague and until there is a clear sign of a comprehensive accord between opposing and concerned parties in the Somali conflict, going on with the deployment of AU/IGAD peace keeping mission in Somalia is reckless and risky.

There are issues that the International community should consider before they consent to deploying politically predisposed peacekeeping forces into Somalia. What are the costs and benefits of such forces to the Somali people? And what is the likelihood that such African peace support mission will succeed? Until these questions and possibly many other issues are resolved objectively, it would be irrational and perilous to go ahead with the deployment of any peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

It is poignant that no political decision or appointment of a high ranking official with Somalia's current TFG takes place without the say-so and directives of Addis Ababa. The SIPJ warns against the consistently ever-increasing Ethiopian manipulation and sway on both IGAD and the TFG. SIPJ regards the TFG subservient conformity with the disruptive Ethiopian dictates as sign of weakness which hurts TFG's legitimacy and support within the Somali society.


Considering the rivalry between IGAD member states and the fact that some member states as Djibouti, Eritrea and Sudan are strongly opposed to such mission is an indication that the haste AU decision was not unanimous. The SIPJ perceives the Ethiopia's active advocacy and lobbying for the deployment of peace keeping forces as an indication of the regime of Meles Zenawi's intention to further destabilize the country and to maintain the status-quo of anarchy and statelessness in Somalia.

The SIPJ views the planned peace-support mission is a counterproductive and may have hindered the momentum of the Khartoum talks between the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFI) and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC). The SIPJ strongly believes the deployment of 8,000 peace keeping mission troops from IGAD countries in Somalia could spark fresh civil strife and bloody regional war. The institute also deems that such
mission could lead Somalia to become a ground for regional proxy wars.

The Somali Institute for Peace and Justice urges the members of the Transitional Federal Institutions such as the parliament to heed to the public outcry and opposition of deployment of any foreign troops in Somalia and to seek legitimacy and support among the Somali people.


The Somali Institute for Peace and Justice acknowledges the Union of the Islamic Courts’ extraordinary achievement on bringing peace and stability to much of Somalia after sixteen years of anarchy. SIPJ highly recommends that the international community give credit to the Islamic Courts for achieving what no other group has been able to realize.

The SIPJ recommends that the arms embargo on Somalia should not be lifted and to continue. The SIPJ urges the international community, all regional governments and all involved actors in the Somali conflict to respect United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 733 of 1992 concerning the arms embargo on Somalia.

SIPJ categorically opposes any deployment of foreign peace-keeping mission in Somalia and once again reiterates that the adoption and implementation of AU and IGAD decision to deploy a regional peace support mission in Somalia is a dangerous false initiative that could lead to more conflict in Somalia.


The International Community must consider the overwhelming public protest and opposition to the deployment of any IGAD peacekeeping forces in Somalia. It is high time for international community to respect the wishes of the majority of the Somali people. Somali Institute for Peace and Justice believes that lasting peace will prevail in Somalia when UN, EU, AU and Arab League support the Islamic Court and the Transitional Federal Institutions on equal footing and stop the meddling of neighboring countries in Somali affairs. Somali people should be given the chance to sort out their differences through dialogue. The Solution to the Somali conflict can only be realized with the blessing and resolve of the Somali people.


The Somali Institute for Peace and Justice condemns in strong terms the assassination attempt on Transitional Federal government’s president, Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf. SIPJ grieves with the families and relatives of the victims who lost life or got injured in the bombing attacks on the president’s convoy. Killing and maiming innocent people will not resolve the Somali problem. SIPJ calls on all Somalis to refrain from further violence and resolve their difference peacefully.


SIPJ is saddened by the recent tragic and inhumane assassination of Sister Leonella Sgobarti in the Capital. SIPJ sends its condolences to the Consolata Missionaries and to the colleagues of the murdered nun. SIPJ petitions the Union of Islamic Courts to bring to justice and prosecute the perpetrators responsible for this heinous criminal act.


For Immediate Press Release
September 20, 2006

[email protected]



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