7/22/2024 today from hiiraan online :  _


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    raage66 @ 10/25/2010 9:35 AM EST
 Mr. Qabiilneceb,

Another falsehood Mr. Ingiriis has committed is the second picture that accompanies his useless article. He claims that it’s the photo of Dr. Mohamed Aden Sheikh. That’s not true. It’s in fact a recent photo of Ahmed Abdi Hashi “Hasharo” (a former civil servant in Siad Barre’s regime who later became a diplomat, after the collapse of that administration).

More importantly, even if Dr. Mohamed Aden was a communist as the highly biased Mr. Ingiriis implies, I don’t think that was a crime from the late physician’s side. Anyone of us can believe in any ideology he wants: religious, socialist or communist; and in the 1950-1960s, when Dr. Mohamed Aden went to Italy to study medicine, being a leftist or revolutionary was very fashionable. Finally, what counts is a Somali individual’s contribution to the progress of his nation; and there is no doubt that Dr. Mohamed Aden’s share in that regard was enormous. He was so honest that he openly told the dictator, Gen. Siad Barre (who was, it’s true, his kinsman), to his face that his regime had utterly failed and, as such, Barre should quit power. That’s is why the doctor was imprisoned in the very notorious dungeon, known as Labaan Jirow, for many years. May Dr. Mohamed’s soul rest in eternal peace, aamiin, aamiin, aamiin.  
    qabiilnece1960 @ 10/24/2010 4:10 PM EST
 Mr. Ingriis,
I am not sure your motive of writing this article, but
it would be wise to do little research before you hit
the keyboard of the computer. It is a big effort to
write on somebody’s account, because it must be followed
a basic rules of writing for the record of a public figure
or a known personality. It seems you overlooked regarding
“THE FACTS” rules. As a result it  makes your endeavor
unsubstantial one. In fact your mistakes on the account
of Dr. Mohamed started from the title
“A Cardiologist-turned-Communist” He was not a cardiologist.
He was a SURGEON who started his work at Martini hospital.
I am not sure if he was a communist or not, but
 I never found his writing (books or articles)
that he was a communist or claimed as communist!!
So do you have an evidence or you just assumed
as you assumed that he was a cardiologist? The
picture followed the title is an old military
picture and you called ‘WHO IS WHO IN SOMALI MILITARY”
 which I  don’t understand the relevance of this picture
on your article unless you want we believe that he
was a military officer, therefore by default we

associate him with the coup d’état of 1969. Nice
try to convince the readers that he was a military
officer and the brain behind the coup……. Isn’t it
what you are insinuating? Since the first two items are
wrong the rest I let the readers make their own judgment.
    nomadic1 @ 10/23/2010 7:52 AM EST

I left you a 'through' response on the below link.

    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 3:16 AM EST
It supossed to be one sided story.

Because it's euology!
    Soomaalidoonka @ 10/23/2010 1:03 AM EST
 Hard to follow ..and as often the case, one sided story telling. Just read you can see that
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